The pet king of the city

884 chapter perfect cooperation

The vulture is the first to be scared, the same time is the same as the small black, and the violent hits the attack reveals a lot of spiritual face.

If you see it, there is only one of yours. The Jedi wizard is not nonsense.

Although he is very proud, it is not a fool.

I know that I can't stop the attack of the three warfare, so I can only drag.

Drag for 3, 4 seconds, dragging to the vulture and the fossine fish back to support it.

However, he is too self-righteous.


Phone gun: Maximum power output!

Strong quasi-level symbol attack, slamming in the life shield, playing life and protecting a shield.

"Take the hand!"

Almost in the moment of the sound gun, Chen Lie shouted.

At the next moment, a black light hit a life shield.

It is small black.

Small black guardian skills:

No fire.

This time the life shield is rushing.

"Then then!"

Chen Lie's cry is accompanied by silver leopard.

At this time, the vultures and spiritual faces of the Jedi, just saw a silver gland, with a swelling killing stabbed on the life shield.


The life shield is broken.

Icy claws stably stab in the mouth of Jedi elf.

Fortunately, the tentacles of the fascinating octopus whistling, flying a small black and silver leopard, otherwise the Jedi Elf will die.

But the Jedi wizard is not good.

"Caining me."

The Jedi Elf has spread and makes the status:

Life returns!

"Interrupt him!"

Chen Lie's command is the most practical action.

I have long ambushing the blue crown in the sky, and I hit it on the skull of the Jedi Elf.


The life of the Jedi Elf is still interrupted, and the neck is broken.

The war is inclined in an instant.

"Wow, how perfect cooperation."

"This cooperation may not be rare in Level 7, but it is very high at level 6."

"Yeah, I didn't expect the order of order action team to go this step."

"If they can continue such a perfect cooperation, they will be able to go further."

Many spectators have seen a lot of audiences.

Many of them are the fans of the orderly action team, because the order of the order of the order, step by step, and the martial arts battle of the order, they also become a true love powder from passers-by.

Now they see a stronger side of the order of the order, nature is sigh and happy.



"Long live!"

"we won!"

Looking at the Jedi Elf, the vultures and the Face of the Fish were dissipated.

Baili they can't help but cheer.

At this time, the order of the order of the order is returned, and it is immediately welcomed by heroes.

Chen Lie said: "How is this feeling?"

"Very strong."

"Very powerful."

"It feels nothing to stop us."

The small blacks all look at Chen Lie with the eyes of worship.

They have learned these techniques.

These are the cooperation of those large-scale training movements, but there is no guidance of Chen Lie, they all can not connect, naturally can't play this exquisite cooperation.

Chen Lie also simply and said, "You take a break first. Today I will personally direct your battle, and brush up the last four games as soon as possible."

Xiao Black said: "I have a confidence to win as long as I don't have the strongest action team."

"Confidence is a good thing."

Chen Lie also doesn't want to splash cold water, after all, they still need their morale.

However, Chen Lie also said: "The stupid things like hard bones are enough. Taking advantage of the sporadic B-class and A. level pad bottom, we will challenge, accumulate more winners."

The small blacks are all very smart war pets, and the heart is coming.

Today's battle is taken from Chen Lie, and the Order Action team began to make people in front of the battle mode, continuing their number of winners.

How difficult is the two victories?

Very simple.

That is, in more than 3,000 teams, I will pick up a more accumulated S-Class Action Team, or an will of the A.-level Action Team.

Just two hours.

The order of the order has accumulated 7 consensus, and the quota is basically locked.

At this time.

Along with the increasing sum of competition. In addition, more and more 3 games have to be eliminated.

Those B-class operators will not say.

Among them, there are still more than a dozen quasi-level actors who have been eliminated.

The cruelty of the action team can be seen here.

"You are good today."

Chen Lie took a small black head and said, "You earn this time, I will all take you. However, the guardian and assassin should be promoted, it is difficult to say that it is easy, you are not easy. Do you want to take a route? "

System profession, to promote 7, must have prerequisites.

For example, guardians must first have Level 7 physique, and other basic capabilities cannot be less than 6. In addition, you have to master at least three guards 7 skills.

Another example is, first, you must have Level 7 agility and level 7 hidden type skills. Other basic capabilities have corresponding restrictions, and also have to be approved through the system's assassination.

These conditions will become simple.


Is this world really such a cheap thing?

If it is really simple, then there is not so many people who are sleepy before the 7th level threshold.

"I think it is good."

"I also want to be good."

Small black and silver panther nodded.

It seems that they are not idle when they are nothing, and plan for their future.

What is the planning of the system fixed professional system?

Naturally there is.

Level 7 system career, if the plan is not good, that is, it is destroyed in the bottom of the mass.

This is like assassins.

If the Silver Leopard is going to class, the original potential and assassin's talents will become the most common ability, even if they are spirit, they are not at level 7.

But if the silver leopard plans its skills and abilities, such as designing the spirit of the flame talent + meteor tiger, the combination of the tiger, or the bobbal + gas double superimposed combination, finally The fighting power broke out is not true.

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