Ling Ni is weak and weakly, "I studied its ability, it seems that I said there is a sign of signs. His law can restrain my last must kill. Simple point, it is my basement, or it is possible The same result. "

Chen Lian asked: "What is your last killing?"

The spirit jumped to Chen Lie's shoulder, whispered.


"It's time to make mystery this time."

It was not satisfied with the first time to hear the best.

But Chen Lie and the spirit ignore it.

"No wonder you will be so negative."

"It's no wonder you prefer to use a trick today, and you are not willing to expose."

Chen Lie finally came over.

The spirit is weak and weakly said: "The owner, you will let me go wrong."

Chen Lie is still meditation.

Lingmai said: "I promise that if I rush not only 8 strong, I will not eat the owner and the preserves made by Abao, don't drink the fruit and fairy confession."


Bailing surprised: "Do you not be afraid of true vows?"

Chen Lie thought about it and said, "Don't allow you to surrender!"

The eyes of the spirit are ever.

Chen Lie said: "You don't have the trick, you can't get the trick, you will grasp it. I will help you design a new base card in the shortest time."


The spirit is most trusted by Chen Lie, decisively nod.

Things are finalized like this.



"Level 7 level 7, countless people pursued."

"But Level 7 is said to comprehend the power of a world."

Chen Lie lazy looked at the orderly action team that was thinking.

Compared with the , the order action team must break through the 7th threshold, and the difficulty is really much higher.

This is not only reflected in their personal strength, but also reflects their current situation.

The Order Action Team has now kills the number of victims.

That is, the cruel phase-out pattern that needs to be achieved in 6 games.

Although there were 6 games than the 10 games in the monomer.

But you have to know this is a group match, and each game is longer, more consumables.

The game will only be more time.

It can be so far, don't say a D-class action team, even if the C-class operators are also very few.

Chen Lie believed.

As long as a day, the B-class action team will basically be used as a soft persimmon, all pinch; and A. Level Action team will eliminate half.

Under such a bruises, the Order Action Team is naturally difficult.

"We have won four games."

Xiao Shi said: "As long as you stick to it, we can have no worries."

Chen Lie had to spurt and dirty water: "You don't want to be too early. The next action team is all hard bones, not so easy to bite. The most critical is that you have to win 3 games, because If others have multiple victories, and you don't, you will be eliminated. "

"That is."

The silver leopard, the silver leopard is very simply.

Baili really came to disgusting people: "Don't make you blow, now at least more than 60 S-class operators, each with at least one of you can play two top warfarets. The remaining more than 30 places, You have to fight with more than 3,000 acts. "

Bailing's S-class operators are not scared.

It is all official information, some or internal information from the 7th zone.

Just like Chen Lie's old friend wings.

It also achieved the quota of the S-Class Action Team, because he will build a movement team in the three major warfares - Jedi wizards, vultures and spiritual faces.

This phenomenon is not the only one, it is very common.

Basically, the top 100 balances have participated in the action team, and some even participated in the army.

As for those super geniuses who have called in the monomer, they have a super-geniors who have no face to see people, and they have a homemade team.

Therefore, Chen Lie only expects the order action team to kill the prior to 100, and make a small profit.

As for a higher location.

Still calculated.

Silver Leopard heard the irony of Bailing, his eyes were cold.


"There is murderous!"

The spirit is strange and running.

Silver leopard back a disdainful expression.

"All right."

Chen Lie stood up and said, "You are also prepared, not as good as I take this opportunity, give you the final cooperation technology."

The orderly action team is happy.

This is what you want.

In addition to 4 head pets, each action team basically has an instructor, professional or even commander, etc.

But Chen Lie needs too much aspect, so you can only let the small black yourself.

Now Chen Lie is finally standing out to do the forest commander.

The game lock is unpredictable.

Virtual generation into reality.

", just!"

Chen Lie saw that the Wing Devils had 5 consecutive victories, and he was urgently needed to win a victory to finalize the exquisite quota, so the decisive challenge.

Challenge is immediately determined.

"Haha ..."

"I just want to revenge, I didn't expect you to send it to the door."

The wings saw Chen Lie and laughed.

The two sides can be called an old hatred, no nonsense, the first time put into the battle.

"If you are not you, I will not fall to now."

The wing of the devil said: "You are dead, wait for me to win a good name, I will definitely stare at you!"

"If you are you?"

Chen Lie did not repay: "I know that you also registered the army, but as soon as you want to get a good name, do it."

"I can't get it, you can't get it more."

The wing is almost anger.

"Ha ha……"

Chen Lie dismissed the wings.

He still doesn't know his fault now, and I don't know my disadvantage, I dare to come here.

It seems that he is more mixed.


a bolt from the blue.

The grievances of both sides are so profound, naturally not nonsense, and enter the white heat at the beginning.

One party is better in personal strength.

A party wins in the team to cooperate with tacit understanding.

Mutual exchange, playing well.

"Cut them!"

Under the order of Chen Lie, the blue-crowned sound cannon took the lead in breaking, and the most sensitive vulture of the reaction was scared.

At the same time, the silver leopard and small black left and right cross-position, violently slammed the attack revealed a lot of spiritual face.

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