"You can underestimize."

"I can even ignore the frost magic."

Chen Lie's expression was serious and serious, told the tone of warning: "But you can't underestimate the desert gold knife. You have to remember that the desert gold knife will kill the double giant with only 3 seconds, let us headache The Jedi Elf can only hold 14 seconds under the hand of the desert gold knife. "

"And, the Jedi Elf is still a secret training, more powerful than before."

"In addition, the desert gold knife is not serious from beginning to end."

The last two complements of Chen Lie are almost suffocating.

I am afraid that it is much better than before, but I have no absolute grasp of the Jedi Elf, and I don't even say that I only solve the other party only in 14 seconds.

Wine gods: "The odds of gambling are not Hu Che."

"Of course not Hu Che."

Chen Lie replied: "If they are in chaos, they can't do it now."


This is Chen Lie received an interview invitation.

If it is someone else, Chen Lie must be lazy to pay attention.

But the other party is a snake magic, then it is another.

"Snake Magic, what is it?"

After Chen Lie confirmed, he opened the door to see the mountain.

"You still do so brittle."

The snake magic laughed, and then said: "Your home is the squirrel is about to face the golden knife, so I specially remind you."

Chen Lie asked: "What advises?"

Sheem Devil reminds: "The golden knife is not a magic whipger, but the blood knife St."

"You said, I am more confused."

Chen Lie is more wonderful.

The snake magic said: "The gold knife defeats my family's double giant, that is because he is a law shadow."

"I cao!"

Chen Lie is directly out of control.

The law is shadow, that is, the level of magnitude 9 can also pursue.

The snake devil is the head: "You have not heard the wrong, it is the shadow. But just shadow, there is a little bit of the taste, you don't have to worry."

"If you are not worried, it is stupid."

Chen Lie said: "Is the effort and ordinary power is completely two yards?"

If you say ordinary gas, internal strength, magic these, 100 points to move a mountain.

But the rule, only one wire is needed, then you can do 100 points.

This is the difference in hierarchies.

This is the desert gold knife from the desert gold knife, which is "terrible". It is simply cheating.

Snake Devils: "I know that the other party is the shadow, I still ask you not worried, natural reasons."

Welcoming the eyes of Chen Lie asked, the snake magic represented: "His law is not his own true power, but the blood is the blood, he can use a silk method, if you end the battle before he broke out , Then there is no problem. "

Chen Lie asked: "From the sea, he didn't care once, do you think we may kill him?"

Snake is right.

He just said something a little.

If the golden knife is so easy to solve, he will not support it in 3 seconds.

"Okay, tell me about his rules."

Chen Lie said: "Only know, it will not be unfaicable."

The snake magic is called out of the short battle video.

He explained: "My family's double giant is aware of being wrong, decisive petrochemical, but the next moment of petrochemical collapse, I have collapsed the kind. I asked the double giant, it said that it seems like the world The earth-based element is out of control, and it is like a desert, and the whole body is dry. "

"The elements between the event are out of control."

"Save the desert."

Chen Lie. Tuned, and the

Snake Devil continued his own analysis: "I didn't guess the wrong, the golden knife was related to the soil system, which can be instantly controlled, or the soil element is out of control."

"Desert elves and semi-splendid blood of humans."

"Law shadow with soil elements."

"I probably understand what is going on."

Chen Lie finally appeared to have a point.

The snake devil carefully looked at Chen Lie and said, "Since you want to pass, if you do you have to have a countermeasure, then I do my own responsibility."

After the words, the snake magic got bid: "That goodby, I hope you can keep the dignity of the qualifying."

"The dignity of the qualifying?"

Chen Lie did not understand.

But the Zombie has left.

Fortunately, Chen Lie quickly returned to God: "Is it too much to eliminate the power of qualifying?"

Chen Lie smiled and said, "Do you have a sense of honor, forget it, I still take care of yourself."

Chen Lie looked at the ,,,.,

Because it is about to play.

Two hours of rest time, said long, not short, short.

The regular time of the game is 1 hour.

If you can solve it in advance, you will have a lot of time.

Heji Hu is basically in 3 minutes to solve the enemy, so its rest time is enough to maintain a strong combat power.

Many people think this time will not exceed 3 minutes.


Chen Lie is not optimistic.

Question is this once the opponent is a pure tiger.

Thunder Tiger vs [iron blood] tiger.

Iron blood is also a large-scale army of Level 8, famous in the magnitude 8 area, and the tiger is a pure fighting battle that is pouring a large number of resources cultivated.

It is said that it also has a brilliant record that overcome the 7th battle.

And its odds are also very low, basically 1 lost 1.7, a little bit more than the scorpion.

The game is about to begin.

Heji Tiger and Iron Blood Tiger are also coming to the ring.

"It's really burly."

If you don't have anything, you will be able to sigh. No Do you can't do anything else. "

"Do you know the result?"

Chen Lie knows the answer, but I don't want to be too inexpensive.

Just in Chen Lie and Bailing's chat, the game started.


The ,,,

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