The Jedi elves who felt the slightest blemish took advantage of the precious opportunity of being shocked and flew after taking advantage of the momentum, leaving the attack range of the fierce tiger in an instant.

At the same time, the Jedi Elves seemed to be fighting for the chance to breathe.

Bounce between giant trees.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the fierce Jiaohu's vision.


Fierce Jiaohu has locked the Jedi Elf with his gas.

Not forgiving.

The fierce tiger's anger exploded.


The fierce Jiaohu actually managed to fly on the grass without making any sound.

The general flying by will bring out a little wind, or the sound of breaking through the sky.

But the fierce Jiaohu's Fei Chong actually reversed the physical principle, and there was no sound.

Even those war pets who are born with wings cannot do this.


The Jedi Elf who should have been in front suddenly came out of a giant tree behind the fierce tiger:

Jungle raid.

Forest camouflage magic.

This Jedi Elf was a swordsman before, but now he is a ninja.

Simply changeable.

Although the attack was sudden, it was hard to beat a fierce tiger with rich combat experience.

When the magic wave appeared behind him, the fierce Jiaohu did not stand stupidly, but accelerated forward, and in a flash opened a space enough for him to move forward and retreat freely.

In the next moment, Fierce Jiaohu did not hesitate to come up with a standard killer move:

Tiger tail whip!

This is a veritable tiger's tail whip.

But at this moment, the fierce Jiaohu lost his mind.

Because the Jedi elves had long calculated that the fierce tiger had such a trick, with a weird smile, some kind of annoying, vast and eerie energy instantly enveloped the fierce tiger.

Mind magic.

A strange magic that directly attacks the mind.

A moment's error has long been an indescribable reversal.


The fierce Jiaohu only came to stop with his gas.

But its qi was still pierced by the Jedi wizard's sword.

The powerful impact blasted the fierce Jiaohu to fly, and directly broke a big tree before stopping.

The Jedi Wizard's gusty swordsmanship is here again.

If there is no retreat, then you have to fight with your life.

Tiger King Cannon!

Domineering like the fist of the emperor.

At this moment, it perfectly blended with the fierce and rebellious tiger, forming an unimaginable trend for ordinary people.


Tiger Emperor Paozhen epee body.

The wizard sword made of many rare metals was bent and almost pierced the Jedi wizard.

If it weren't for the Jedi Elf, let go in time.

Otherwise, he has now been stabbed by his own sword.

But is it so simple?

Tiger King Hammer!

The fierce Jiaohu's fist was like a meteor hammer, whizzing and smashing it.

This is improved from other boxing methods, integrated into the thunder boxing mystery, and finally became the latest lore of the third kill.

One shot is the most overbearing and strongest hammer technique, driven by pure killing intent, directly hitting the Jedi Elf's head.

It looks rude.

But it gives people a suffocating hideousness.

Mind shake

The eyes of the Jedi elf burst out with a weird silver cold light, and the soul shock suddenly appeared in the head of the fierce Jiaohu.

This is like a sonic cannon directly attacking the heart of the fierce tiger.

Under the shocking terrorist attack, the fierce Jiaohu felt a trance.

The Jedi Elf used a hand instead of a sword to assassinate the fierce tiger's heart.

The Jedi elves have no swords in their hands, but they are full of lethality.



The one who flew upside down was not a fierce tiger, but a Jedi spirit.

The Jedi elves that broke three big trees one after another hung on the break of the third big tree.

"You want to trick me after using the trick once?"

Fierce Jiaohu sneered: "Do you think I am too stupid, or do you think you are powerful enough?"


The Jedi Elf coughed up blood in pain.

"Are you strong?"

"But it's weaker than I thought."

Fierce Jiaohu announced: "If you don't have any other cards, then end it."

"Do you think this will kill me?"

The Jedi elf suddenly opened his arms.

A hole suddenly split between his eyebrows, and a turquoise gem appeared in the hole.

"not good!"

"Stop him!"

Chen Lie shouted when he saw the gem.

Unfortunately, it was still too late.

The vitality of the entire forest secret realm rushed into the open palms of the Jedi Elves like a tide, and then followed the hands to moisturize the Jedi Elf's body.

The Jedi Elf's injuries recovered at an incredible speed.

In just 5 seconds, the treatment process is over.

The Jedi elves returned to their heyday.

"Life is returned! How is it possible, that is a level 7 super skill!"

"If the Jedi Elf had such a trick before, he would have been the first."

"This is too cheating, right?"

The scene exploded.

Everyone looked at the Jedi elves with horror, their eyes full of greed.


"It's just a full recovery. One more fight is enough."

At this time, Yan Jiaohu forgot the weird effect of that gem, and locked the Jedi Elf's body with his breath.


The blood of the fierce Jiaohu burned, and his qi turned blood red.


The fierce tiger's power exploded, and the ground that broke out actually collapsed more than 10 square meters.

The Jedi Elf was shocked.

However, things can't be turned back, the battle can't be stopped, and he just used the wind sword to meet him.

This is equivalent to a target delivered to the door.

Even stupid people know how to deal with it, not to mention fierce tigers.

The fierce Jiaohu didn't hesitate at all, the first punch simply broke the gusty sword technique of the Jedi Elf, and the second successive claw left a big gap in front of the xiong mouth of the Jedi Elf.


With the overbearing magic inspired by all the magic power, the Jedi elves forcibly manipulated two huge canes, trying to trap the fierce tiger on the spot:

Plant manipulation.

Many elves know natural magic.

Meteor Tiger Emperor Break!

With a little bit of power, it easily penetrated two canes that are thicker than the big tui, and finally pierced the shield of the Jedi Elf:

Life shield.

It is also a natural magic that many elves know.

The use of magic in such a situation is also remarkable.

"Break it for me!"

Fierce Jiaohu's blood burning talent urged to the limit.

This time it was not the blood burning, even the flesh and blood of the body was burning.


Also worn.

Thunder Fist + Qi + Burning Blood!

The life shield of the second war pet in the 6th level trial zone was broken.

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