The pet king of the city

904 chapter Biqiu battle bloodline

"Contact me if you have time."

"Maybe there will be unexpected gains."



Li Yifan jumped, and he went out.

The system announcement appears in an instant:

"Congratulations to the super pet - became the 6th level unit champion!"

"Congratulations to the super pet - became the 6th level unit champion!"

"Congratulations to the super pet - became the 6th level unit champion!"

Important is three times.

The system is no exception.

"Hey, congratulations on your premium - 6 . ...,.,,,,,

"It's a lottery."

Chen Lie took a 7th random blood pharmaceutical lottery volume, and he looked at the ghost and Bailing.

"Don't smoke."

Bailing said: "This month's rewards are enough, I don't want to be greedy."

Ghosts are also lined up.

"Then I have my own hand."

"It's time to witness the authentic Emperor."

Chen Lie took a lottery volume, and immediately received a reminder: "Hey, congratulations, you get [Biqiu Battle Items] blood."

Chen Lie's expression was solidified.

The Biqiu battle icon, a special blood of the Dharma has a talent, the power of the talent dragon, etc. is the top 7 blood. However, its disadvantages are also obvious, it can be injected to the fellowship, and it is still not evil .

The 8-level district has a big warfare is the battle of the Biqiu. When you fight, you will have auxiliary force of Dharma, Luohan Nobody, etc., and then immunize most of the 8-level attack, and With the power of the Dragon Elephant, the living is more than a thousand summary of the super summons of the 6th level.

This is what metamorphosis.

Chen Lien 's natural heart.

But find a giant coming over it is not difficult.

Come in Chen Lie, a headache is enough, but also a bigger guy, it is simply tossing.

"Forget it, this is worth the money, take it to change things."

Chen Lie's thinking is simple.

I can't use it, I have to do it.

Baili smiled: "Fortunately, I am not smashing. If I smoke, it is estimated that this month's preserves and the creature are gone."


Ghost is also a secret.

With the increase in the knowledge, the momentum is getting stronger, and Chen Lie's eyes are getting higher and higher.

Even the Biqiu's battle, this level of top 7, the top of the top, can also be seen, it can be seen that there is still almost the same.

"First to the switch area search."

"Maybe there will be unexpected discovery."

After Chen Lie paid a search, it was really found that the trader of the Biqiu battle.

However, these people are basically 5, 6, can't afford it at all.

So Chen Lie directly listed transactions.

I don't want him to organize my trading conditions, I haven't retreat, I have a purchase person to go home.

A 7-level businessman who hits the [Three Real Estate] Flags asked in an eagerness: "Both buddies, is it?"


Chen Lie looked at the 7th businessman in front of him.

Level 7 businessman self-introduction: "I am a 7th-level deacon of the three-border business alliance, surname ancient, hoping to exchange the 7-level Puchi in the hand of the Pharaoh."

Chen Lie replied: "Ancient deacons, my exchange conditions are written, if you want to trader, let the system notarized."

The ancient mobility smiled: "The exchange requirements of this is too harsh."

Chen Lie laughed.

The ancient disciplinary businessman's negotiating skills: "The 7th-level Biqiu battle in a bottle system, the price is 6.66 million fan values, but the transaction between the trials, 5 million is the limit, basically 4500,000 can succeed "

"I am systematic."

"The system produces, must be a boutique."

Chen Lie had affirmfully answered.

The ancient subjects heard Chen Lie's tone and knew that he had encountered a tricky object.

The ancient subject strides to go: "Even if you have a system, you can't sell the original price directly?"

The original price is only Chen Lie's fishing strategy.

Now the big fish is hooked, Chen Lie naturally can't let go: "What do you talk about adding a suitable?"

The ancient mobility asked: "Don't you know that you accept objects?"


Chen Lie said: "But it must be what I need."

The ancient dealtics directly showed a list of high-level trading, saying: "These are the resources you have in my hand. Which is right, you can trade directly."


Chen Lie looked at it and was surprised.

Because the energy of this three-border business alliance is not small, there is also a level 9 thing to trade.

This is definitely he has seen the highest-end trading object.

However, Chen Lie quickly discovered the problem, laughed: "Just now, I also said that I will take the system to scare people, do you do this?"

"That is a business means."

The ancient dealtics said: "I changed the internal price."

After the words, the prices of the trading list of ancient deacons suddenly drop one level.

"Not bad."

"This is still reasonable."

Chen Lie has never seen such high-end, the price is so affordable.

It seems that this ancient deacon is very confident.

The ancient discipline opened the door to say: "Trading with you, simple, the benefits to each other. After all, the time is money."

"you are right."

Chen Lie saw a pass, found a unable thing, surprised: "You actually have a secret of the abyss, and you still don't dare to sell?"

There is a race in the abyss, the entire race, as long as the specific condition can be reached, and you can feel freely.

The complementary effect of 1 + 12 after the mix.

"You think we are really fools."

The ancient discipline said very frankly: "The first condition of this symptomatic secret is the same blood, the second is to communicate with the mind, and finally there is a strong limit of the growth of the fusion."

"We are chambers, although it will cultivate self-insurance power, but it is not a lot of large organizations. So I don't have to train from low-level, and I don't say that there is a blood and my heart.

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