The pet king of the city

Chapter 869 The Devil

The war tiger with unstable temperament, the timid bear like a mouse, the war fox with smelly mouth...

It's all scams.

And there are so many of these kind of battle pets that Chen Lie doesn't bother to count them.

Chen Lie murmured: "Many of them are level 5, and most of them are battle pets. The super pets of level 3 and 4 are mostly life occupations, and some are even level 3 cook gods."

There are many pets that can cook food in the system mall.

The housework squirrel is one of them.

But because the skills mastered are different, the level and title are also different.

For example, housework squirrel, it is first and foremost housework, cooking food is only part of housework, so its chef level is at most master level.

The other gourmet super pets include the God of Cooking civet cat, the chef fox, the gourmet rabbit and so on.

"A lot of abandoned colleagues."

A Bao saw a large number of food colleagues who were abandoned because of the failure of the competition, and couldn't help but feel hurt.

Bacchus and the farmer were also traumatized.


Chen Lie was also simple enough and said, "You can hire a few assistants each. Dionysus and Abao can find two at most, and the farmer can have more."

Chen Lie's words made these three life super pets very happy.

Chen Lie added: "You help me choose. I need a super pet that can be used and has a gentle and obedient personality."

Bacchus they nodded again and again.

I can only see it just now. It is naturally full of motivation to save those poor people.

Not long.

Bacchus found two cute and well-behaved drunk minks.

The drunk mink is a relatively large, but cute-looking genetic animal that loves fine wine.

Moreover, he has identified a partner throughout his life, and he will never change until death.

If one party leaves, the other party will follow.

The two drunken minks recruited by Bacchus were both Level 5 Bacchus, and they were abandoned by the owner because they failed to hit Level 6 and were unable to achieve good results in the game.

Such a powerful super pet is more than enough to be the assistant of Dionysus.

The solicitation of farmers is even more straightforward.

A large group of super tree planting birds.

The super tree planting bird, the name is based on the tree planting bird.

They were originally good tree planters, and after countless years of genetic enhancement and training, they are already great farming geniuses.

Moreover, they are naturally conscious and possess excellent weather prediction capabilities, making them the most suitable helpers for farmers.

Originally the farmer wanted to adopt a super marmot family.

Because all members of this marmot family are at least level 4 farmers, and the patriarch is a quasi-level 6 farmer. He is also proficient in digging, so there is no doubt about his ability.

It's a pity that if you ask them to work, you get money, and you won't work if you don't.

The groundhog family with such a bad personality was naturally abandoned, and was eventually rejected by the farmer and Chen Lie.

As for Bao.

It only recruited one helper:

Gourmet rabbit.

Although the Gourmet Bunny is only a 4th-level cook god, it has a docile personality and is a great helper.

But how can such a super pet be abandoned?

The reason is simple.

Because of its rigid thinking and lack of creativity, it has hit the 5th-level God of Cooking N times and can't get past it, wasting a lot of fan value.

But its owner opened a gourmet restaurant.

The requirements for food are particularly high, and there are a large number of high-level food pets under his command.

Ever since.

It was abandoned.

And Abao smiled and put it in his bag.

What Chen Lie and A Bao want are helpers, not chefs. They can help deal with those tedious ingredients and solve some simple tasks. They are the best food assistant pets.

For high-level cuisine, Chen Lie and A Bao are enough.

The inseparable problem that originally plagued everyone was so easily resolved.

The most funny thing is that not only does it cost less, but also gets a lot of honor points.



"We have too many competitions, especially the 6th level. There are a lot of competitions almost every day."

"Fortunately, there is a time difference."

Chen Lie looked at the fierce tigers and Lingcai who had recently played more than a dozen knockout games, and said, "Now you guys have a good rest. I can just watch the Order.

Fierce Jiaohu and Ling thought for a while and shook their heads decisively.

Wait a minute is the key battle of the Order Action Team. If you win, you will win 10 games in a row and you will definitely qualify.

As partners, they naturally have to support it.

Chen Lie was helpless.

Fortunately, A Bao is smart enough. The gourmet rabbit who just joined the big family brought the food made by A Bao.

All are level 6 gourmet.

It can quickly relieve fatigue and restore mental state.

It can be said to be the best nutrition after the battle.

"It's almost time."

Chen Lie looked at all the members of the Order Action Team and asked, "Are you ready?"

Xiao Hei and they nodded together.

In the last two days, they have developed a special cracking method developed by Chen Lie and Lingcai, and quickly accumulated wins.

But the valid time of the challenge letter is only 48 hours.

It's long past now.

Naturally, it is impossible to take the opportunity of their exhausted body and mind to accept the challenge.

So in the last game, they must rely on their own strength to break through.

"It's them!"

Chen Lie had already found the target and picked a quasi-S-level action team that would accept any challenge anytime and anywhere.

This action team named [SY] is one of the members of the previous action team to challenge order.

They are also 9-game winning streak and are in the stage of confidence explosion.

Otherwise, it will not make a wild decision to accept any challenge from the action team.

Game start.

Both sides are thrown into the battlefield.

"It's actually you!"

The captain of Operation SY saw the logo of Operation Order and laughed: "There is a way to heaven, you don't go, but there is no way to hell but come in!"

"Who is heaven or hell is not necessarily true!"

Chen Lie looked at Xiao Hei and said, "You have also studied their tricks. You have taught everything that should be taught, and I will rely on you next."

Xiao Hei resolutely stepped into the ring.

The Silver Leopard and Blue Crown followed suit.

The two sides have conflicts in the first place and are unwilling to lose in the end, so there is no nonsense in the following, all are waiting for the thunder of the game.


A loud noise like a bolt from the blue sky.

The three favorites of the Order Action team broke out in an instant, killing them together.

They are misplaced, like three streams of light...

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