Even if the 7th-level gentleman Bai Yuantang is magical, it is impossible to blow up Chen Lie and the others like a balloon?

You must know that Chen Lie only came to breathe at 20 eight or nine days ago.

Less than 10 days.

This speed of improvement is simply terrifying.

In fact, when Chen Lie took the third red blood fruit, he used a few bottles of ginseng spirit wine as a supplement, and finally used the 7th grade gentleman white yuan soup as a supplement to his physical strength.

The result was unexpected.

These effects actually complement each other and play the effect of the Great Leap Forward.

Not to mention physical fitness, it is definitely a quasi-level 7 physical fitness.

And Qi, it expanded by more than 4 points in one breath.

That's why Chen Lie is so strong now.

As for the fierce tiger, it was purely the accumulation of the gentleman white yuan soup and the ginseng wine every day. Both the frequency and the frequency of the use of Chen Lie were exhausted.


The two sides came together again.

The battlefield is simply tragic.

Because they replaced themselves with a virtual world, the two sides fought very openly, and it was a desperate struggle.

This kind of duel exercise is most effective.



Xiao Hei retreated with a groan.

There was already a crippled silver leopard lying beside it, and the blue crown beside it couldn't fly.

It can be said.

Their action team has been completely defeated.

Xiao Hei was strong-willed and wanted to continue fighting.

"Okay, so be it."

Chen Lie waved his hand, indicating that Xiao Hei could rest.

The skeleton story of Xiao Hei's body was scattered, and suddenly softened.

Its body had collapsed just now, supported purely by will.

Bailing was puzzled. Muttered: "Why is the master suddenly so powerful?"

A Bao replied: "Idiot, the master took the third red blood fruit. Think about the effects of the previous few times, it's not an exaggeration to show such progress."


"The master's physical fitness is quasi-7, just a little better than the spirit."

Bacchus patiently explained: "But the reason why he can steadily beat the fierce tiger half-chips without using his hole cards is because he has good cooking skills and superb knife skills; second, the owner has super understanding He is also proficient in Xunlei Boxing, knowing the roots and knowing the bottom, so he won't end up in a hundred battles."

"That's it."

"Unexpectedly, there is such a mystery."

The pets woke up.

Although they don't understand how powerful cooking skills and super savvy are, they don't realize it.

At this time Chen Lie began to speak: "Xiao Hei, your strength can no longer keep up with the team."

Xiao Hei lowered his head in shame.

Chen Lie continued: "The current combat effectiveness of the Silver Leopard and the Blue Crown is already at the level of the top 100 team, but you are still at the level of the top 1,000. The most important thing is that you are still the captain, so I am a little sorry for your identity as the captain."

Xiao Hei came down sadly.

It thought Chen Lie was going to get rid of it out of order.

I didn’t want Chen Lie’s words to change, and said: “Now you are stuck between 500 and 800, it is difficult to go further. So in order to make your reputation as Captain Order worthy of the name, I plan to let you follow the route of Bailing. "


Braun was puzzled.

Xiao Hei also looked at Bai Ling suspiciously.

"Bailing's route is the route of the system career."

Chen Lie said: "I happen to know that there is a profession in the system that is suitable for you."

Xiao Hei looked at Chen Lie with bright eyes.

It was like a drowning man saw the lifebuoy.


"Guard teammates, guard order."

Chen Lie showed the glorious image of the guardian and said: "The profession of guardian is defensive and has many well-known guardian skills. But don't think that their attack power is very weak. In fact, the guardian also has several very powerful guardians. "

Xiao Hei nodded straight.

Here in the paradise, what I eat for a long time is all kinds of spiritual materials and fairy water, all of which can increase my wisdom.

Therefore, none of the pets in the paradise has an IQ lower than that of a human teenager.

Even the housework squirrel triplets, which are the slowest, are system pets, so their basic wisdom is not low.

"The most important thing is that the Guardian has a professional talent that is related to will. The stronger the will, the more powerful the skill effect will be released."

"This professional talent is simply tailored for you."

At the end of the talk, Chen Lie looked at Xiao Hei and asked, "Do you have the confidence to control this profession and lead the order to the top 100?"


Xiao Hei agreed with an extremely affirmative tone.

A ray of light descended.

Xiaohei officially changed his job.

Chen Lie also has a little black, that is, the inaugural guardian needs a special resource, and Chen Lie spent a lot of fan points to exchange for this item.

If it weren't for this, the profession of guardian would have long been bad.


Chen Lie knew that he had chosen the right profession when he saw Xiao Hei Gan Zhi's expression.

He resolutely suggested: "Xiao Hei, go and practice actual combat with Jiaojiao and Lingcai. Only with plenty of actual combat can you get started quickly."


Xiaohei took the initiative to challenge the fierce tiger.

Chi Chi!

Chi Chi!

The thirteenth god will suddenly call out anxiously.

"what happened?"

Chen Lie walked over.

I fixed my eyes and looked happy.

What makes the thirteenth god will be anxious is a piece of information, the information about Baxia.

It turns out that the reduction of Neon Sea’s production has made Neon fishermen Alexander.

Then I found the traces of Baxia, so Neon was boiling all over the country, and there was a large ocean group dispatched by the world's largest whaling ship to chase Baxia.

Needless to say the result.

The whaling ship that was enraged by the tyrant was washed up in the air by a terrifying waterspout, and finally sank directly, leaving no one out of the hundreds of people on the whaling ship.

This incident caused a sensation all over the world.

Although countless people are curious, not many people are willing to provoke this monster with extraordinary power.

"Baxia is much bigger."

"Hey, it's over 30 meters now. If I continue to grow, I'm afraid I will exceed the limit of level 7!"

Chen Lie sighed.

When the body is huge to a certain extent, a certain transformation will occur.

Even if it didn't, the accompanying changes in strength, physique, speed, etc. would exceed the limit of level 7.

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