The pet king of the city

Chapter 847 The horror creativity of Lingcai

Chen Lie saw that Lingcai opened his mouth wide, the flame power in his body boiled, and crazily condensed in his mouth, and asked in surprise: "I wipe it, it actually condenses all the flame magic power in the mouth. This is to Create your own flame dragon breath?"

Dragon Breath, this is the signature skill of the Dragon Race.

Even the acid dragon can spit out a bit of acid to corrupt the enemy.

Lingcai is playing like this now, he must have seen this trick of the Dragon Clan from somewhere, and he has learned a lot.

Must kill:

The roar of the fire rat!

The flames finally broke out in the form of [Turtle Qigong].

And a 10-meter-high boulder that appeared in front of Lingcai was hit by the flame turtle qigong and exploded.



"Definitely a level 7 attack."

"The destructive power of this trick is even more perverted than the boss Tiger Cannon."

The pets were surprised and almost full of praise.

The fierce Jiaohu replied: "The prelude to the attack is too long."


Chen Lie regretfully said: "This trick takes too long to condense, and the enemy has too much time to prepare. Lingcai must also hurry up to practice and try to compress the time within 1 second so that it can be used in actual combat."

Lingcai was glad to be taught.

However, A Bao asked curiously: "Lingcai, your trick is called Fire Rat's roar, your name is very LOW!"

Lingcai asked, "How about that roar called Lingcai?"

"Yes, very appropriate."

Many people supported this name change.

I didn’t want Chen Lie to say, "The roar of the lingcai, where does the enemy know who the lingcai is. You might as well name a god or devil, what hell lord, flame demon god, so that everyone knows how powerful this trick is. , I can't help but weaken a level."


Ling just thought for a while and asked, "Why don't you just call Vulcan! My dream, but I want to become Vulcan."

"Want to be a mouse of Vulcan."


Although Bailing did not mock, but its tone was mocking.

It's still the same.

Lingcai ignored the troubled Bai Ling and looked at Chen Lie expectantly.

"Long live!"

After seeing Chen Lie's head nod, Lingcai happily came to a backflip.

Presumably it thought it was closer to the title of Vulcan.

"Okay, go and practice."

Chen Lie urged: "Your ability needs sufficient practice. Fortunately, there is a virtual world. Otherwise, there is really no way to make you so bad in reality."

"I have one more trick."


Lingcai yelled suddenly, and then it posed a punching posture, the flame energy of the whole body was crazily concentrated on the fist, and it also shouted:

Must kill:

Fist of Vulcan!

Seeing Lingcai's body turned into a stream of flames, the dazzling flame fist rushed domineeringly on the newly virtual 10-meter-high, hill-like boulder.


The boulder shattered.


Lingcai saw his new killer power and celebrated proudly.

"Level 7, the attack power of this trick is definitely level 7!"

"This seems to be Xunleibu and Tiger Emperor Cannon!"

The pets were both surprised and curious, all waiting for the spirit to reveal the answer.

"I have to say, you really are a genius!"

Chen Lie applauded and sighed: "The speed of Thunder Step and Tiger Emperor Cannon’s attack mode, combined with the rapid contraction of the flame power, burst out instantly. The combined power of the three is not as simple as 1+1+1=3. ."


Fierce Jiaohu turned and left.

It feels the pressure.

Originally it was the well-deserved first combat power in the paradise, but I didn't expect Chen Lie to hide the deepest.

Now there is another wise man whose strength has improved by leaps and bounds after a whim.

In order to maintain his dignity, the fierce Jiaohu plans to do secret training.

"How do I think this trick is a bit familiar?"

Chen Lie thought about it and asked, "Lingcai, where did you get the inspiration?"

Lingcai pointed to the notebook that was playing anime.

"Fairy Tail……"

Chen Lie was speechless.

But Bacchus found a new question: "It's a comic, which can only provide you with a source of creativity, but if you want to use the flame energy, you must have an application mode and routine skills?"

"Great Toad Qi."

Ling just read a name.

Chen Lie understood in seconds.

Da Toad Qi is an ancient martial arts that is almost unfamiliar.

It is said that this martial art is an internal boxing created by simulating Jin Chan's breathing.

Chen Lie had seen this genius in the martial arts chapters that Lingyan helped to collect.

And use the system to restore all.

But he wrote it down and mastered it, but he didn't want to use the spirit in martial arts.

"It's still you who are great, so you can connect with them."

Chen Lie knows that Lingcai's mind is relatively pure, and he doesn't have as many trivial things as himself, so it is naturally easy to understand.

But Chen Lie will not admit defeat.

"Since you and Jiaojiao both created their own kills, then I can't fall behind!"

"I also have to find some time to calm down and make a deduction..."

Before Chen Lie's words were finished, the crazy prompt from the system interrupted him: "Ding, the centennial celebration of the system mall is about to begin. Are you ready?"

Chen Lie's breathing stagnated.

He didn't expect that the system mall would give people a preparation reminder one month before the centennial celebration.

And the preliminary reward plan for the centennial celebration has also come out:

"The reward for the first pet in level 5 zone is 100,000 fan points, a bottle of random bloodline potion at level 6, and a brilliant glory at level 5."

"The reward for the first action team at level 5 is 100,000 fan points, three bottles of random bloodline potions at level 6, and one glorious one at level 5."

"The reward for the first comprehensive action team in the 5th zone is 100,000 fan points, and three bottles of random bloodline potions at the 6th level, one glorious and glorious potion at the 5th level, and three bottles of the enhanced potion at the 6th level."

"The reward for the most popular pet in Level 5 is 100,000 fan points."


Chen Lie was a little dizzy after receiving a series of prompts.

But he remembered a message:

The rewards are super generous.

"Although my level is still level 5, my goal is not level 5!"

Chen Lieyin laughed.

His eyes aimed at the 6th level area.

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