The pet king of the city

Chapter 870 The Seventh Level Shennong

The speed of the three favorites of the Order Action Team is consistent, and they are misplaced and concealed from each other, like three streamers rushing towards the SY Action Team.

"Be careful!"

Captain SY yelled, and two dark fireballs bombed it.


The Order Action team seemed to have seen through the movement of the black fireball, and they flashed perfectly together.

call out!

An arrow with blood red energy pierced the air and shot it from the side.


The fastest silver leopard slapped the arrow with one claw.

It's near!

The distance between the two sides is getting closer.

"Stop them!"

Captain SY raised his virtual hand, and a black wall of fire, like a wall, rose into the sky, becoming a flame barrier.


The stern air cannon blasted the black wall of fire through a huge circular opening.

At the same time, Xiao Hei leaped out of Yuankou.

Shield hit!

One of the basic skills of the guardian.

But the simpler the skills, the better the combat qualities of the pet.

The small barrier that SY's third pet was not aware of was instantly shattered, and the powerful shock force shook Captain SY back by half a step.

But Captain SY is the captain of the quasi-S-level action team after all.

After being astonished, he used the short gap that was half a step back to complete a terrifying call:

Hell spirit demon.

A 7-level magical summon.


As soon as the dark magic circle appeared on the ground, and as soon as the head of the hell spirit demon got out of the ground, the magic of Captain SY was interrupted.


The blue crown pierced his heart like steel claws.

"team leader!"

"team leader!"

The other two quasi-S-class battle favorites were frightened and angry.

It is a pity that the silver leopard has turned into a silver streamer, passing between them.

And Xiao Hei's teeth that could tear steel also bit the other's neck.

The battle is over.

It hasn't even been a minute since it started.

Before chatting with hundreds of viewers, Chen Lie had already left.

"Not bad."

"You fully grasp the time difference between Captain SY's summoning the Hell Spirit Demon and kill it."

Chen Lie praised: "You can remember the information, and you can perfectly grasp the time difference of not even 3 seconds. This ability is already qualified to challenge the S-level action team."

Because hell spirit monsters are pure dark energy creatures, ordinary physical attacks are invalid, but they have super magical damage, which is almost a nightmare for all melee pets.

Xiao Hei, they are not proud.

Because it is what they deserve.

The recent hell-style training has brought them not only the improvement of team combat power, but also the sublimation of spiritual will.

But they don't know.

After this battle, their grassroots team, which is despised, has completely become famous.

An action team with a pure grassroots background can get to this point, which is really amazing.

Didn't you watch the star action teams that have been famous for a long time, were tortured to death by some unknown action teams, and couldn't even make it to the fourth round of elimination?

It can be said.

Xiao Hei has now created their own brand.

A brand with a grassroots nature.

But Chen Lie didn't have time to care about these.

Because the next games are more frequent and cruel.

Whether it is a single player or an action team match, or a comprehensive action team match known as the legion match, all have entered the decisive fourth round.

The fourth round is the points match.

All S-level seeds, as well as the remaining quasi-S-level and A.-level seeds, will be evenly divided into 8 groups.

The members of each group are systematically arranged randomly, divided according to their strength levels, with a distinct sense of hierarchy.

Basically, how many S-levels will there be in the first group and how many S-levels there will be in other groups; how many quasi-S and A. levels will be in the first group, and how many other groups will have.

And the game only wins and loses, there is no average.

Delayed to the end of the time without a decision, then both teams lose.

This is like the World Cup, but with a more cruel mechanism, it urges the most exciting game.

If you want to get ahead, just kill it inside.

There is no second way.

"There are two members in the 6-level single competition, the 6-level action team has an orderly action team, and the 5th and 6th corps also have competitions."

"The next game will be very intensive."

"and so……"

Chen Lie shouted: "A Bao, you must always be ready to relieve fatigue and refresh your spirit."


A Bao readily took his orders.

Now there is no need to cook food all day and night, there is time to cook all kinds of food for everyone.

Chen Lie continued to issue orders: "You three brothers, as well as others, pay attention to the recent patrol work. There are no necessary things. I don't want outsiders to disturb our rest, understand?"

Chi Chi!

Housework squirrel triplets and other super pets all nodded.

"All right."

"Tomorrow morning is the Level 5 Legion Race and the Level 6 Individual Tournament. We will win with the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves."

Chen Lie looked at the fierce Jiaohu and Lingcai and asked, "Are you confident?"

Regardless of whether it is the 5th or 6th level of the Legion match, Chen Lie's battle pet remains the same; plus the solo event, that is to participate in the 3rd type of competition, so the fierce tiger and the spirit have been so hard recently.

Fierce Jiaohu and Lingcai both laughed and said nothing.

They don't have to take care of other tasks except playing games.

And in life, there are often undiluted fairy gels, many energizing and nourishing wines, high-end foods to relieve fatigue and restore physical strength, and even many intimate services.

So except for a short period of time after finishing playing that will be very tiring, other times are very relaxing.


"Master, I finally succeeded!"

The farmer happily ran over almost out of control.

It also holds a pot of plants in its hands.

"Could it be..."

Chen Lie only thought of one possibility and got up immediately.

The farmer shouted: "Master, I finally cultivated the fruit of the marrow."

"Good thing!"

Chen Lie had a lot of memory for spirit materials such as Divine Marrow Fruit, which were very common, but up to level 7.

The original Four Sage Soup, it is the core.

Now they can be grown on a large scale, and in the future, they will have an extremely low-cost Level 7 cuisine in their signature dishes.

"Master, not only this good news, I also managed to break through to Level 7 Shennong!"

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