The pet king of the city

921 chapter first godner

"This feeling ..."

Chen Lie is still not so true, and the ignorant feelings will be swallous.

"Master, we all received the system prompt!"

"Who can I come like a new career in the past 100 years?"

Wine gods and other super pets come.

Chen Lie did not explain, directly showed the title.

The title is a radio.

The more dazzling is dazzling, the greater the contribution to the system.

Chen Lie directly created a new profession, and also broke through a new direction, which was a new direction.

This is not.

His aura comes out and brightened it directly.

"Oh my God!"

"The first texture!"

"After all, the master!"

After the pets were shocked, they were ecstasy.

They don't know what this means, but knowing this is definitely a good thing, but also a good thing.

The wine god representative, everyone asked: "Master, how is the godner?"

Chen Lie was too lazy, and the previously made runes directly gave them to make them feel.

"I want to force runes."

Xiao Black took the lead in opening up and said, "I want to test how much this increase is."

Silver Leopard replied: "Give it to the body of the body, I can passenger shield."

The blue crown immediately said: "Then I enhance the speed, see if I really make my speed change."

Decisive interface: "I as your test opponent."

"You are not enough, plus me!"

The ghost is curious, naturally don't want to miss it.

The team immediately shifted.

Only the gods and Chen Lie.

The wine god saw Chen Lie's meaning, the question: "The master, you don't look at the results?"

"I have already known the effect."

Chen Lie has explained: "After receiving hell training, the Order Action Team has been combined with hell, relying on the perfect cooperation to defeat Jiaoji. And they get a single property blessing, Jiaojiao can't hold a 1 minute; even if you have a ghost, It is only a long time, and when I am willing to surrender. "

"Then I will go see."

Wine gods heard more curious.


Chen Lie said: "I do more experiments."

Drinking gods did not dare to disturb, quickly go.

The fact is like Chen Lie's guess.

There is a small black, but also can't just resist injury, but also in terms of strength.

And the silver leopard of the 7-level protector is no longer the previous fragile body, the assassination is not a hard, the mutant style is matched with the blue crown of the speed explosion, killing the ghosts.


The ... ... ...

Final live is exhausted.

However, the blessing of the order action team was also disappeared.

Due to the order of each other.

"I didn't expect the blood of the dragon blood bursting the eagle that is so powerful, and after the tiger emperor of the tiger, I can still launch a rebound."

"When the silver leopard of the minced shield is really enough."

"The pattern of small black is called a strange way."

This game is very interesting, making everyone a new feeling of pose.

"The owner's rune is so powerful, more preparations, must be called the enemy."

"Yeah, there is a level of 7 levels in an instant, plus the team skills that exceed the ordinary level 7 operators, and the sky."

"If you come to a 7-level full gain rune, it is a great thing."

Housekeeping squirrels that have been completed have been completed, and they are very exciting.

Because the future of the order, it is also their future.

Since completion of blood fusion, they have begun to accept team training.

Only the end of the 100-year celebration is over, and the free time is enough, they will accept the hell training that the order action team has experienced.

in short.

The Order Action We can enjoy it now, and they can enjoy in the future.

They are very confident that they will not lose to the Order Action Team.

Because they have a talent advantage that there is no order.

"Let's go to the owner to test more?"

"do not go!"

Bailing's suggestion is just coming out, and it is vetoed by the wine god.

"The owner is now in a critical refining phase, must not be disturbed."

"If you lead to failure of the owner, you are ready to do hard."

Li Shen said here, but also warned: "Oh, you just have the 3 runes, the total value is about one million. If you are wasting this, you still want to continue?"

The order action team suddenly wake up.

Wine is worthy of the oldest super pet.

All these words, everyone is awake.

At least no blindness just now.

And Chen Lie also has a quiet refining space.



"Today, our opponents are very strong."

"The first opponent is a hundred, the second opponent is an elite army of the 8th-level organization. The third opponent is a very unrestrained armor that is very unrestrained."

Chen Lie said here, said seriously: "I have no matter what reason you have, I only have one ..."


"Plan the plan."


At this time.

Heaven and earth will dissipate.


Chen Lie took a finger, and he was the first to push out.

The ghost is followed.

"Actually attack us?"

Hundreds of Legion, heads: "Don't you know that our technology route is the best?"

Speaking room.

The high-aspirarmic armor directly turned into a mechanical spider with eight robotic arms, and the smart war pets driving the machine armor actually jumped to the mechanical spider, and turned into two small guns.

The last battle is flying high, serving radar.

"They are here!"

"Not good, they are so fast!"

Two energy machine guns on the mechanical spider began to jet the energy bullet.

However, these could not be wiped the edge of the treasure tiger and ghost.

"Stupid, direct energy pulse!"

"But our energy pulse is too big!"

"Do not talk nonsense!"

The energy pulse begins to accommodate, and when it is a 10-meter-range range of and ghosts, a blue energy pulse is shocked out.

No differential pulse shock.

Although it is the first time to defend, the body is still like the wind in the wind.

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