The pet king of the city

Chapter 831 The Devil

A Bao replied happily: "I saw that the rice bucket was all right before and I always liked to go to the scented radish. Then I asked the farmer to find out that the rice bucket secretly ate a lot of scented radish and was caught by the farmer many times.”

Chen Lie questioned: "Caught, why didn't you fight?"

A Bao replied: "I hit, but I still go on."

"So persistent?"

Chen Lie looked at the rice bucket and asked, "Why did you go on after the fight?"

The rice bucket replied weakly: "Because radishes are delicious."

Chen Lie had a strange expression and asked, "Are you a bear or a rabbit?"

"I am a devil bear!"

Rice bucket replied firmly: "I just like to eat scented radish."

Chen Lie was speechless.

But he was too lazy to bother.

Perhaps for the rice bucket, the scented radish that tastes good for Chen Lie is the real Xianjia food.

"In that case."

Chen Lie suddenly thought of a bad idea, and said: "Since you like to eat scented radish so much, then you will trade for work. The more you help the farmer, the more scented radish you can eat. There is also a spirit flower queen bee. Honey is used as dessert; but if you are lazy, let alone the scented radish, you won’t have rice."

"Do not……"

The rice bucket wailed for a while.

It now regrets coming to ask for this food.

You must know that even if it was delicious and lazy, meals can be guaranteed, and it will never be left hungry.

but now.

No food if you don't work.

Is there anything worse than this?

It's a pity that Chen Lie didn't give it a chance to quibble, and said straightforwardly: "If you are as lazy as before, although I won't abandon you, I will throw you elsewhere and let you fend for yourself."

The rice bucket suddenly vented.

I'm used to living in Paradise, but I can still stand the outside environment.

The most important thing is that there are too many delicious things in the paradise.

There are too many to choose.

Make a choice here and outside, only hesitating for a few seconds.

He had no choice but to accept it.



Recently, the situation in the level 6 trial area has changed dramatically.

Originally, there might not be a single top ten fight in a month, but because of two successive battle pets who did not have any rankings turned out, plus the dedication of cracking the video one by one.

The level 6 trial area is full of rumblings.


"Life is back!"

The Jedi elves, who have been repeatedly restrained, opened their hands, ready to receive life energy nearby.


But as soon as his movements came out, a sword gang blasted him.

Skill interruption.


"How do you know the flaws in my move?"

The Jedi elf with a bloody mouth knew that he had no chance.

The injury on his body does not seem to be very serious, but in fact his internal organs have been broken, and it is estimated that he will be killed if he persists for another 3 minutes.

"The flaws in this trick of yours are all written on the Internet. I don't know how to break it. That would be too rubbish?"

Sword Saint White Ape slowly walked out.

It is currently ranked 4th, but after this battle, it must be 3rd.

The Jedi elves asked: "Who did it on earth? Is it the tiger?"

"What do you think?"

Sword Saint White Ape sneered: "Are you ready? The last sword, if you can catch it, I will admit defeat."


"I am also a swordsman!"

The Jedi elves roared away.

But his struggle was in vain.

A sword gang flashed past, and the battle was over.

Wing Demon started to smash the cup again.

No. 3 and No. 4 are completely two concepts.

The top 3 have the blessing of the Secret Realm arena, which can bless his life return to the greatest extent, and reach the peak state instantly.But if you switch to the ordinary qualifying ring, you can snicker if you can half the effect in double the time.

The difference is more than a multiplier.

"Damn Chen Lie!"

"You are so eager to kill!"

Even if Wing Demon was so angry that he gritted his teeth, he couldn't help Chen Lie after all.

In the end, he could only watch his three great pets be challenged by countless people, and then failed one after another in targeted strategies.

It doesn't take a month.

The three big favorites that Wing Demon is proud of, unexpectedly fell out of the top ten together, and the octopus with the most miserable spirit face fell directly out of the top 100.

So far.

Wing Demon gradually faded out of public view.

(These are of course later)

On the second day after the Jedi Elf fell out of the top three, Chen Lie almost forgot what he had done to the Wing Demon.


Because he is busy integrating real cooking skills into the gentleman white yuan soup.

"The main ingredient of Gentleman Baiyuan Decoction, Requiem Atractylodes, has a variety of treatment methods.

"The handling of one of the materials from the master's spiritual hand is similar to one of them."

"If they can be integrated with each other, it may have a qualitative change effect."

Chen Lie was not only analyzing, but also operating.

He had already sprinkled the bran in the hot pot first, and smoke had already emerged.

He decisively poured the grade 6 substandard Requiem Atractylodes macrocephala slices into slightly fry until light yellow. At this time, he took it out decisively, sifted out the bran and let it cool.

It seems very simple.

However, the Requiem Baizhu tablets are soaked in ginseng wine before being fried.

So when it is fried, it exudes a light ginseng fragrance.

Then there is the formal process of Gentleman Baiyuan Soup.

Chen Lie started to burn the mysterious ancient furnace with gas.

A Bao, who was studying on the side, said: "Master, with the addition of this prefix craft, can you really cook a 7th-level gentleman Baiyuan soup?"

"I do not know either."

Chen Lie said: "We changed the original level 5 materials to level 6. As a result, we did not upgrade to level 7 as planned. It was just level 7. So we must improve the process. If we can use level 6 materials to make 7 Grade food, that’s what truly turns decay into magic."

A Bao echoed: "I know that God of Cooking must have the ability to turn corruption into magic."

Chen Lie smiled without saying a word.

A Bao asked, "But I still don't understand, why do I have to add a gentleman prefix? Wouldn't it be better to just call it Hundred Yuan Tang?"

"Because this delicacy was born out of a traditional Chinese medicine formula called [Junzitang]."

"After countless improvements by the God of Cooking, it has only become a delicious and medicinal delicacy."

Chen Lie gave a simple explanation, instilling the greatest amount of qi into the mysterious ancient furnace, and welcoming an unknown level of cuisine...

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