The pet king of the city

922 system correction rules

Although it is the first time to defen the first time, the body can't stand the murder of the different pulse.


The Heji Tiger hit on the mountains of 100 meters, and smashed the mountain wall.

And where the ghost is not too late, after a hundred-year big tree, the last card did not suffer a second attack above a big tree.

"good chance!"

"Breaking the chance to win the record!"

The army shouted to rush to the past.

"M, it's all shameless!"

Chen Lie saw a headache.

The no difference pulse shock is not an ordinary pulse attack, but a super pulse similar to the volatile wave. It doesn't look at the three hundred meters centered on the mechanical spider. Whether it is the forest or the boulder, or the hill, all are subject to this Is it smeared?

These energy levels of attacks, I am afraid that it is not ordinary level 7, afraid to be 8 levels.


"The original technology weapon can be so powerful!"

Hecang stood up.

Ghost is also.

"I am angry!"

The ghost has burst into a colorful flame.

"I will send you a trip!"

Heju went to the ghost.

Seeing the ghost call should be smashed, it seems to sprain the bones.


It hits the ghost, accelerate, struggle!


There's no after that.

Suddenly stop because of the mechanical spider.

"what happened?"

The army is boring.

Look at it, I found that the half of the mechanical spider was melted.

"Boss, be careful!"

The army heads up.

A shallow black fireball falls from the sky.

The battle is over.


He Tiger looked at the Bailian Actors that gradually became gradually, and sent an dissatisfied cold.

Chen Lie also slowly came, sighed: "Cheating is still in this point, you are really shameful."


Chen Lie looked at the system, asked: "I said the system, is your monitoring mechanism to play? This time is a pulse shock, will it be a portability destruction weapon next time?"

"Hey, the system accepts the testor of the trial."

"Currently amend the game mechanism."

"The correction is completed, all of the competition players, any super grade objects, the self-made ratio of its items must not be less than 70%, the self-made chance of the object of the object is not less than 50%."

Announcement of the system, the audience is stunned.

Immediately get countless praise.

"I have been reorganized!"

"Those related to the background, there is nothing to use 7 level weapons cheating, we have a hair!"

"The last time I obviously win the other party, and the other party finally sacrificed the 7th grade and a very precious swimming system, directly turned my disc."

"I also have the same experience."

"I was disgusting, I never participated in the army, and even didn't even see it. If I don't have a paradise for the paradise today, I am too lazy to come over."

Countless people seize the opportunity to conduct blood and tears.

These complaints immediately formed public opinion, and there is a point where it is unproved.

As for Chen Lie, the starter, he has been separated from the virtual world, returning to the paradise.

"There is still a laugh in tonight."

"But the smile is very martial arts, you should be very embarrassed, so we don't need too much worry."

Chen Lie is very simple.

But the fact is like this.

As long as you are right, who Chen Lie is afraid?

As for the afternoon, huh, Chen Lie is completely unfinished.

"Everyone is going to rest."

"Our opponents are not at level 6, but 7 levels."

"The 7-level area will be more cruel. At that time, the Legion competition is 5 people, is a veritable army."

After Chen Lie fell back, he continued to familiarize with his own Shenjian.

He intends to get a batch of runes.

The recent consumption is too big, I spent 3 million unconsciously.

And this still does not calculate other consumption.

If Chen Lie does not earn back a little, he really will take light from his own rich.

Pick up the Tiangong knife.

The first God of the world began to study this strange process.



That night.

The roaring of the volley!

There is the most striking in history. The peak flame roared and went, and I poked a battle against a battle.

"Hey, I won!"

The ghosts landed, and they looked at the laughter movement team.

At this time, the smile movement team still worn with the sword crane, a mighty monkey who wore a gold armor holding a goldenak, quietly guarding behind the laughter of the army.

The name of this smile army is very blame, called [angry gold].

He is not as high as other super organizations, but feels four to play two unfair, so put forward the wheel war.

Every time you are single, you have been playing a pet from a pet.

This is undoubtedly a play of your own advantages.

But the angry King Kong said that he said correctly.

The first round is the first battle of the ghosts, although only more than 3 minutes, but the ghost is exhausted.

The ghost did not show weakness, shouted: "Who is it?"

The golden monkey wants to stand up, but he is blocked by Jianxian crane, saying: "You have to talk to Heihu, this time it will be given to me."

The golden monkey nodded.

Sword fairy cranes fly out.


Keeping swim whale crane self-introduction: "Sword 6th team officially member, broken sword crane, level 7 force ranked 177th, combat evaluation: first-class."

The ghost did not expect the Sword Xianhe so official, after a little bit, self-introduction: "The Paradise Legion official member, ghostous squirrel, 6-level combat force

Frost magic, etc. will be promoted to 7th, 6-level dislocation, and the ghosts are also promoted to the second battle.

"Be careful!"

Broken fairy crane broke out:


Broken Jianxian crane will condense the essence of his life. This sword is more impressive than the metrigger emperor, which is more powerful than the metrigger.


The fist of the ghosts is blocked, and the speed of electricity is retreat.

All the ghosts prepared, the moment is instantaneous under this sword.

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