The pet king of the city

875 chapter of the small trick

"You don't want to be."

Chen Qian asked: "If it is used, it is a strong anti-fire biochemical skin?"

I didn't want to get a thing.

Chen Lie's flying knife.

Chen Lie also understood, but shook his head: "You are very smart, the skin of biochemical is most afraid of tools, but this flying knife is not sharp enough, I will arrange it to you."


Chen Lie found a 6-level super utter from the system mall.

This is the same as cutting steel with tofu.

Chen Lie chose the minimum model, then throw it to the spirit.

Lingcai grabbed the knife, he didn't say it on the stone on the side:

The small stone is divided into two.



The spirit is happy.

Chen Lie pointed to a landscape stone than it, said: "I know that you must steal other ban. Avoid, you try it with a trick."

The so-called ban. Avoid the country is those who have not been castrated by the agency.

I said before.

Chen Lie took Li Lao, and the relationship between the eyes was collected.

Later, I saw that the boxing method can be integrated with each other, especially the skillful skill of Thunder, even gorgeous, and after the power, Chen Lie simply uses the system, pay the invasion of the highest level archives, and dig all uncraft data.

Chen Lie and the spirit have witnessed and superfeiter, and there is a powerful martial arts foundation, so they learn super fast.

Lingcai took the knife to the 30 cm high landscape stone.

Take a deep breath.

Then it is a knife:

Qinglong water!

Not Chen Lie's knife, but it is from murderous national surgery.

This knife integrates the principle of power of Thunder, plus the outbreak of flames, and the power is not under the tiger gun of Thunder.

That is, such a knife, the landscape stone is divided into two.

"I really neatly with tofu."

When I look at the Baili, I immediately touched.

Chen Lie is very satisfied with such equipment, praise: "Spirit, you must give the enemy a great surprise. At that time, I want to see how they restrain you."

Lingcai is also proud to laugh.

The atmosphere of the paradise is relaxed.




The opponent of the Lingcai - a large-scale desotrous mood wolf is flying.

But the blast wolf stood quickly, and smiled and smiled. "


The wind wolf flew like a few points like it.

The sound of hitting, roaring, the sound explosion, the two have come, and it is not lively.

"This is too shameless."

"I thought it was a fighting genius! It turned out to be a spicy chicken with equipment!"

"In order to defeat the enemy, it is really ignorant."

"My poor little squirrel."

The audience has expressed dissatisfaction.

The cute style of the spirit, the beautiful flow of gold, but it is a large number of female fans for it.

These female fans are naturally standing on the side.

Shameless behavior of anger of the wolf.

Unfortunately, no matter how you accuse it, you can't change the scene.


The scene has no change.

Because the blast has lost.

I saw that the wind wolf took the spirit to a dead end, and the hands were instantaneous as countless residues.


The ideal impact sound has not appeared, the moving actions will stop.

It looks down at it, I found that my heart did not know how to put more delicate knives.

Then the spirit seized this subtle flaw, one shocked, a boxing of a flame on the end of the cutter, the knife like a bullet penetrated through the heart of the wind.

Temporarily end.


The blast wolf can't say, the body starts dissipating.


Ling Mi apologize: "I just see you so happy, so I deliberately play with you."

The crust in reality is a old blood spurt.

The scene is coma.

Not allowed to send first aid by its owner.

And the director all the spirit has been depressed.

"Haha ..."

Bailing praise: "I didn't expect you to be so black."

Lingcai Question: "I just want to play with it, I have not malicious."

"I know, I understand."

Bailing is not good.

The misunderstanding is a bit depressed.

It can not be so much thoughts.

"Okay, I believe that you are just a time."

Chen Lie was simple to appease, and then said: "But it is an enemy, but also an arrogant enemy, we will play, there is nothing to do."


The genius nodded, and it seems to be understood.

"Good simple small squirrel."

Bailing didn't shook his head.

Chen Lie looked to the , "" You are now 4 consecutive victories, but I believe that the next opponent will get more and more difficult. Especially the spirit, you have two from the big The super genius of the forces, one is the frost magic of we all know, and the desert gold knife from the [Glory] Army. "

The frosty is naturally not introduced.

The first battle of the past, the strength is unquestionable.

However, the desert gold knife from the [Glory] Army is more scary, because he is not only winning from the registration, but no one can hold 3 minutes in his hand, including the Jedi elf who once made Chen Lie's headache. And Chen Lie familiar double giant.

It is said that he has also defeated a small number of 7-level battle pets.

So he is in terms of gambling, the odds are even lower than the .

Interesting is that he is a semi-elf, but the desert wizard and human nature combined with the descendants, it is this master, so there are many privileges in the glory military.

"Since the last defeat, the frost magic is very low."

"I believe that he will definitely give us a surprise."

Chen Lie said: "But we can ignore the frost magic, but you can't underestimate the desert gold knife. You have to remember that the desert gold knife is only used for 3 seconds, kills the double giant, killing the Elf is just use ... "

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