The pet king of the city

942 chapter virtual test

The explanation of Chen Lien looks like many of the war pets present, and asked very seriously: "Are you ready?"

Nodded with the five wars headed by Heihu.

"First, I am virtual to get the , look at what I am fusion this talent!"

After the back of Chen Lie in the virtual world, he suddenly appeared a totem.

, I feel a bit weird. However, after all, he was in a hundred battles, and he immediately attacked Chen Lie.


Chen Lie's fresh blood board burn.

Body data instant explosive growth.

Originally not a very powerful gas field, accompanied by the full release of the burnt effect, instantly incorporated the devil's devil, the gentleness.

"The original burnt is this feeling."

Chen Lie smiled and then slowly pulled out the knife.

A horrible murderous flaws come.

The breathing of all war pets, including .

The shocking knife in the blood state went to the sky.

The whole sea is like a fan tsunami.

And the fifth war of the Tiger, like the five-leaf lone boat in the sea, shakes the desire.


10 after 10 minutes.


Chen Lie is weakly separated from the virtual world.

Although the virtual world is not true burning blood, the highest mental state is more than ten minutes, even if he can't hold it.

Heju and other five wars were sitting down.

Small black is even directly coma.

Because it has just endured the strongest pressure, almost Chen Lie has taken a knife every time, it needs to protect yourself or companion with the wall of the order, and the wall of each hit will break the order of the order.

If it is not a small black meaning, it is terrible enough to change a little bit of war, and now it has already collapsed.

"The blood talent is very useful to me."

"But after the blood, the whole person is a weak chicken. In this case, once there is a battlefield in the plane, it is equal to death."

Chen Lie finally shook his head: "Hey, sharing

Followed by Chen Lie to see the small order actor team.

"Small black is a defensive style known as" "

"Silver Leopard is a ghostless assassin!"

"Blue crown is purely physically!"

Chen Yan sighs: "When you move, you will only draw a tiger into a cat, basically not suitable for me. However, if you only take one of the skill talents, you can greatly strengthen my fight."

Through cultivation, the eurotomy can summon the physical warfare, and can be brought to the balance of the balance, even with the warfare, it can be described as a flower.

Chen Lie didn't want to complicate things.

It is to temporarily use a talent of war, or to enhance yourself.

In this way, you can continue your own martialo, or you can use it as a basement.

As for more complicated, Chen Lie is temporarily unwanted.

Because those complex do require more complex means, and many sacrifices.

For example, it is necessary to fight the game.

The result of illusion is that there is no more real, but it appears in a similar spirit.

Chen Lien has made the war pets?

That is absolutely impossible.

At this time, Abao is in time to restore the spirit and physical drink, and the food is also able to recover the battle.

Regardless of the drink or food, it is at least 6 levels.

This is the blessing.

Only the paradise will be available.

"good to eat!"

Chen Lie took a lot of joke, greatly appreciated: "Abao, your cooking is getting higher and higher. I am afraid that I have to be surpassed by you."

Abao smiled.

A fierce.


Chen Lie put down the chopsticks and shouted: "It is time to eat."

He has already won't worry about it, jumping.

"This time, try the ability to assassin."

Chen Lie's virtual image changed, and the body suddenly light, and there were many skills in my mind.

These are the assassination skills that Silver Leopards.

If it is not the virtual system upgrade, otherwise Chen Lie test it like this.

"Let me be familiar with the skills of Silver Leopard!"

With Chen Lie's voice, Chen Lie bought the magical flashing skills of the silver leopard showed:

Chen Lie jumped into a distance of 5 meters.

"This is not a legendary minor transime!"

"If this skill is matched ..."

Chen Lie suddenly wake up.

At the next moment, Chen Lie flicked toward the air in front, and the magic flashed at the same time.

Silver leopard sweat explosion.

But it is late.

Because I was instantly moved to Chen Lie behind it, the shock knife completed the lower half of the sword.


Silver leopard was killed by Chen Lie.

Sure enough, in the case of a specific skill situation, the magical flashes will explode, and there is a terrible force that the enemy has no response.

Suddenly, a crazy thought from Chen Lie's mind.

Chen Lie showed small black.

Small black is just off the strongest order wall.

The shocking knife of Chen Lie has been cut out from a small black view.

This way not only contains enough powerful heaven and earth will, but also an overbearing that cannot be described, just like Li Yifan's sword law, like a sword of the sword.


It can resist the level of the order of the top 7-level top-tips, and it is blocked in an instant.

It is still a spike.


"The knife just blended in combination with the blue crown."

"The effect of magic flashes with other skills is very good, completely beyond my imagination."

Chen Lie had seen the thief.

Because of this, Chen Lie has countless skill combinations.

In theory, Chen Lie can give all classic skill combinations through such a match.

But will it be smooth like this?

"Come again!"

"This time I want Jiaojiao's bleeding, and the Assassin skills of Silver Leopard!"

Chen Lie's virtual image was once again burned.

In the same time, its body is also blurred.

I don't know if it is twisted after burning, or his strength is more overlapping, and it produces a variety of transformation.

In short.

Hey, they feel a heart.

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