The pet king of the city

Chapter 829 Entering Level 8 Capital

200 pots of fairy dew a day.

What is this concept?

This is equal to 200 sticks of wild century-old ginseng.

Bacchus thought of this, swallowing his mouth and asked: "Master, can we try to brew that kind of 7th-level fairy wine?"

Bacchus bought and inherited a few special brewing recipes.

After all, those people who want to be promoted to level 7 winemakers must at least have the secret recipe and craftsmanship for making 7 level wines, right?

Therefore, Chen Lie and the others found several valuable fairy wine secret recipes in the vast brewing recipes.


"We couldn't afford to sacrifice before, but now..."

Chen Lieyin kept smiling.

In the 7-level brewing secret recipe they obtained, wild century-old ginseng was the main ingredient.If you use matured century-old garden ginseng, the ultimate success rate and effect will plummet.

Because the level 7 brewing process has been out of ordinary imagination, its own success rate is extremely low.

Using the 100-year-old garden ginseng that has been ripened again, the success rate is pure luck.

So this kind of fairy wine must be wild.

But the century-old ginseng is so cheap.

In the system mall, wild century-old ginseng belongs to the 6th grade, and the average price is no less than 150,000 fans, even if the product is poor, no less than 100,000 fans.

If you fail to make a wine, you will lose no less than 200,000 fans.

How many winemakers can afford such a consumption?

But it's different now.

Chen Lie can afford to play.

Ten failures?

It's okay, ten more times!

Isn't it just a day's consumption?

Only then did Chen Lie realize how lucky it was to get the palm bottle.

This is no longer what the average European Emperor can do.


He felt that it was necessary to reward Braun.

But before his thoughts went on, Yan Jiaohu asked: "Master, now we can get about two pots of ginseng spirit wine a day, what if we use natural dew?"

Chen Lie answered without thinking, "If you go all out, you can make 20 pots of ginseng spirit wine a day. If you plant all the surrounding land with purple bamboo, this number can expand to 200 pots."

"I'll help!"

The fierce Jiaohu decisively turned around and turned outside the paradise.

"I don't practice anymore, I have to help!"

After Abao realized that Qi was indispensable for a breakthrough in cooking, he was already very concerned about the Ginseng Spirit Wine that can save boring training time and directly increase Qi.

Chi Chi!

Needless to say, Lingcai directly represented the housework squirrel triplets.

Bacchus happily said: "It's been a long time since I did hard work, how can I get some strength this time."

Xiao Hei, Silver Leopard, etc. all stood up.

They have all been learning how to cultivate Qi from the fierce Jiaohu recently, but their talents are limited. It took a month to get the basic aura, their progress is very slow, and they all urgently need spirit wine.

All the pets said they wanted to help, and even the rice bucket came to join in the fun.

"In that case, let go and do it!"

Chen Lie saw that everyone was so positive, so naturally he would not be polite.

200 times and 20 times are completely two concepts.

With 20 pots of fairy spirits, the best result was to let Chen Lie bring a bunch of pets and barely promote to level 7.

But with 200 pots of fairy spirits, hitting level 7 is as simple as drinking water, and the most important thing is that there is a chance to hit level 8 collectively.

"Since century-old wild ginseng is not rare now, the wild ginseng that I collected before, even the century-old ginseng can be disposed of."

"Bacchus, you help me these two days."

Chen Lie said evilly: "I want to use a batch of secret ginseng wine that can extend my life in exchange for the ownership of the surrounding land. If possible, I need a spiritual land 10 times or even a hundred times larger than here to cultivate purple bamboo. , These are not something ordinary energy can win."

He is telling the truth.

If one person owns too much land, there is no way you are in any name, you will all provoke criticism.

So it is better to separate them.


Bacchus gladly took his orders.

There are just pets who don’t understand.

A Bao asked stupidly, "Why do we want to buy land elsewhere? Are we going to move again?"

"I like it very much and don't want to move."

The rice bucket, whose head was not very bright, burst into tears immediately.

"No need to move."

"In addition, I bought the land just to grow more purple bamboo and provide us with more fairy gel."

"However, there is still a ten times as much land outside of the paradise that is not covered with purple bamboo. This will take a long time to be used. I'm just prepared."

Chen Lie answered a few words at random.

"Well, I have one more important thing. Don't interrupt me anymore."

Chen Lie left the words and went back to the villa alone.

Then began the evil plan.

what's the plan?

It's very simple, it's this place that crippled the Wing Demon.

He took out the video of the fierce tiger's previous game with the Jedi elves and the two-winged vulture man, and then did the most detailed cracking of the two enemies.

For example, the return of the Jedi Elf's life, he thought of several ways to crack it.

Finish it all.

He released the fighting video and cracking video.

This is of course payable to watch.

With the reputation of these two wars, it is also a lot of income.

As for what effect will be received.

Different people have different opinions.



Early morning the next day.

Chen Lie stood on a plant with the farmer, Bacchus and A Bao.

The big pot of this plant is actually yesterday's ginseng pot.

It seems that yesterday's ginseng has been disposed of.

But this is not the key.

The key is the newly planted plants:

Requiem Atractylodes.

Level 7 spirit wood seed.

Chen Lie bought a wild ginseng from the exchange market.

A wild ginseng of a big year is a grade 5 medicinal material in the system mall, and it can sell for at least 10,000 fans, and even better, it can even sell for 30,000 fans.

It's just that the seeds are so expensive, which shows how rare this Requiem Atractylodes is.

But Requiem Atractylodes can be divided into 7 levels, naturally there are reasons.

Requiem Atractylodes, you can tell from its name that it has a requisite effect, but another effect fascinates Chen Lie and even all pets in the paradise:


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