The pet king of the city

Chapter 849 New Member: Little Snow Fox

"But the new interview requires the cooperation of the fairy spirit."

A Bao replied weakly: "Now the fairy gel produced in Paradise every day is not enough. I am afraid that the supply and demand will be out of balance, which will affect other supply."


Chen Lie proudly said: "As long as it is cost-effective, then use it. Even if the fairy gel is not enough, we can buy it from the system. At most, the cost is a little higher."

Abao nodded, knowing what to do.

Chi Chi!

Chi Chi!

The thirteenth god who was stationed outside the paradise ran over in a hurry.

It also eagerly pulled Chen Lie and pointed at the door.

"A new partner is coming?"

Chen Lie was surprised, but he still took a look at it.

It turned out that the Twelve Gods and Generals paid special attention to certain pets in the training base that were abnormally behaving according to the instructions of the talents.

If some show special abilities, they will be sent directly to the [Holy Land] of Paradise.

Lingcai communicated with his little brother.

"It's actually a little snow fox who is only a few months old."

Chen Lie looked at the cowardly snow fox hiding in the bushes, and couldn't help being happy.


Little Xuehu's cry was a bit sad.

Little Snow Fox is timid and doesn't trust people, so it must be cultivated from an early age, preferably 2-3 months after birth. This kind of relationship will be better.

"Little guy, come out."

"We won't hurt you."

Chen Lie comforted him.

Little Xuehu felt that Chen Lie had no threat to him, so he came out.

But it just didn't dare to approach.

Only dare to hide behind Lingcai.

Chen Lie asked: "Lingcai, what is its specialty, it was actually escorted by four gods."

The Twelve Gods of Lingcai will all undergo more basic strengthening.

For example, Chen Lie transformed the gods, fire beasts, etc., or drawn a lottery. Those paradise pets don’t use low-level potions that are of little value, such as level 3 and 4 strength, speed, physique, intelligence, etc. Take out the potion and give it to the spirit to distribute.

So there are twelve gods.

Compared with the comprehensiveness of the housework squirrel triplets, the Twelve Gods will have at most one ability at level 4.

The strength is much weaker.

But overall it is enough to handle most of the scenes.

It was a big scene to have 4 god generals escort in one breath.

Such attention naturally made Chen Lie curious.

Lingcai replied: "This little fox is extremely smart by nature. He has level 2 intelligence if he hasn't eaten Nootropics; and his understanding is very good. Many things can be learned by teaching two or three times. I doubt it He has level 3 savvy and may grow to level 4 super savvy in the future."

"not bad."

Chen Lie was overjoyed now.

High savvy means high potential. Isn’t spiritual talent the best explanation?

"Very well, you focus on training."

"If it can become your fourth giant, that would be gratifying."

Chen Lie said with regret at the end: "Unfortunately, why is it not a red fox?"

Pet-type welfare is generally snow fox drinking blue fox, and the reason why there are fewer people raising red fox is because it is more aggressive and its temperament is not stable.

But for Chen Lie.

Little Xuehu was too timid, but not a good thing.

Chen Lie only hopes that Xiao Xuehu will be brave in the future and be alone.

"You twelve gods will excavate talents with merit and rewards."

"Well, Lingcai, wait a moment for me to get you a batch of strengthening potions. You can distribute them for me."

Chen Lie spoke casually.

As if low-level potions don't need money.

The facts are similar.

Although the Centennial Celebration also has competitions below level 5.

But in those games, not many people care about the [Novice Area] that has not even opened the trial field, so the level 3 and 4 games can be ignored whether they are attention or system rewards.

This also leads to a little bit of ability, all of which break the scalp and have to squeeze to level 5.

Their requirements are not very high, as long as they can get a bottle of level 6 bloodline potion, even level 5 bloodline potion can be satisfied.

As a result, the price of potions of level 5 or above has grown wildly.

For those medicines of grade 3 and 4, the sales were coldly received, and the prices had to drop again and again.

It used to be a high-priced elementary medicine, but now you can buy a dozen at hand, not to mention that it is still in a special atmosphere of discounts.


This time it was not sadness, but joy.

Little Xuehu was very smart, and he heard Chen Lie's kindness and yelled joyfully.

"Slowly figure it out."

Chen Lie waved his hand and handed power to Lingcai.

He still has many things to do.

One minute delay will lose one minute of money.

The busy rhythm continues.



A short time passed.

Somewhere in the paradise.

The fierce tiger is sitting cross-legged on a boulder, seeming to close his eyes and rest his mind, but it is actually refining chemical medicine.

After a long time.

Fierce Jiaohu exhaled a cloud of dark green gas.

This is poison.

Yes, medicine has three points of poison.

Although Shenling wine is made from ginseng essence, it is a little bit toxic.

Over time, it is naturally terrifying.

But after this time of meditation, the fierce Jiaohu realized that he had acted too hastily, so he calmed down to refine the remaining medicinal power and expelled the poison from his body by the way.

It didn't feel much at first.

But the more I realized, the more I felt that the poison in my body became more and more serious.

If you don't deal with it anymore, it may become a stubborn illness and affect your life.

So he gave up his usual habits and retreated wholeheartedly.

"Boss, the master wants to say again."

Silver Leopard came to invite.

Yan Jiaohu suddenly opened his eyes.

The dazzling divine light instantly stunned the extraordinary silver leopard.

It is impossible to know that the current Silver Leopard is the main battle favorite of the Top 100 Action Team, and as a result, it was shocked by the fierce Jiaohu's eyes.

But facts are facts.

"I'll go later."

Fierce Jiaohu replied calmly.

Such as the silver leopard who was amnested and fled.

Then the fierce Jiaohu slowly stood up, his bones crackling.

The whole body is unexpectedly comfortable.

"Huh, what's the matter?"

Fierce Jiaohu found that his qi that had accumulated to nearly 80 points quickly fell, but 75 points remained.

what on earth is it?

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