The Qi that had piled up quickly to nearly 80 points unexpectedly declined to 75 points.

This is an extremely terrifying phenomenon.

Fierce Jiaohu first felt that he was poisoned.

But after thinking about it carefully, it was relieved.

Because it removes a lot of poison and purifies the qi.

It seems that the total amount is less, but the quality has improved by more than one level.

The current 75 points of energy is probably even more powerful than the previous 100 points.

"feel good."

The fierce tiger smiled leisurely, then kicked, easily traversed a distance of tens of meters, and quickly walked towards Chen Lie.


Chen Lie felt a little surprised by the arrival of the fierce tiger.

Because in his feelings.

Fierce Jiaohu is "cleaner" than before.

Feeling the qi with the qi, I feel that although the other person’s qi is a bit less, it is much purer and more condensed.

"The boss seems to be different."

"Well, although I don't know what Dao Jiaohu has done, it is indeed stronger than before."

The dialogue between Abao and Bacchus is also everyone's dialogue.

Yin Leopard painted the scene where he saw the fierce tiger just now, and it scared everyone even more.


Chen Lie praised: "Jiaojiao, the route you choose now gives me great reference value."

He knew what had happened at a glance, and his heart was very excited.

Compared with the fierce tiger, Chen Lie, a person who relies purely on all kinds of miraculous medicines to build up his energy, needs more tempering.

Fierce Jiaohu nodded without much joy.

It asked calmly: "I want to challenge the first pet."

"it is good!"

Chen Lie nodded without hesitation.

"Me too! Me too!"

Lingcai raised his hand again and again.

It has been painstakingly researching the kills recently, and it has really developed a set of terrifyingly powerful kills.

With its current strength, it is enough to beat two or even three of its previous ones.

Such strength is enough to challenge the top three in qualifying.

"it is good!"

"Both go!"

Chen Lie is now full of confidence.

He remembered his qualifications for second place and said: "The first place hasn’t accepted the challenge for a long time. Now many people are watching his first place. But we are the second place, who is the first candidate to challenge. Can't compete with us."

When Chen Lie spoke, he challenged the first pet of the 6th level zone.

I didn't expect the other party to confirm immediately.

It's just that he needs to promote time, so he set the time to tomorrow.

"I will definitely lose."

Fierce Jiaohu said confidently.

"I never doubted your strength."

Chen Lie admired and said: "And your current posture is very lonely and tall like the old Laozi, this is the fierce tiger I know."

The fierce tiger smiled leisurely.

It found that after it calmed down, many things had been ridiculous before.

For example, in the face of vulture men, crane swordsmen, Jedi elves, etc., it appears very eager, and the desire to win is too strong and it appears utilitarian and frizzy, and eventually it makes repeated mistakes that should not be made.

Fortunately, I woke up before the centennial celebration.

"Lingcai, your challenge has also been accepted."

Chen Lie happily said: "The opponent is the third-ranked top battle pet. He has just risen recently and is in a stage of self-confidence, so he promised quickly."

Chi Chi!

The spirit who was a little afraid of fighting before screamed confidently.

"Although we cracked the skills of the Jedi elves and other battle pets, their ranking dropped quickly."

"The theater below the 2nd place is in chaos, even if it is the honorable position of 3rd place, 4 or 5 pets have been changed one after another recently."

"But also because of this, the information we can collect is not much, and everything is up to you. At this level of battle, every battle represents at least the direct benefit of 300,000 fan points. Numbness."

Chen Lie's words were like a drum in the morning and evening, awakening a somewhat overconfident spirit.

"And when you are finished, we have to train to cooperate."

Chen Lie then added another temporary task: "Although most of the comprehensive action team mode relies on the combat power of advanced pets, our team is of a special nature, and tacit cooperation can increase our overall combat power by a level. ."

All the pets nodded without saying a word.

"All right."

Chen Lie invited: "Lingcai, before the game, let's have a warm-up."

Lingcai was immediately discouraged.

In its mind, it still had the scene of uniting with the fierce tiger, fighting one of two, and finally being killed by Chen Lie with his hole cards.

It was also stimulated by Chen Lie.

It and the fierce tiger will be forced to make changes and breakthroughs.

Also had this time of creation.

Chen Lie soothed: "Don't worry, I will try to simulate the opponent's style as much as possible."

Lingcai finally had a bit of fighting spirit.




Substitute virtual into reality.

Standing in the middle of the ring, Chen Lie said: "Your opponent is a hidden class-Demon Breaker. He is very resistant to energy attacks, and he can basically crack the tricks he has seen once."

"Moreover, the most terrifying thing about the Demon Breaker is that it can draw energy to attack and counterattack the attacker."

"This kind of perverted profession is very rare even at level 7. It is cheating to appear at level 6."

Chen Lie raised a shocking knife.

With a stroke of the hand, the breathtaking knife that instills the air exudes a bright blade.

"let's start!"

"Be serious!"

Chen Lie's eyes suddenly became cold.

Lingcai discarded the unnecessary thoughts, his eyes gradually cold.

It regards Chen Lie as an opponent in the Secret Realm Arena, positioning itself in the duel of life and death.

break out.

Lingcai's thunder step broke out.

Staggered left and right, it turned to attack.

But it was never enough for Chen Lie to be fierce enough, and Chen Lie's fist with a blazing flame was eventually smashed by Chen Lie with a single knife.

Although it's not very pleasant, it still has the power to fight.


Lingcai's Thunder Fist broke out in an all-round way, but for Chen Lie who only followed, playing Thunder Fist in front of him was a dead end.

As a result, Lingcai's weapon was shocked and flew, slammed on a huge boulder, slid down, life and death unknown.

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