The pet king of the city

920 chapter creates new profession

Chen Lie once again picked up Tiantong knife and 7-level variation Zizhu, but this time, he prepared more.

If his design is wrong.

That thing must change the professional system of engraving teachers and godners.

Even the entire system will have a great impact.

This thing is not a godner's ink, nor is it an alchemist of alchemist, not a Dan liquid of the alchemist, just the origin of heaven and earth.

Chenie's design is very simple.

With the tip of the 7-level engrame, the Tiangong knife is a pen, the heavens and the earth are ink, and the grain is engraved in accordance with the patterns' model.

"Level 7 variant Zizhu's texture is good, but it is not possible to refine the treasures like Flying Sword."

"But refining those auxiliary things are more than enough, after all, Zizhu is a heavenly odd."

Chen Lie just thought about it.

He began to attach a refined heaven and earth from the Tiantong knife.

Start engraving.

Sticking the patterns in the patterns, engraving the designated patterns on the variant.

There is no complex group, there is no mystery of art level.

It is only to refine the world's origin into the patterns, let the gods "live".

It seems simple.

But Chen Lie has failed for the first time.


Variation Zizhu is split in a crisp, cracking.

A 7-level variant of Zizhu's cost is at least tens of thousands of fan values, and the native origin is equal to a drop of fans, at least more than 100,000 fan values.

One cost is 200,000.

It is not there for such a few seconds.

However, Chen Lie is indifferent.

"Tiandi's origin can also be the great force that the 9th level is also needed. The variation of the district is not able to withstand too much load. I have to reduce the degree of refinement."

After Chen Lie, he continued.

This failure is not a burden on the master of Chen Lie in all costs.

Variation of Zizhu is much more, continue to test.

There are also a lot of creation.

Chen Lie has now fully played such a high-end game.

"System, help me account."

"Fantasy value looks at."

Chen Lie Don, I thought of a reliable way.

Tiandi's native is again attached to Tiantong knife.

Tiantong knives are like tofu, and slowly leave the god traces on variability.

Alternating simultaneously.

This is basically used.

Fortunately, Chen Lie is Level 7 Kitchen and has this experience.

To succeed ...

With the extension of the god, the law began to communicate in the world.


"Please pay attention! Tiandi's source of this source exceeds 3%, please keep perseverance!"

Chen Lie was so warned by the system, decisively abandoned unnecessary distractions, quickly calm down.

"Hey, congratulations, you can't refine the 7th grade speed rune."

"In view of the superior level masterpiece that you are completed in independent creation, the system is determined that you have a level 7 godé."


Chen Lie is happy.

Strong, nursing, god speed, etc. is the most basic rune.

More complicated is penetrating, magic, armor.

More than the high end is the body's full increase, fixed spell, virtual weapon armor, and so on.

More high-end is the 7-level category. Chen Lie has not yet been inherited, and you need to buy to know the relevant knowledge.

"make persistent efforts."

"I have to master the most basic first."

Chen Lie's heart is surging, can't wait to engrave all the patterns.

"Hey, congratulations, you can't refine the 7th level power rune."

"Hey, congratulations, you have made a 7-level attachment rune."

"In view of the fact that you are independently created, use horrible skills to integrate the engraving and gods together, create an incredible new profession. Therefore, the system determines that you are the founder of this new profession, perhaps system Sealing certification. "

"Hey, please give you a new career named."

"Be sure to be careful, because this is related to your future title."

Chen Lie Don lived.

He didn't expect his own time, and he created a new profession.

The most critical is the title.

Most of the 8-level energy is also not available.

Legend has the title of system certification, there will be privileges that go to imagination.


"I really earn this moment."

Chen Lie did not know how to describe the excitement in his heart.

However, he has not yet been forgotten.

"What is the name?"

Chen Lie began his thoughts: "The system is right, the name of the new profession is related to my future title, must be careful, can't be as casualties before."

"Professional system, don't need too much flowery, it is necessary to understand the distinctive feelings of this professional characteristics."

"My new profession comes from engraving teachers and godners."

"It is equivalent to the fusion of the appleer + engraver."

"Shenji sculptor? God tricks? Textured teacher? No, not perfunctory is a bit shallow, unable to express the essence of this profession!"

"Just like the arrogant teacher?"

Chen Lie wants to think, actually came up with a lazy, but once, he knew what is the career name of the road.

"Hey, system new career - [Shenjian] was born!"

"System new career - [Shenjian] was born!"

"System new career - [Shenjian] was born!"

I have three times, this is already hidden rules.

And the information received by Chen Lie is not the same:

"Hey, congratulations, you create a new system career, the system defaults to [First God Carrie], is the ancestors of all the godners."

"I rub."

"Suddenly I feel that the generation is higher than the generation."

Chen Lie laughed, review the benefits of the title.

The first godner, the system is sealed, has three privileges:

First, the success rate of refining any of the works of the godner is 50%, which can be superimposed with other items.

Second, free access to any privilege of any permission area (including 9).

Third, when the level determination is performed, the gain determination will be determined at 9 stage as a reference, and the weakening determination will be determined by its own level.

Chen Lie is not very understanding of the last privilege.

But there is enough before two.

He instantly has a 9-level powerful illusion.

"This feeling ..."

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