The pet king of the city

Chapter 862 Bodhi Mingxin Wine

"I invited two people here because of this."

Chen Lie took out the purple bodhi root.

However, he stopped talking, just looked at the two old seniors calmly.

"Weird plant."

The spiritual eye took a look and asked: "What is the value of this thing, that actually shocked us?"

Chen Lie replied: "It's not just you, this time it must be done with the power of the whole country."

Old Li and Lingyan took a breath.

Chen Lie said the words he had prepared a long time ago: "This grass is the legendary fairy grass. As long as it is planted, it can produce the legendary heaven and earth aura."

Lao Li and Lingyan took a breath again.

They all looked at Chen Lie with judgmental eyes, but after realizing that Chen Lie didn't mean to be joking at all, they began to face the spirit grass in front of them.

Chen Lie continued: "I know you don't believe it, but you can contact the top management and find a place to plant it, let some elderly and frail people live in, and results will soon be produced. I believe this world is not How many people can withstand an environment where they can live healthier and live longer."

Without waiting for Li Lao and Lingyan to ask questions, Chen Lie continued: "This matter is related to the resurrection of spiritual energy and the reappearance of Taoism. You should hold your own measures. My suggestion is that the sooner you promote, the better, because the future benefits All the creatures living in the hot summer."

"Okay, we will contact those old guys now."

Li Laoma took a bag of seeds and got up and left.

Not to mention how simple it is.

Lingyan looked at Chen Lie and asked: "I am not a politician, but if you kid call me over, I must work hard."

Chen Lie smiled triumphantly: "I want to plant this kind of grass as quickly as possible in all the surrounding areas."

"it is good."

Lingyan promised: "You give seeds, and I give people."

"A word is a deal."

"The old man never lies."

Things are so decided.

Finally, Lingyan sighed: "If you do this, the land nearby will surely rise. It seems that the old man must build a villa here."

Chen Lie smiled without saying a word.

Anyway, as long as it doesn't involve his land, whether it is bought or leased, the rest will be tossed at will.

As for the rumors outside.

Ha ha……

Things are simply passed on to others.

Chen Lie is also looking forward to it when the surrounding area becomes a beautiful purple scene.

At that time.

I don't know how many fairy condensate can be collected by the condensing machine in one day, and how much aura can be absorbed by the bottle of good fortune at a time?



"Ding, the Centennial Celebration of the System Mall will open in 3 days."

"Ding, the Centennial Celebration of the System Mall will open in 3 days."

"Ding, the Centennial Celebration of the System Mall will open in 3 days."

The important thing is said three times.

The system also has this unspoken rule.

However, Chen Lie knows that system testing at various levels has already begun. For example, the level 5 and 6 districts have been full of noise, and the forums are so noisy. It is said that there are a lot of data against the sky.

And what about Chen Lie?

As if everything was nothing to do with him, he continued to cook food and brew good wine.

It is precisely because of his diligent attitude.

His wealth is accumulating at a crazy speed.


"I finally succeeded!"

Bacchus raised the drunk fairy gourd high.

At this moment.

A flowing golden rune surged around the drunk fairy gourd.

This rune seems to be alive, with the drunken fairy gourd as the core, constantly circulating, very mysterious.

Chen Lie asked: "Bodhi Mingxin wine is made?"


Bacchus only responded with one word, and then peeled off the gourd head of Zuixian Gourd, and a cloud of smoke immediately emitted.

This breath alone made Chen Lie's mind so clear, as if he had drunk tea to enter the most clear and bright state.

Drunk fairy gourd.

The aging inside is the 7th grade wine-Bodhi Mingxin wine.

Bodhi Mingxin Wine, a 7th-level spirit wine, can allow the user to enter a state of clear mind and empty mind similar to enlightenment, greatly accelerating enlightenment.

"Good good!"

Chen Lie praised: "As long as you continue to succeed, level 7 is almost certain."

Bacchus also smiled sincerely.

It has never been so sure of level 7 like it is now.

"Well, Bodhi Mingxin wine is extremely rare even at level 7."

"Let's enjoy it first."

Chen Lie snapped his fingers and shouted: "You guys, don't patronize martial arts, take a break."

The fierce tiger appeared for the first time.

It's a pity that no one else is free, and Lingcai is still playing the Order Action team heartily. There is no chance of distraction.

"They are not convinced."

Chen Lie raised his glass and said, "Drinking Bodhi Mingxin Wine and watching the Enlightenment Wall, it is estimated that there is no level 7 tester in the system mall that can receive the same treatment as ours."

Take a bite.

Mellow and sweet, not very fragrant but long aftertaste.

First-class wine.


When Chen Lie looked at the Wall of Enlightenment, especially behind the top-down knife mark, an indescribable connection suddenly appeared in his mind.

Almost instinctively.

Chen Lie broke out: "This sword is like a thunderbolt thundering through a tree, domineering and decisive. It does not represent the sword, but the majesty of the world."

"The majesty of heaven and earth..."


A picture appeared in Chen Lie's mind:

At the top of the endless snow-capped mountains, an unknown swordsman suddenly came out of the station and held it high.

Standing until suddenly a raging fire burst out.

The pure sun fire that can melt all things suddenly appeared, and the heaven and the earth seemed to have undergone drastic changes in response to this knife.

Cut it down.

The boundary between heaven and earth, the sea of ​​snow is divided into two.

Chen Lie was also awakened by this terrifying knife.

"Long time."

"After drinking, my mind is bright."

The fierce Jiaohu who only took a sip exclaimed, "Cultivating with such a mind will get twice the result with half the effort."

"With the 7th-grade fruit Bodhi as the core, the wine brewed by secret method brings a little detached flavor."

The Bacchus who took a sip also sighed: "If we had such assistance when we were studying Bodhi Mingxin wine, it might have been brewed by now."

Fierce Jiaohu said: "It's not too late now."

"Yes, it's not too late."

"I still have a lot of drinks that I haven't tried."

Bacchus toast, fierce Jiaohu also toast.

As for Chen Lie.

They looked at these two characteristic pets with weird expressions.

It seemed a long time passed, and it seemed just a moment.

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