The pet king of the city

911 Who is the real European

Tiantong knife, sculptor level 8 exclusive tool, Fengrui unparalleled, can engrave any super-alloy below 8 levels; increase the success rate of carving during creation, the lower the work level, the more excellent effect.

"Tiantong knife, very conspicuous weapon."

Chen Lie said: "But why is the special tool for engraving workers? M, there is no engraving in the park!"

Super pets are also helpless.

Exclusive tools are only related to the relevant profession.

Other occupations can only use their texture and cannot be excited about its special additional effects.

However, this is not the most depressed.

Since the appearance of Tiantong knife, Chen Lie's luck has been used.

The next lucky draw volume, in addition to drawing a large number of super plant seeds, others are basically fans.

Although the number of stacked is not bad, there are more than 20,000 fans values, but now this kind of income can no longer touch Chen Lie, and now it is going back.

"All right."

Chen Lie looked at the last laminated volume and asked: "There is a last dozen, who is coming."

"Don't play, nothing."

"Light is light."

Ghosts and Bailing expressed abandonment.

"Let the food rabbit come."

Abao suddenly said: "It has no lucky draw here."


Chen Lie was thrown into a gourmet rabbit by the remaining dozens of lucky prices.

The more timid food rabbit is slowly torn with the lucky draw volume, and it is slowly torn in everyone:

"Hey, congratulations to you to draw 174 points of fifty."

"Hey, congratulations, you pumped 58 points of fifty."

"Hey, congratulations to you to draw 6 skills - sharpened rolls."

"Hey, congratulations, you pumped 98 pneumatic values."

"Hey, congratulations to draw 7 level skills - the magic spool of the devil."


Everyone looked at the performance of the gourmet rabbit.


"It turns out that it is the first European emperor!"

Everyone can see the tongue.

The most garbage lottery volume draws out so much good things, such luck is simply.

"it is good!"

Chen Lie asked excitedly: "Gourmet rabbit, after the lucky draw, you must stand up, understand?"

Gourmet rabbit is happy to go.

It finally found the existence of the paradise.

Chen Lie supported the road: "Gourmet rabbit, wait for it, you will follow my gourmet guidance after I and Abao,"

Chen Lie did not believe it.

With his two 7-level kitchen, you can't upgrade the grade of the gourmet rabbit.

Gourmet rabbit is happy to jump.

"The next step is the arrangement of the skill reel."

"Sharpening's pole is an increase in the auxiliary magic of weapons, and the three major warfares of the orderly action team are directly promoted."

Chen Lie analyzed: "But Xiao black needs too much, distracted; silver leopard is assassin, can not use assistive magic to expose his trace, then only blue crown."

"As for the voices of the devil, this is a comprehensive function, which can attack interference control. If you use it well, you can immerse it, let the enemy inner."

"However, it is largely overlapped with the sound of the sound, so the Bailing is not very needed."

Chen Lie analyzed here, Shen Song: "Inversely the blue crown, there is a 7-level vocabulary of the upgrade, plus the devil's voice, it is like Tiger, it seems that today's two skills are blue crown."

The blue crown after the dragon blood is already a dragon blood burst ears.

This bitter does not have any magical talents, and it is a pure physical fighting route.

The magic of the devil and the magic cannon is largely compensated for this regret.


Bai Ling : "The blue crown is now so strong, and there are two skills, I really don't know what it will be strong."

The blue crown is actually stupid: "I use burst light, I found that power is at least 3 times longer than before, I can instantly break down most of the 7-level shield."

"Still early."

Chen Lie said: "The dragon blood burst eagle is extremely physics route, you are now just initial integration. Along with your growth, this route will get more and more extreme, that is not only your mouth and paw, even wings It will also become a horrible kill. "

Speaking here, Chen Lie reminded: "Oh, I almost forgot. In the moment of life and death, you can inspire hidden talent skills - Long Li, your strength will skyrise, and the cost of paying is The damage you will be doubled. "

"I am so strong!"


The blue crown is called: "Training! I want to train!"

"I am coming as your spar!"

It also needs more actual hidden ghosts to jump immediately.

Small black and silver leopard have seen an eye, decisively go.

As a teammate, they can't look at their teammates being bullied.

The blue crown is stronger.

But I want to practice with ghosts, I am not qualified.

"See them, I am ting is pleased."

Chen Lie said: "The blue crown is now a pure blood route, the stronger the blood, the stronger the explosive force. The small black and silver leopard still need a lot of increase in magic, but fortunately, there are many things that are permanently increased, food and Wine, even drinks. "

Like the spirit wine, the gentleman Baoli soup can increase the vitality of the energy, internal force, real yuan, magic, fighting gas, witch, demon, etc., Etc..

In the system mall, this place is inseparable, and it is in short supply.

However, the park is available here.




In the northern snow in the secret terrain.

The nearby snow is already lying on the three or the heart, or the warfare of being burnt.


A robot with a small high-reached, two energy machine guns, poured with the speed of 6000 energy bullets per minute.


The shooting speed of this bullet is fast, but it can't catch the movement of the .

The key is.

The is not a person fighting.

A flank of the sky is coming.


The fireball smashed the outside super gold armor.

The body completely lost the balanced small high-rise surface.

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