The pet king of the city

Chapter 851 The Secret

Lingcai's weapon was stunned by Chen Lie with a simple and domineering knife, and slammed down on a huge boulder, and his life and death were unknown.

"Get up."

Chen Lie's voice is still cold.

Lingcai barely supported his body, but as a result, his heart was pierced by the blade of a sword, blood was like a fountain, and the battle ended.

All the pets were stunned.

Lingcai clearly created a new kill.

How can it be worse than before?

You must know that at least you could have contact with Chen Lie in the past, and only after dozens of deaths did you lose.

Chen Lie asked: "Do you know why you are weaker?"

The spirit who almost smashed the game lock was said so, but calmed down.

Finally, it laughed.

"Yes, as expected to be super savvy."

Chen Lie also laughed.

Ling only attacked again.

This time it was a thunderbolt.

But it is a little bit different from before, that is elegant, or casual.

Random represents uncertainty.

It represents an increase in variables and it is difficult to predict.

Chen Lie was helpless for a while, but it didn't mean that he would sit still, so he waited in place.


The two exchanged a trick.

Lingcai seemed to have grasped the essence and pressed close.

Tongtian Cannon, Tiger Cannon, Tiger Claw, Tiger Shaving, Tiger Hug Moon, Deng Tian Knee, Tiger Sweeping Mountain, etc. Thunder boxing techniques are confused with the ultimate moves of Taijiquan, the domineering of Bajiquan, or mixed with Tan legs. Sharp.

There is no fixed trick.

It was all wild attacks.

This made Chen Lie want to capture the trajectory of the talent, but failed repeatedly.

Directly fell into the passive, and steadily failed.

It was just a different method, and the result showed a completely different effect.


The last knife was defeated by the fierce tiger emperor cannon.

The landed Chen Lie couldn't help nodding, and praised: "That's not bad, if that magician meets you just now, there is almost no chance of winning."

Before waiting for the spirit to be happy, Chen Lie said, "Well, I will return to my role too. Are you ready?"

Chen Lie went straight with a sword, and his high fighting intent oppressed the past, forcing Lingcai to be a little unnatural.

The familiar feeling of pressure is coming again.

Chen Lie, who knows how to cook, and Chen Lie, who does not know how to cook, are completely two people.

Although Lingcai felt bitter in his heart, he still faced it in awe.

"Ding, you have an important message."

Chen Lie wrinkled.

This is the news from the system online shop.

"Come here for now."

Chen Lie entered the online store and saw a message from an old customer with a transaction value of more than 100,000 fans.

Chen Lie’s online store has made special restrictions. Only messages sent by old customers at this level will be reminded by the system.

In the past, many people took a fancy to Chen Lie's potential and kept sending out invitations.

Among them, all kinds of business alliances are the most.

However, Chen Lie liked being free and ignored it.

But this old customer named [Lao Lv Tou] is an exception.

They often have simple exchanges, all of which are related to doing business. They have a lot of enlightenment to Chen Lie, at least avoiding Chen Lie's detours.

Now he is in trouble.

The old donkey asked: "Brother, are you a 7th-level cook god?"

Chen Lie asked back: "Why do you ask?"

Lao Lutou replied: "The gentleman white yuan soup you have recently served is very popular."

Chen Lie asked, "I sell foods of grade 4 to 6?"

The old donkey replied: "You have such a large supply, and there are so many dishes, which is definitely not what the average 6th-level chef can do. So I boldly guess that you are not only 6th, but probably 7th."

"The old donkey's head is really discerning."

Chen Lie did not hide it either.

Anyway, this is a lofty honor, but Chen Lie made a cover to avoid trouble.

"Level 5 authority, but has the status of Level 7 God of Cooking."

"I only thought it was a legend before, but I didn't expect to meet someone now."

The old donkey sighed.

It has always been difficult to improve the authority, so it is common to have a higher professional level, but it basically only appears in the low-level novice zone, and it is rare to see the senior zone like level 5 and 6.

Even if there are, most of them are only high level 1. These people are all called geniuses.

And two levels higher, that is evildoer.

Chen Lie asked: "Old Donkey Head, you are a Level 7 Trial who has been in the system mall for decades. Haven't you encountered anyone who has passed the second level?"

"Of course there is."

The old donkey replied: "But for decades, there have only been two chats, and you are the third."

"Ah, I don't have time to talk nonsense."

The old donkey immediately switched back to the subject: "Brother, you really want to help me this time. My pet was hit hard and hurt more urgently. I need a gentle method to recuperate. I looked for it and got it. A level 7 extremely rare medicated meal. But I have no trust in the help of the level 7 God of Cook, so I can only come to you."

Chen Lie was stunned and asked: "This kind of pharmacist, alchemist, and alchemist is more appropriate, right?"

The old donkey replied helplessly: "I asked a very prestigious alchemist. He said that he can be treated, but the treatment cost is no less than 3 million fan points. You said where I can find the money now, so I can only It's the second best thing."


Chen Lie could only accept it reluctantly.

The old donkey was generous, and said, "I know that there is a price for asking you masters to sell, and my brother is relatively poor, so I use that 7-level medicated diet as a reward. As for the materials, I will send it in the shortest time. ."

"Then I would be disrespectful."

Someone gave him a Level 7 medicated diet prescription for free practice, but Chen Lie refused until his head was stupid.

Not long.

The old donkey brought everything here.

Four Saints Soup: Level 7 medicinal diet, with unique effects of building a foundation for hematopoiesis and healing the foundation. It uses ginseng as the main material, and the blood of four level 6 sacred beasts is used as a medicinal guide. It is very difficult to collect materials.


After Chen Lie read the formula, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Ginseng is the ginseng that grows in the spiritual ground, absorbs the essence of the spiritual soil, and drinks the spiritual spring water.

It is said that this kind of ginseng has spirituality once it becomes a fruit, and it is very extraordinary.

According to its medicinal properties, an ordinary ginseng is better than 300-year-old wild ginseng.

And when the age is a little more mature, the efficacy of ginseng is comparable to that of millennium ginseng.

(Thanks to [SY] for the 5000 VIP points

Thank you [Your smile, my magic] 1000 VIP points for reward)

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