The pet king of the city

895 chapter rewards and lottery

Chen Lie has directly boatted and shook his head and said: "Perhaps the future human beings have enough control means, or there is a special means of avoiding the people of people. Who knows!"

"That is too far away."

"I can't understand what society."

"Or is it a good park."

The pets are embarrassed.

"Indeed, that society is too far away."

Chen Lie laughed.

I feel that I think about this problem, I really have a little CHE.

Perhaps the existence of the system mall is to avoid this problem.

Because the system mall tends to be super pets, not a class.

Don't look at the 5th, there are many classes, the game is basically these people who are called Wang Zhen, which is like a pure super pet born in the Hookout Tiger.

But the higher the higher level, the more potential, and these people are excellent in some respects, but in the pureness of the blood, or the pureness of the idea, they are in turn.

In short, the family's ability and combat power are strong, but it is like this.

"Don't talk about this topic."

Chen Lie reversed: "You said, we got 100,000 fan values, three bottles of random blood pharmaceuticals, 5 glory badges, as well as 6 levels of strengthening drugs."

"100,000 powder filaments can be ignored, it is not as profit as a dish."

"That level 5 glory badge can also be ignored."

"Three bottles of 6-level strengthening agents can be sold, or they can be used."

"Level 6 random blood" three bottles can not be wasted at will, but if you don't need to sell. "

The more pets in the paradise gathered, the more you gathered, and even the rice bucket just sleeping in a snoring.

Because this is another interesting lottery time.

Chen Lie also grabbed this atmosphere and shouted: "Three bottles 6-level strengthening agent first draw, who?"

"I am coming to me!"

Bailing took the lead in standing.

And the spirit also looked at Chen Lie in a smile.

Chen Lien said: "Just, we will be one of the three Ears."

Chen Lie took out the 6-level strengthening drug random lottery volume of the system reward, which is an arbitrary reinforcement agent that can be extracted from 6.

"I will come first!"

Bailing Putong Zhuo Kai Won: "Hey, I am gaining Level 6 [blood strengthening agent] a bottle."


Chen Lie praised: "This is basically a first-class intensive agent in Level 6."

"Hey, after all, Emperor!"

Bai Ling fly.

It knows that the preserves in the next month are not worried.

"Go to me."

The spirit is not allowed to lose, combustion with the fire flames: "Hey, congratulations to get a 6-level [previvation of the drug]."

"I cao!"

Chen Lie almost jumped.

Revolutionary talents, this is the most demochemically cooler attribute, it is said that even if the 8-level alchemist, pharmacist, Damsen is not necessarily able to refine the level 6 of understanding of enlightenment.

Take such a thing, it is simply a cold door in the cold door.

Its value is completely below the 6-level perfect strengthening agent.

The most critical is that this agent can be taken.

However, Chen Lie then calm down.

Because he doesn't need it.

The physical quality of rediasis is comprehensive, and is generally in the perfect strengthening agent.

Although the enhancement is not a lot.

It is completely better than professional understanding of chemicals.

But under the accumulation of numbers, the effect is also obvious.

Now Chen Lie, from simple understanding, there is no difference.

The spirit is already a level 6.

The level 6 understanding of the drug is natural to Chen Lie.

"Take it on the auction?"

Chen Lie said: "If you bought it by the enemy, is I not an enemies? Such things, I would rather rot in my hand, and I don't want to take it out."

Speaking here, Chen Lie stopped.

He looked at all the pets in the park, saying: "In addition to , other people contribute."

The smart squirrel asked excitedly: "The master, what extent we have to do, can we get such a bottle of drug reward?"


Chen Lie said: "You have completed a magnitude 8-level difficult thing, such as a 8-level plant, make a magnitude 8 cuisine, etc., you can follow me directly."

The smart squirrel is instantly wilting.

The smart squirrel has a high intelligence, and it is also very smart to take good teas, constantly tempering the spirit, strong spirit, and memory.

It's very hard to walk the route, but it's more hard.

Because the spirit is talent, it must rely on his own efforts.

The farmer laughed: "Fortunately, I have the opportunity to become smart."

Abao. Ruth: "I have to add it."

"Let people hurt."

Wine god is a bitter laugh.

The farmer has an opportunity of magic dreaming soil, but the auxiliary of the mysterious ancient furnace, but what?

"And I have."

Chen Lie took a lot, and the results did not naturally: "Hey, congratulations, you get 6 [blood refining agents] a bottle."

"What is it?"

Chen Lie is still the first time I heard that there is such a medicament.

And when he carefully read the instructions, immediately came over: "It turned out that a medicament for the refining of the blood, this is equal to the savings of me a blood refining expenditure. But I want to be withdrawn? I am not a shortage of weakness now! "

Chen Lien is anxious.

"Wait, this agent can also refine the 8-level blood, but the extremitted blood medicine will become 6th."

"Then I can take a little bit of blood, then make several dragon people?"

Thinking of this, Chen Lie is evil to laugh.

Anyway, it is so huge, and a little blood refining is not a problem.

Do they usually use the blood of the blood to irrigate the blood tree?


Chen Lie first summoned him back.

And everyone heard Chen Lie's explanation, could not help but scream:

"This thought that the owner will become a chief hand under the lining of the Lingcai and Bailing, I didn't expect to remain the Emperor."

"Manufacturing Dragon, do you believe it?"

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