The pet king of the city

Chapter 832 Soul Singer

Chen Lie gave a simple explanation and saw the heat that was about to form clouds inside, shut up decisively, and poured the greatest amount of gas into the mysterious ancient furnace.

The delicious food with a light ginseng fragrance is born.

Chen Lie did not hesitate to open the system identification:

"Ding, congratulations on your level 7 cuisine."

The 7th-level Gentleman Baiyuan Decoction has an excellent effect of calming the soul and calming the mind, accelerating the recovery of the body, and has amazing medicinal effects in replenishing qi.

There is an "excellent" in the evaluation, and the previous "unique" evaluation has become "amazing".

But none of this matters.

The most important thing is that level 7.

Chen Lie used Level 6 ingredients to really cook Level 7 cuisine.

"Ding, in view of the fact that you use level 6 materials to cook a level 7 cuisine with the magical cooking skills of turning decay, the system determines that you have a cooking skill that surpasses the ordinary level 7 cook god, so you are judged to be a level 7 cook god."

The voice of the system fell off.

Chen Lie felt a lot of magical power pouring into his body.

Some of this power is some strange cooking perception, and some is a mysterious and mysterious blessing power.

In short.

His physical fitness began to improve again.

The improvement is not very obvious, but at least three points stronger than before.

The most important thing is not these.

It's his kitchen knife.

He originally integrated the cooking skills into the knife technique, and now he has a feeling of mastering the heaven and earth, and the knife can cut everything.


"Others can't break through for a lifetime, but I broke through so simply."

Chen Lie picked up the many national quintessence cooking skills recorded by the stealer Nie Long, and sighed: "It was a wise move to not kill that Fat Chen at the beginning. One rubbish, intimidating another rubbish, actually brought me this. Surprise harvest, I really feel a little bit lucky."

In the past, Chen Lie couldn't think that those cooking skills could help him so much.

"Abao, study it hard."

Chen Lie gave the book in his hand to A Bao.

Just sit down and taste your first level 7 cuisine.

Just a bite.

Chen Lie's heart was captured: "The first sip is like drinking fairy soup, and the last time I eat it again will make me always remember the desire for it."

"Even I am moved, let alone other people."

At this point, Chen Lie's understanding of his cooking skills has risen to another level.


Chen Lie was surprised to find that his anger had suddenly increased by 2 points.

You must know that Chen Lie's Qi has accumulated to more than 20, and the effect of Shenling Wine is far less than before. Even drinking 4 or 5 pots of Shenling Wine has no such effect.

"It deserves to be a 7-level qi-tonifying medicated diet."

Chen Lie sighed: "This time everyone not only has a good taste, but also increases cultivation."

Without further ado.

As soon as Chen Lie thought about practicing Qi in Leyuanquan, he was not talking nonsense, and decisively cooked this 7-level delicacy that could quickly improve his strength.

Although Level 6 materials are also expensive, it can't stop everyone's pursuit of strength.

of course.

This consumption will not be long.

With the magic of good luck dew, I believe it will not take long to achieve zero cost.



"Okay, I have to trouble you to get old again this time."

Chen Lie ended the call.

This is Bai Ling looking at Chen Lie eagerly.

Because Chen Lie promised to help it improve its strength and realize its dreams.

And today.

When Chen Lie summoned it to come, it was to realize the first step.

"Bailing, don't look at me with such eyes."

Chen Lie smiled bitterly: "I recently used my free time to help you find a career system that matches you very well, but I don't know your opinion."

Bailing asked: "What kind of profession? Don't I have a profession anymore? I'm a great God of Heaven!"


"The professional system recognized by the system is not the same as your self-styled."

Chen Lie reminded: "The system's career system is similar to the inheritance of blood. Every time you level up, you can get related career inheritance. For example, a 6th-level fighter can pay to the system to learn 7 after being upgraded to level 7. The professional skills of level fighters."

Braun slandered: "Third-rate game setting."

"There is no way, it is played by the system and the most people choose."

Chen Lie asked back: "But this is too routine and the model is too rigid. Didn't you choose this route without seeing any one in the park?"

Chen Lie is not slandering.

The Golden Praying Mantis and the Golden Swallowing Beast that Fierce Jiaohu defeated before are all taking the system career path.

For example, Golden Mantis’s Seven Golden Slashes is a mutation skill that combines professional skills and ethnic talent.

The Golden Swallowing Beast is even more obvious. The tricks are all professional skills, but it is superbly deduced, so it appears high-end.

Bailing muttered: "Then why do I have to choose?"

Chen Lie replied: "Because that profession is very special."


"I believe the master will not cheat me."

Bailing is no longer confused.

"Your potential is so good, how could I cheat you."

"Watch it for yourself."

When Chen Liexu mentioned it, an avatar appeared in front of him and Bai Ling.

"Soul singer?"

Braun was fascinated at first sight: "Need to have a talent for voice type, and must have outstanding mental power, and instinctively like singing."

"I have all of these, it's not a problem at all."

Bailing was very happy to see this.

Chen Lie reminded: "Look carefully."

"The singing goes straight to the soul, and at level 7 you can blossom with a song, and the souls cry with one song."

"The disadvantage is that the body is relatively fragile and I am most afraid of getting close."

Bai Ling couldn't help laughing when she read this.

Chen Lie said: "One song of flowers blooming, one song of souls crying, this is exactly the realm you are pursuing. As for the fragility of your body, you are strengthened by the black flower, no matter how weak you are, you will not be weak."

"I want to find a job!"

"I want to be a soul singer."

Bailing couldn't control his emotions after listening.

Chen Lie said: "I only have level 5 now, and you only have level 5, so I can only buy you a level 5 inaugural scroll."


"I will raise my level."

Bailing vowed: "And I will quickly catch up to the speed of the Blue Crowns, and eventually surpass them."

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