The pet king of the city

Chapter 863 An Enraged Gambler

Three days later.

Many super pets in the park gathered in front of the virtual world, watching the system announce the final stepped results.


"The 11th place in the qualifying competition actually only reached the quasi-S level."

Bailing looked at the final data given by the system with an exaggerated tone: "But there are more than 100 people with the same level as him. What is going on?"

S-level is the default top 10 ranking by the system.

The quasi-S level is basically 11 to 20.

Bacchus replied: "It's just that some people hide very deeply."

A Bao said, "Didn't the master say that before? This time the water is very mixed, and many people will endure it until the end before they are willing to break out."


Chen Lie explained: "All we saw before were individuals or small teams. This time the test directly forced out the geniuses hidden by the big bosses and the big forces."

"To be frank, I suspect that among the more than 100 quasi-S grades, at least 20% of the pets are S grades."

"In addition to this, I also suspect that some particularly ambitious, willing to suppress their own S-level combat power, only to give the enemy a kill in the end. This kind of battle pet is the most terrifying and dangerous battle pet."

In the end, Chen Lieyin smiled and said: "Every high-level tester is a smart person, but unfortunately they can't resist the system no matter how smart they are."

Because of this data.

Chen Lie has figured out the approximate level of this time.

At least eight or nine are not separated from ten.

All the pets, except the fierce tiger, were all very heavy, and they were all speechless.

Chen Lie looked at the fierce tiger who was still arrogant and said, "Jiaojiao, you are under a lot of pressure."

Not wanting to be fierce, but the tiger replied: "My goal is level 8, and no one at level 6 is my opponent."


Chen Lie glanced at Han Jiaohu and nodded: "Not bad. Recently, you have been tempering Qi, and the growth rate of Qi has reached the limit. You really belong to you."

At this time, the qi of the fierce tiger had accumulated to 98 points.

This data is basically the limit of level 6 pets.

Many level 6 pets start trying to hit level 7 when their energy reaches about 80.

The fierce tiger can be described as half-footed in the 7th level threshold.

What's more, its bloodline power has also accumulated to a critical value, which may break through at any time.

Double limits.

This is the foundation of the fierce self-confidence.

"The latest odds are out!"

In order to increase its rendering effect, Bailing actually used the natural skills: "I wipe it, what's the matter? The odds of the tiger boss can't even make the top three?"


Chen Lie was curious, who would dare to start a gambling game under the nose of the system.

Take a closer look.

It turned out to be a chamber of commerce with a level 9 powerful background.

They actually got the system's permission to open a bet on the 5th and 6th level districts.

Although Chen Lie didn't know what was going on, Chen Lie knew that this Chamber of Commerce must pay a huge price and must accept systematic supervision before it could be undertaken.

The fact is also true.

This chamber of commerce must pay half of the profit to the system, and betting, even if it is only 1 point of fan value, the system will also supervise.

Those more important matches and battle pets will be closely monitored and protected online and offline to avoid the occurrence of black methods to the greatest extent.

"My family Jiaojiao's odds of winning the championship are actually 1.5 to 1, but the other three pets who have never even heard of their names are all within 1.4."

"M's, I really look down on people."

Chen Lie thought for a moment, and immediately analyzed: "Recently, the gentleman's 100 yuan soup alone has earned me no less than 3 million fan points, and the total income from game bets and audience tickets is no less than 2 million fan points; and other income. , Lin Lin totaled more than 3 million. After subtracting all expenses, I still have nearly 8 million fan points, which is unprecedentedly rich."

"Hey, don't you guys want to play?"

"I will stay with you to the end."

Chen Lie didn't talk nonsense, and directly bet the fierce Jiaohu for the first place with a full 1 million fan points.

"Hehe, you actually look down on my spiritual talent like this!"

"Lingcai's odds of reaching the top 8 are as high as 1:3.1, which is nothing short of arrogant."

"I also give 1 million fan points."

Chen Lie decisively scored another 1 million fan points.

"If my family's Order Action Team can't make it into the top 100, then I should also pay 1 million points."

"Oh, the odds are only 1.3, which is not interesting at all."

"Unexpectedly, you have so much confidence in me, thinking that I can break through in the 5th integrated action team!"

"I'm going to your M!"

Chen Lie kept searching for odds related to him.

Originally, he was in a good mood when he saw the odds of his level 5 war zone, but when he saw the odds of his level 6 zone, he almost smashed the glass.


As a level 5 status, Chen Lie challenged the level 6 comprehensive action team competition and was regarded as a joke.


Nearly 10 times the odds.

This is basically super unpopular.

Chen Lieyin smiled and said: "You gave me such low odds at level 5, which proves that you already know that the fierce tigers, wise talents, and Action Team are my favorites, but you gave me such low odds at level 6. Insulting odds, that shows a message: There are many related action teams in the 6th comprehensive action team."

"Since you look at me so badly, then I have to make trouble."

"I paid 3 million before, so I will pay 5 million this time!"

"Although the fan value accumulated in the past few months has been empty, the sales popularity of the celebration has not been reduced much, and I can still make a madly for a short period of time."

At this time, Chen Lie was like an irritated gambler, smashing all his wealth in.

Bacchus they looked at each other.

They wanted to persuade, but eventually shut up.

On such matters, they don't need to raise any opinions, they just need to do their own thing well.

"I'll cook a few more dishes."

Abao left.

Intend to earn some liquidity back.

"Let me help you."

They all supported in the past.

After all, A Bao's energy is limited, and many times he needs the support of the fierce tigers.

"I will also make more pots of good wine to make up the number."

Bacchus also left with sorrow.

As for the farmers, they have already gone to work.

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