The pet king of the city

910 chapter super lottery

Chen Fit. The stock has not been taken yet, and the system announces the end of the game.

And the host, the auditorium is also boiling.

"My God, the new record is born!"

"At this time, the fastest competition record will be replaced at this time."

"The ghost is a squirrel one pick four, and there is a level 7 battle pet. What kind of war is this?"

"If the ghosts have such combat power in the monomer, it is estimated that the final champion will have not yet."

Unfortunately, regardless of the host and the unintellite, Chen Lie has been a conception.

At the end of the game, they directly out of the virtual world.

Bailian is scared to watch the ghost: "I rub, my mouse, you have not too much excessive" now? "

The blue crown is excited: "Ghosts, are you level 7 now?"

"Not 7 yet."

The ghost suddenly highlights a fire cloud, easily: "venting a pass, there is more comfortable. Hey, the hate the world is really terrible, once an angry, emotions may be out of control."

Chen Yan sighs: "There is no way, even if the system is optimized, some recessive branding is still present."

The ghost asked: "How do I eliminate this hidden impact?"

"It's very simple."

Chen Lie said: "Improve the 7th level as soon as possible, then crazyly refine the native of the heavens and the earth, use brute force and water to work hard, and put this blood to the erase."

"It can only be the."

Ghosts want to end what the medicine is always for all.

But now, it can only slowly throw.

"In addition to the three giants, your integration is perfect."

"So now ..."

Chen Lie suddenly thought of something, I went to a circle. When everyone thought it was a gift, he took out a lot of lottery volumes.

"I rub, this is to kill our rhythm."

"Too much, no, I will craze."

Bailing and ghosts mourned.

"I will come first!"

"Let's first pumped it!"

Chen Lie did not talk nonsense, and torn 10 virtual lottery volumes.

"Hey, congratulations, you pumped 19 points of fifty."

"Hey, congratulations to draw 11 points of fifty."

"Hey, congratulations, you pumped 21 points of fifty."

"Hey, congratulations to draw 3 super plants - delicious blueberry seeds 1 pack."

"Hey, congratulations, you pumped to 17 points of fifty."


Under the tenth smoked, in addition to delicious blueberries, others can ignore.

"Not bad."

Chen Lie has been satisfied and continues to smoke.

But this time is not very good, even 3 10 o'clock fifterer rewards.

This is simply changing his title of the Empress.

"Look at me!"

Bailing is thinking about it, and it is also a tenth.

"Hey, congratulations to draw 1 point of fifty."

"Hey, congratulations, you pumped 2 points of fifty."

"Haha, are you a chief?"

When I saw this lottery, Chen Lie laughed, and Bai Ling's face was black.

But the lottery is still going.

"Hey, congratulations, you pumped 16 points of fifty."

"Hey, congratulations, you can draw 221 points of fifty."


All is a fan value, add more than Chen Lie.

But there is no other special reward, it is basically ignored.

Abao laughed: "Even Bailing also lost such luck, if we would not be worse, I will come."

"I will come."

Wine god, farmer, etc. all come together.


All are fan values.

And there is no one that can take more than 100 points.

The two pass is wasted, close to two hundred lucky draws.

"Well, I will show it."

The ghost said madly: "I don't pick it up, I have to pumet it!"

The roaring of the volley!

The unlocking method of ghosts is most brittle, and directly use the absorbing to burn the lottery volume.

"Hey, congratulations, you can draw 1 4-level super plant - king peony flower 1 plant."

"Hey, congratulations to draw 7 o'clock fifty."

"Hey, congratulations to draw 11 points of fifty."

"Hey, congratulations, you pumped 9 o'clock fifty."


Very good open, but the next is a fan value.

Funny is a few packs that haven't seen a few packs.

"It seems that the ghost is not enough!"

The words of Bailing just finished, the ghosts finally appeared in the miracle:

"Hey, congratulations to draw 1 point of fifty."

"Hey, congratulations to draw 1 point of fifty."

"Hey, congratulations, you can draw a 7-level intelligent floating car."


Floating cars, this is the standard of the technology world.

And Chen Lie is excited to have a straightforward movement. Wipe.

Because this is a 7-level floating car, the system mall is priced at 2 million fifty luxury.

This place is exactly the same as the floating car in the science fantasy.

Moreover, the maximum speed can reach the twice acceleration.

The most important thing is that it is installed inside, even if the highest speed hits in the mountains, people sit in the car will not harm.

"Haha ..."

"Value back this ticket!"

Chen Lie hugged the ghost, and pinched the ghost to rose the cheeks of drums.

"No, I have to be a hundred!"

Bailing took out the hundred lottery rolls, shouted: "My name has a hundred words, and hundreds of pumping is definitely very good."

After the words, the Paws of Bailing began to break the lottery, the lottery reminded.


Today's luck is not very good. In addition to pumping into a 500-point fifty fifty, it is more important to ignore others.

It is the pet grain that I like before.


Ghosts have to come: "The first European Emperor, I am."

"I don't accept it!"

Bailing also took out the hundred lottery volumes and started to draw.

"Hey, congratulations, you pumped to 17 points of fifty."

"Hey, congratulations, you pumped 5 points of fifty."

"Hey, congratulations to draw 1 point of fifty."

"Hey, congratulations to draw the sculptor exclusive tool - Tiantong knife."


After the Tiantong knife appears, everyone's attention is on the knife, and the fans of the dense Ma Ma will not think.

Tiantong knife, engraving staff exclusive tool, grade 8 level.

Everyone was shocked by the 8th level.

This is the 8-level treasure!

It seems that there are not a few things in the park reach level 8?

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