The pet king of the city

912 chapter four consecutive victories

The small high-rise body that was smashed outside the exterior super gold armor was completely lost, and the face was planted.

Unfortunately, the little upshore has not been able to get up, because when the

The leakage sound of "Zz" is accompanied by the sprinklers of electric flow, as well as unknown liquid.


Don't give small up to the chance to make the final resistance, the ghost is a flame, then smashed on the gap.


A group of small mushrooms rushed to the sky.

The battle is over.

The Chen Lie in the southern jungle saw the small mushroom cloud, disdainable: "This is the first person in the Grade 8 major organization, huh, if you are so weak, then you are not interesting."

This is the third opponent of Chen Lie in the group.

It is said that the first person of the team's team's team is the first person.

Therefore, Chen Lie took out the 12 points to deal with it. The result did not expect that the momentum was stunned, and he had set the so-called enemy of Chen Lie, and even the eligibility of 10 seconds in Heji Hu and ghost. There is only two minutes of the last level 7 small high to barely support two minutes.

"It's too incredible."

"Everyone in the game feels that the paradise will be at least the third battle, but everyone is disappointed."

"The first war pet plus the combination of Top Ten War, as long as the order is basically second."

"You are wrong, this time is four people together, and the result is the same as the squirrel, the result is still the same."

Several nephew, especially the new invitation, the beautiful woman is amazing.

"I know, the odds of 1.1 before the game are not joking."

"Now the gaming company is also afraid."

"Heju and ghosts are basically 7-level war, and the third warfare is afraid."

"I heard that the garden army started to win nearly 1 lost 10, if I have it, maybe you can make an sky."

Not only the commentator is excited, the audience is also excited, as if see a gradually growing legion.

"Let's go."

"There is nothing good here."

Chen Lie turned and wen and disappeared in the virtual world.

He is also returned to the paradise.

"Jiaojiao, you are very beautiful."

"Ghost is getting stronger and stronger."

"Today, your cooperation is perfect."

Their return is warmly welcomed by all the pets of the park.

"Don't be happy, just 3 games, there is still 8 games."

Chen Lie specially reminded: "Tomorrow's will be a hard one, Satan's left hand is defeated, and it is now known as the most opportunity to become the first hard character of the group."

"3 head 7 battle pet."


The , ,, ,

Chen Lie said: "Don't be too much to forget. We have a card, the other party is the same, I suspect that their preparation pets may be super level 7 first-class warfare."

He nodded.

The ghost is still so confident.

At this time.

Mysterious swordsman Li Yifan actually requested contact.

Chen Lie opened.

Chen Lie looked at Li Yifan and sighed: "It's a rare!"

"If you want everyone, it is the master of and ghosts."

"Since the name is unimagled."

Li Yifan asked very directly: "I have seen your store, and I will find a lot of wine in the store. I don't know if you still have a higher level of wine?"


"And a lot."

Chen Lie shook his head: "But that is not sold out."

Li Yifan A: "I can pay enough price."

Chen Lien said: "I know that your master is a famous drunken cockroach, a good wine. But my wine can't meet internal consumption, not to be external supply."

Drunk Sword, the big name is the first generation of the Asian family.

Unbeaten by 8-level identity hard anti-9 attacks, is known as a 9-level high-level.

It is said that he has had a master, but this owner is mysterious because of some sakes. Interestingly, before his owner disappeared, he also liberated all the war pets, giving all the warfares, and the drunken fairy is one of them.

But Drunken Jianxian is a drunken cockroach, Li Yifan is Li Yifan.

This is two yards.

"the host……"

This is a little eager to say.

It is very good for this opponent in front of you. I hope that Chen Lie will tell him about death.

"Forget it, things will be handed over."

Chen Lie is too lazy to get too much, throw the dialogue to the .

Not much time.

He is the help of Li Hui, and completed the transaction with Li Yifan.

It was the 100-year-old birthday that was drunk, Jianxian, and Li Yifan wanted to buy some good wine to honor the master.

But he didn't have a door.

I didn't find a relatively top wine.

Under accidentally think of the invitation of the Heaven, I went to Chen Lie's online store. As a result, I saw many wine, and I was recovered at a time.

"the host."



It is pointing to the gourmet rabbit how to cook, Chen Lie is interrupted, seeing in the past.

He is a fixed card.

Only the system has a 7-level repair card for sale.

It is said that this stuff can fix any 7-level items.

Chen Qi: "I have no things damage, you exchange this thing?"

Heji Hu is pointing to Chen Lie's shocking knife.

Chen Lie quickly came over: "You don't say that I still have forgotten the origin of the shocking knife is damaged! I still want to fall from the 8th level to level 7!"

"let me try."

Chen Lie showed the shocking knife and inspired the 7-level repair card, then printed on the shocking knife.


The repair card is slightly mysterious and small, and drilling into the shocking knife.

The shocking knife was trembled. Shake.

As if it is very fear, it seems to be excited.

Not much time.


The shocking knife made a clear.

Chen Lieni moved, and all mysterious runes have not been finished, and a piece of blood is dropped in the first time.

The shocking knife immediately broke out amazing blood.

Tight the subtle feelings that are connected to a blood come ...

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