The pet king of the city

Chapter 896 Manufacturing Dragon?

"Manufacturing Dragon, it is estimated that there is nothing to believe?"

"If I get the blood of the dragon, it is fun at that time."

"I look forward to turning into a dragon."

The pets are laughing.

They are not very high in the expectation of Dragon Blood, and now it is curious.

Chen Lie no longer ruins the problem of strengthening the drug, continuing to draw: "Strengthening the drug, then the next is a lottery draw."

"Still me."

Bailing is still so anxious: "Hey, I am gaining 6 level [Thunder War Eagle] Blood Pharmaceutical."

"Not bad, Thunder War Eagle."

"After the rise of the king of the sky, many people re-examine the common blood of Thunder Wars."

Chen Lie laughed: "However, the Thunder War of the market is relatively low, we are level 6, so that the Thunder Warming eagle can become a force moment."

Bailing is slightly loose.

It thinks that its chieftain.


The spirit is roughly torn and the lottery volume: "Heise, congratulations to get the 6th level [greed flower bloodline]."

The expression of the spirit is also solidified.

Greeded a big famous carnivorous plant.

What type of result will be taking this kind of flower.

For example, it is swallowing Zihu, will show the purple bamboo fruit.

For example, it swallowed the fire beast, giving birth to a flare fruit containing the essence of the fire beast.

Interestingly, if it swallowed a lot of pork, the fruit of the pork will be made.

"I have to think about it."

While Chen Lie looked at it, it analyzed the role of greed.

Finally, Chen Yi asked: "How can we tell, how can we make the greatest extent?"

The farmer asked: "We can swallow some things that can't eat, then turn into ingredients."

"I think so."

Abao attached and opened.

Chen Qi: "What is it?"

The farmer hits: "Zizhu branch leaves."

"Treat your greed flower as a giddier?"

Chen Lie is a little guess.

The farmer's head said: "Zizhu only has bamboo shoots and bamboo rice to eat, and the supply of bamboo rice is too small, so there are more choices, you can make more cooking."

The gods attached to the gods: "You can also make wine, if the results are high enough, or even directly brew the 7-level spirit."

Don't want to attach the farmers: "I have been in studying the promotion of Zizhu. Once the advanced is 7th Ziko, the 7-level purple bamboo fruit is likely to come."

Wine gods said: "We tried the fairy gel, even the creation, but Zizhu's growth mode is not a ginseng, once the end is the limit is flowering, then died."

Zizhu can only blend the leaf, but it can't advance.

This is always the most troublesome problem.

If the paradise is born 7 Zihu, even if it is just a single, it is also a mass change.

Unfortunately, this problem has not been resolved.

I don't want to go to the farmer: "If I have not guess, we need a very rare ancillary item to make Zizhu advanced."

Chen Lie heard his eyes and asked: "What? Tell me, I directly buy it!"

"Wanzai Qingyi."

The farmer replied: "A thousand years can we take 1 drop of cyan aorta, 8th gods, can not meet."

"I have to try."

Chen Lie wants to reply.

He sent a purchase signal in the first time, then handed the greed to the farmer, "" You control it, it is best to distinguish it independently, avoid misunderstanding. "


The farmer solemnly acne.

"Finally I am."

Chen Lie took a deep breath, then torn open a lottery: "Hey, congratulations to get 6 level [hate the world's demon] a bottle."

"I rub."

Hate World Devil! "

Chen Lien wiped sweat.

Hate World Devils, the famous demon of the world, to destroy the world, and oblite all the souls for a lifelong goal, which can be called representatives.

And even the 8th level can also be the side of the "fire] is the signboard.

Such a blood represents this bloodthirsty, brutal, and confusion.

There is not enough spiritual power, it is not possible to control this kind of blood.

"It is very dangerous, but very precious drugs."

Chen Lie took the sigh to put the hate the world's demon.

Three kinds of strengthening agents, three kinds of blood pharmaceuticals, only the Thunder's hawks and greeds are treated, and there is no appropriate disposal plan.

"I am here tonight."

"If you need it, you can mention me."

Chen Lie took this show tonight.

Let everyone rest.



Getting up next day.

Thunder Wat Eagle Pharmaceuticals have been sold, the price is good, because it is a system, the price is 1.2 times the other people extract.

Chen Lie made a profit.

There is also a good news, that is, greed is incorporated, and the independent seed is in a small flower house, there is a special care of spy bee.

Moreover, farmers also use 6 branches and leaves of Zizhu for the first time to feed, test effect.

A banner came from a vegetable.

"Acid into the liver, bitter into the heart, sweet into the spleen, Xinzhong, salty into the kidney."

"To maintain the efficacy, you have to be delicious, then you must remember the efficacy. Don't take care, just do a little adjustment."

Chen Lie just came out and he heard Abao was explaining with the food bunny.

I am unequal Chen Lie.

Abao continues.

"You see this!"

Abao is very easy to deliver the dish to the food rabbit.

The gourmet rabbit has ate a brown eyebrow, and then all stretches, revealing the smile.

Abao asked: "What feel?"

The gourmet rabbit replied: "After a bit hard, it is a bit like a bitter tea that is more impactful. But after I eat, my body is warm and the badness is like dissipated."

"This is just a 6th-level medicine."

"We do food, don't need the idea of ​​Tiangao, don't need to be shocked."

Abao said seriously: "Heart, create the most sincere food with sincerity, let the diners have satisfied, that is our promotion of the biggest capital."

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