The pet king of the city

941 chapter Millennium Red

"What is mature?"

Although Chen Lie warns all pets, he has no important things in his study time, don't bother him.

But the expression of farmers is distinctive, so Chen Lie's heart is a little dissatisfaction, but more is expectation.

"Millennium Red Aystead!"

The farmer relied excitedly: "We have died in the millennium red blood!"


Chen Lie listened to his eyes.

Even if you have a changing, it is not easy to have a thousand years of red and blood.

Because the aura you need for rediasis is more demanding, but also need to consume gentry and soil.

Therefore, when the red and hot, the spirit must be replaced, this is the most cumbersome.

Dragon, a hundred years ginseng, millennium ginseng, etc., the same high-level herbs, which requires a big high-level herbs, but the dragon fruit can be ripe in one day, relatively simple.


The farmer finger fingers, Chen Lie immediately put the burly farmer flew out.

The body is almost equal to two Chen Lie's farmers, so like the chick is like flying away.


Chen Lie is at least ten meters, and there is almost 3 meters away from the ground. It is simply flying.

No a few breathing, Chen Lie came to the red blood tree.

A red and beautiful fruit is hung on the red blood tree like this, and the wind moves.

Chen Lie made a bomb, and the red red fruit was dropped.

Have him catch up.

"Sure enough is the millennium!"

Chen Lie does not use the system identification, you can feel the vitality in the inside.

This kind of vitality is simply red-covered transformation than the previous red fruit.

Sure enough, every level has a difference in the difference.

Chen Lie was awkward, the farmer said: "The owner, this is Zhu Guo."


Chen Lie saw a small sketch, and immediately surprised: "Only a few days, you actually make it gerid."

The farmer replied very simple: "I don't understand how to make it grow up at the beginning, and later I have some experience, I'm looking at a relatively reliable method."

"Tell me."

Chen Lie knows that it is quite simple, especially the top-grade, is less simple.

What temperature does it take to use, how much water, how many water use, how many illusions are used, how to add auxiliary materials, this will not cause too much fat to burn the root, will not rotten the root, will not be rotten Enhance the problem of pests and so on, all are troublesome.

"The last time I got the first Shennong Agricultural Agriculture, I met many like-minded friends. After Sunday contact with them, I summarized some experience with red fruit, and then I bought a lot in the system mall. Auxiliary items, this is the urgency of Zhu Guo. "

"Under my nursing, it has been 30 years old, but every day, it is much more than 1 mean, and the effect is only 10 years."

The farmer puts itself, and summarizes it with relatively simple words.

"Others have a hundred years, but Zhu Guo is only a decade."

Chen Lie couldn't help but scream: "The fairy is worthy of a fairy, and the heavens and the earth from the single order are 10 times the amount of others."

"This is a super plant I have ever seen."

The farmer is awkward: "And I feel that I will grow Zhu Guo, my Shennong experience will accumulate more. I am afraid I don't have to ripe, I can break through the 8th level."

"Good thing!"

Chen Lie laughed: "Such a good attachment, it is not afraid."

The farmer is also very pleased.


I heard the Bailian shouted: "Others are still struggling at level 7, farmers must challenge 8 levels!"

It shouted around and knew this thing throughout the paradise.


A Bao was surprised to admire: "The farmer is worthy of farmers, the most active and most serious thing here is that he is not promoted."

"It seems that I have to cheer."

The wine gods took the wine, and she couldn't soar.

It is clear.

The quality of this wine can not reach his standard.

Chen Lie and farmers laughed.

Then the farmer asked in the way: "The owner, is it a nature of the millennium?"

Chen Lie took a head: "Well, if I have not guess, the thousand years of red fruit is also eating 5, there is no effect."

The farmer asked: "After that is invalid, can you test the use of red fruit trees?"

"That's a must."

After Chen Lie thought, he said relatively stable way: "But you have to store a batch of red blood fruit, as well as the thousand years of red fruit. Remember, it is a batch; if you can make the red fruit tree breed A few more people, it is more beautiful. Wonderful. After all, I don't want to have false variations, I haven't had to go back. "

"I will work hard."

This time, this time I didn't dare to shoot Xiong.

The higher the grade, the more difficult to breed.

Because it is necessary to reproduce super-grain, Shennong's level must be 1 level.

"Come on."

Chen Lie Aucu said: "Breeding is not a dead task, don't give yourself too much pressure."

Farmers said.

"so be it!"

Chen Lie said: "If you need to say on Sunday, I can't solve the Sunday, come to me again."

After the words, Chen Lie left.

"Come on!"

The farmer has a deep breath and gives yourself.

The problem of red blood trees and dragon blood trees has been delayed for a long time.

But all are not successful.

It can be seen that it is difficult.

Now the farmer has also broken through 7, theoretically there must be a certain probability of reproducing two strategic fruit trees.

Chen Lie is rare to find a dragonfly.

This time is not to take them sharpener.

Because he has a new idea.

"The furious beast knives are diversified, almost included with most of the knives."

"For example, the royal knife, use spiritual power, and even have a super pet, reaching the effect of remote driving the flying knife, is simply a variety of swordshasia."

"But I think the knife method is a pure martial arts, if it is successful, it will be my next martial arts route."

I have explained here, Chen Lie looked at the many war pets present, asked: "Are you ready?"

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