The pet king of the city

Chapter 828 The Demon


Numerous system salutes continued to explode over the ring.

It symbolizes the end of the game and a huge change in qualifying.


"I even use life return, so I lose."

Wing Demon looked at himself and asked himself: "What am I left now?"


His reputation has been discredited.

Fan value?

He has suffered a serious loss now, and he has to take the blood of the Jedi Elf as a mortgage.

War pet?

The three main battle pets, the most profitable Action Team Beauty Orc, all suffered heavy losses.

Although they can still be used to cheat some money, they are not as good as before.

"Now I must be eliminated from the ranks of the top ten merchants, and it will be even worse then."


"You are so cruel! Especially you, Chen Lie!"

Yi Mo looked at Chen Lie bitterly, but helplessly.

He used all the resources, only to learn about Chen Lie's layout in the system mall, and nothing else could be investigated, which made him feel like a rat dragging a turtle--a feeling of inconvenience.

"I still have a chance."

"A Centennial Celebration!"

"I will cheer myself up again and claim everything I lost in the centennial celebration."

The Wing Demon swore to the sky fiercely.

As for whether Chen Lie can hear it, that is not what he cares about.




"After these 4 heavy injuries, the Wing Demon was basically unable to recover."

Chen Lie knew that Wing Demon was a hundred-legged insect, dead but not stiff.

But so what?

The previous Wing Demon was the top ten merchants in the 6th level area, and he was invincible.

now what?

Even a dog doesn't need to look at his face, he has to be beaten by everyone.

Bacchus thought of a fact and reminded: "Master, although the Wing Demon was hit hard, he still has a Jedi Elf ranked 3rd, and a Vulture Man ranked 8th. The foundation is still there, and there is a chance to make a comeback. "

Both the vulture man and the Jedi elves were defeated by the fierce tiger, and their ranking naturally dropped by one place.

"I know."

Chen Lie smiled and said, "So I have to continue to suppress it."

Everyone unanimously looked at Lingcai.


"No way, no way, I can't beat the Jedi Elves."

Lingcai waved his hand again and again.

"Just practice."

Chen Lie pointed to the fierce tiger and said, "Here is someone who can defeat the Jedi Elf and personally guide you. With your invisibleness, are you afraid that you can't beat him?"

"Can not do it!"

Ling just wants to bugger.

With a single claw, the fierce Jiaohu buckled the tail of Lingcai who wanted to escape and dragged it out.

"No, I really can't."

"Even if I can defeat it with restraint, how do I deal with other challengers?"

Lingcai exclaimed excitedly: "You have to know that the top 10 battles have always been bloody. It's not bad for me to win one or two by chance."

"You are too confident."

Fierce Jiaohu was very dissatisfied with the cowardice of Lingcai.

"This is not lack of self-confidence, it is fact."

"My flame ability just started to practice, not so powerful as yours!"

Lingcai said excitedly: "Give me half a year, oh no, give me 3 months of hard training, I will definitely become as powerful as you are now."

"It doesn't take that long."

Chen Lieyin smiled and said, "If anyone wants to cultivate special energy, all of them can quickly become a master."

The fierce Jiaohu had forgotten the spirit, and looked at Chen Lie excitedly.

"Master, what happened?"

"Is it yesterday's bottle?"

Bacchus was extremely excited, and immediately made a reasonable analysis.

"Look at it."

Chen Lie took out a bottle of good fortune.

The whole body has an indescribable, unspeakable breath of good fortune, and there are only a few poor drops of green liquid in the bottle.

"this is?"

Somehow, when Abao saw this thing, he had a crazy possessiveness.

If it wasn't for Chen Lie, if it wasn't for them all had a 100% favorability, otherwise they would have lost control.

"This is good luck dew."

Chen Lie sighed: "Five pots of fairy dew, only condensed into these poor 5 drops."

Everyone was surprised.

Bacchus has the richest experience, the best insight, and decisively discovered new problems.

It gestured to a good fortune bottle with the same capacity as a large can of Coke, and questioned: "Master, this bottle contains at most 3 pots of fairy gel."

"Don't look at its small capacity, but in fact there are things inside."

Chen Lie sighed: "I have tried it. After 10 tons of water, I couldn't see it overflowing. So far, I can't test its limit."

All the super pets grew their mouths in shock.

"It's a level 8 thing, it's terrifying."

"A veritable space technology."

"Wrong, it is a veritable treasure from the Xian family."

"I heard that levels 1 to 3 are commonplace, levels 4 to 6 are extraordinary, and levels 7 to 9 are supernatural powers. It seems to be true."

The pets were shocked again and again.

"It's more than that."

Chen Lie snapped his fingers, and the housework squirrel triplets came to everyone holding three large flower pots.

From left to right, the growth situation becomes more vigorous.

"This is all ginseng."

Chen Lie pointed to the pot on the left and said, “This pot is only planted with spiritual soil. The growth rate is gratifying, but it does not meet my requirements at all.”

Then he pointed to the middle pot and said, “This pot not only contains spiritual soil, but also stimulates the eruption of fairy gels, etc. The growth rate is gratifying, and it can be used for medicinal purposes within 10 days.”

Finally, I pointed to the ginseng plant on the right that had 6 leaves and said: "This pot is irrigated with 1 drop of natural chemical dew. As a result, see for yourself."

Bacchus took the lead and carefully "unpacked" the ginseng.

"A hundred years of ginseng!"

Bacchus just looked at it and exclaimed: "My God, it's definitely a century-old ginseng! Ginseng ginseng wheel is all a century-old symbol, and its appearance is no different from wild ginseng!"

Chen Lie added: "It's just one day."

The farmer calculated with excitement: "One drop of natural dew can irrigate a wild century-old ginseng. Now the paradise here produces 20 pots of celestial dew every day, which is equivalent to 20 sticks of century-old ginseng. My God, this is simply a must Guards against the sky."

Chen Lie reminded: "If the Zizhu Forest expands, it is said to be 20 pots a day, and 200 pots a day is not a problem."

All for a while, it was swallowing, water, and snorting.

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