The pet king of the city

903 chapter fifth sword


The sword is out of sheath.

Mysterious swordsman finally showed the signature Huang Mangbao sword.

The mysterious swordsman's breath became extremely fierce at this moment, shouted: "This is just a very ordinary weapon, but I am 10 years, it is full of my brand, you are careful!"

First sword:


This sword, all distances are just between it.

If the body of the mysterious swordsman, if the person is not arrogant, the sword is first.

This sword is pure speed.

There is no flower.


The horizon is broken by the horror of the horror of the horror, but the second sword came.

There is still countless sword light behind the first sword. This is a longitudinal. The horizontal sword is also a mad sword.

In the face of this, this is like a rain.

, :


One force dropped ten people.

This is the overbearing of the Tiger's hammer.

It is also such an overbearing, all of the swords is smashing under this hammer, and the mysterious swordsman are also awkward.


The third sword came.

Sword and earth!

This sword is the gas that condenses the mysterious swordsman.

Scary a sword, is also a broken sword.

It is enough to despise all defensions below Level 7, and even the second-flow defense of Level 7 is not necessarily resistant to such swords.

In the face of such pure swords, everything is vain.

But the did not think about any tricks at all.

I will go.

Meteor Tiger Emperor is interpreted by means.


The Huang Mangbao sword of the mysterious swordsman sent a sorrow, and the claws of the .

Both people are like electric shock.

Life and death!

This sword must be able to comprehend.

This is a sword of transformation, which is also a sword that is life and death.

Jianhong broke down and now, hegemony and decided swords like heaven and earth to fight against fate.

A sword that this sword is condensed, performing an unclear artistic conception.

Nine days, Xunmei flash!

The bottom card of the treasure tiger is also coming.

There are more than 30 attacks in an instant, and the full name is a sword.


The swordsman of the mysterious swordsman smashed, the Jianhong exploded, the whole person took a dozen steps with the blood spurred.

Heju Hui did not win the chase.

Because this is the most exciting, most admirable opponents.

It doesn't want to end this.

It wants to see what the fifth sword by mysterious swordsman is the last sword.


The mysterious sword passengers said: "I have done the highest assessment for you before the game, thinking that I can resist the past, I didn't expect me to underestimate you."



Its blood is still burning, and the blood of the body is already a blood red.

It has a critical point.

"Then you are careful!"

The breath of mysterious swords change.

The moment is the dominance between the heavens and the earth, and the peerless sword passengers.

Heaven and earth swords!

The heavens and the earth are the rules, which is the source of all rules.

The mysterious swordsman actually mastered the power of the rules that may not be able to master the level 7.

This is the real rule power, and the shadow does not know how many levels of the shadow compared to the Swan people.

There are countless big depends on the scene.

And other audiences are also awkward.

Everything is cooled.



The power that is rishes is throughout the entire secret.

The , , , ,,,,,,,,

Although there is no systematic ignore, this is also the source of heaven and earth.

The mysterious sword passengers control the world.

And the scorpion is the source of heaven and earth.

"Oh my God!"

"Is this true power?"

"Miracle! A 6-level game, actually appeared two heaven and earth will!"

"One more than two people, the so-called super genius before, it is still slag."

"As long as they are falling for halfway, they are definitely magnificent in the future!"

Moderator, the nephew is all crazy.

One emotion is shouting, and there is an unprecedented thing for this history. Peak is stunned.

The sword of life!

Representing a history of life, symbolizing life recovery but can bring destruction of life swords, including a order-to-force pulsation, tigers, hike.

This sword is not fast, but the speed is absolutely not under the first sword.

The is not a general person, unknown blood color force is accompanied by a fist, and the space in front of the eyes turns out, and the whole mirror is in this strong force.


The sword of life is smashed by this boxing.

Yes, it is completely broken by the heavens of the world who have hit the mysterious swordsman.


Mysterious sword spray. Blood falls.

Heaven and earth swords are his source of power.

The source of origin is broken, his arrogance. Proud is bombed.

"I lost."

The mysterious swordsman supported the body, and wiped the blood of his mouth and said: "According to the agreement, I have to introduce yourself."


The outbreak has completely overddled its life.

It is still standing now, pure is willing to support.

Mysterious swordsman self-introduction: "I am an orphan of the Asian family, there are several races of race in the body. In order to avoid embarrassing, the master gives me a name called Li Yifan, I hope that I can go all in my life."

He Tiger laughed: "But your talent is destined to be extraordinary."

"Yes, my master later I found this."

"But I am very happy, have a normal human name."

Li Yifan laughed: "So I am very grateful to the master, often give him a good wine."

: "Your master likes wine? That is simple, there have a lot of good wine there."

"Well, my master is almost alcohol."

"Unfortunately, it didn't make wine talents, and I didn't break through half a step 7."

Li Yifan said: "The 7th grade wine gods, the winemaker is controlled by the major organization, and there are fewer spirits, so there is a good wine in the system."

"Contact me if you have time, maybe there will be unexpected gains."

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