The pet king of the city

Chapter 846 The Power of Natural Disaster

When the body is huge to a certain extent, the accompanying changes in strength, physique, speed, etc. will also exceed the limit of level 7.

Just like the current hegemony.

Even whaling ships of terrifying tonnage can be sent to mid-air at once.

This stalwart power is infinitely close to the level of natural disasters.

The natural disaster is basically a depiction of level 8 power.

"We are making progress, and we are also making progress, and come faster."

Chen Lie's eyes glowed, but he became more determined: "We will definitely not be too far behind you. Hey, wait for us to catch up with your footwork!"

"Then keep practicing!"

"Who will challenge me?"

After fighting back, Chen Lie stretched out his hand and shouted.

"Master, your knife!"

The farmer orangutan smiled and brought the war knife over, and said, "Master, your war knife is cutting bamboo. The efficiency is absolutely top-notch."

Chen Lie was immediately discouraged and asked weakly: "The quasi 7th-level war knife is used by you to chop bamboo. Can you be more violent?"

"Prepared to level 7!"

The farmer orangutan was shocked.


Chen Lie stroked the saber, his eyes were as if he was seeing his most beloved person.

Chen Lie's sword is named Shocking World, and it was once the weapon of a level 8 swordsman.

And after this swordsman fell, the Shocking Sword also lost its spirituality because of being injured, and it fell directly from the 8-level weapon to the quasi-level 7.

Such a weapon was then exchanged by the successor of the 8th-level swordsman.

Xianxia items above level 7 are basically spiritual.

The absence of spirituality means that it takes a lot of materials to recover, and the pay is not proportional to the income, so it will be traded by people and will fall into Chen Lie's hands.

But somehow, when Chen Lie saw the Shocking Sword, he felt it belonged to him.

As the saying goes, it's hard to buy a daughter.

That's why Chen Lie spent so much fan value to win it.

"Get to work."

Chen Lie patted the farmer on the shoulder and turned away.

He wants to cook a few more courses of Grade 7 Gentleman Baiyuan Soup.

Because Chen Lie has recently exchanged two system professions one after another and bought a bunch of things, he is now a little bit tight, and the remaining fans are worth less than 200,000 points.

So he must make money.

The 7-level Gentleman Baiyuan Soup not only boosts internal energy, but also sells well. The most important thing is that it is easy to make.

The reason for the super hot sale is also very simple: the centennial celebration of the system mall is about to begin, and everyone is desperate to increase their strength.

So it was almost Chen Lie who was swept away just as soon as he showed up.

It will never be delayed for an hour.

If it weren't for the insufficient supply of Requiem Atractylodes, if it weren't for the consumption in Paradise, otherwise Chen Lie really wanted to make this wave.

"Ding, someone challenged your super pet-fierce tiger!"

"Oh, another idiot who has never died is sending money."

Without saying anything, Chen Lie stopped immediately and called the fierce tiger to prepare to fight.

You must know that every time at least 300,000 points are earned by fans. Who doesn't want to play such a game.

If it weren't for the exaggerated combat effectiveness of the fierce Jiaohu, which scared off countless challengers, otherwise Chen Lie would have made a fortune long ago.


Chen Lie unlocked the game lock.

Take the fierce tiger into the secret ring.




The three sword flowers of the crane swordsman returned without success, and the long sword broke in two.

The fierce tiger smiled again and again.

In the smile, its tiger claws whizzed towards the neck of the crane swordsman with a force of breath.

I don't know that the Crane Swordsman didn't care about his image at all, and when he rolled on the spot, he could flash the deadly claws of the fierce tiger.

Unfortunately, his speed is still slow.


The fierce tiger prophet appeared in front of the crane swordsman foreseeably, clasping the crane swordsman with one claw.

Violent twisted.

The battle ended in this way.

But it also paid a heavy price. There were at least 7 blood mouths on its body, one of which had a sword brushed against the heart.

Crane swordsmen who dare to challenge the fierce tiger are naturally not cheap.

Ranked 14th, it didn't know what chance it got, and its internal strength was twice as high as in the data, and it almost made the fierce tiger capsize in the gutter.

"Very good, victory."

Chen Lie was slightly relieved.

Although the fierce tiger is very thrilling this time, and he has been compared with the ability to burn blood, but the fierce tiger has a hole card, so Chen Lie's sense of crisis is not so strong.

after all.

This time, at least 300,000 yuan was received.

If you still don't feel happy like this, it would be too fake.

"Ding, congratulations on the successful sale of your level 4 corpse-eating blood potion, and you got..."

"Ding, congratulations on your successful sale of Level 5 Werewolf Blood Vessel, and you have obtained..."

"Ding, congratulations on your successful sale of Level 6 Werewolf Blood Vessel, and you got..."

Three prompts in a row are all good news.

The werewolves and corpse eater that Chen Lie captured were naturally waste products. Blood was drawn to draw bone marrow. When necessary, some brain cells were even drawn to make blood medicine.

The combined cost of these things was less than 100,000, and the result was sold for more than 300,000.

It is so profitable that there are no friends.

"I didn't expect that bunch of garbage would contribute to me so quickly."

Chen Lie was very happy.

The level 6 werewolf blood potion naturally came from that young werewolf.

Only with such a perfect gene and such a powerful force can produce such a high-quality blood medicine.

Originally, Chen Lie planned to train the young werewolf as a watchdog.

I didn't expect this guy to be rebellious.


Chen Lie temporarily perfected it, and raised it as a blood slave in captivity.

After all his hostility is worn away, Chen Lie brainwashes him and trains him to be a watchdog.

If it is unwilling to surrender for a lifetime, then be a blood slave for a lifetime.

Chen Lie's time and mood are slowly consuming with it.

"It doesn't take a long time, I have nearly a million fans again."

"The speed of making money is no one."

In a good mood, Chen Lie was about to scan a little more necessary rare materials. At this moment, something happened to Lingcai.

But it's a good thing.

"What is Lingcai doing?"

Bai Ling looked at the spiritual talent in the virtual world in a daze.

"I wiped it, it actually condensed flames in its mouth. Is this to create a flame dragon breath?"

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