The pet king of the city

952 chapter nursing home

Countless rockets.

Really countless, because more than counts.

Not only is the fan, but even the mood, and even Chen Lie is still stupid.

This is an unprecedented phenomenon.

Live room has never been so crazy reward.


I don't want Zhu Lao to see the identity of these people and say: "You are really the soul, I am a meal, you have to come together."

The name called [Lao De], the old replies: "I am not old!"

Other status of old seniors, superpages have expressed their existence.

The rocket frenzy just is the masterpiece of these people.

Each person is at least 10 rockets.

The rocket is like a lot of money, and the live broadcast is unable to speak.

Countless fans are also spent, the company has been speculaped, what is the scene?

Only this scene, but scared them.

"Don't do this."

Chen Lie can only invite: "It's better to have time to gather in these two days?"

He didn't expect just a lot of nostalgic live broadcast, and actually made so many things.

Under the helplessness, you can only invite everyone.

I hope that these olders who have no local flowers, super expensive is slightly micro.

"Today, I can boast for a lifetime."

"Today, I will finally see the world's top mighty."

"This is true God, we have seen it before."

It is a night atmosphere to spend the endless .

As for Chen Lie.

I can't laugh, he can only prepare Abao early.

As for Yanshou people, the gods have put all the previous acquisitions, or all the old mountain ginseng all handled, and now there are many stocks.

of course.

The medicinal liquor is not suitable for people, Chen Lie has to prepare other wine.

Fortunately, it is not missing in the park.



Outside the next day.

Welcome many familiar guests.

Just got off the ghost eyes saw a familiar figure, immediately said: "Is your old man not vacation in the South Pacific? How to fly back?"

"How can I miss this kind of good thing."

Germany is happy to open.

Immediately, the previously appeared in the old man and the smugglers will appear together.

"You are also coming."

"One is in hot springs, a look at the sea in Qiongcheng, is also coming to the day."

Ghosty eyes: "Trouble you with less and toss?"

"You manage us!"

"This opportunity can not be met, and how can you come over."

Two olders are also welcome.

"Lao Zhu is right."

"Take a lot less than you have a thousand days."

Li was slowly coming out of the paradise, and said: "Listen to the old friend, find a place nearby, will have the benefits of you can't imagine."

The old man said the box.

The ghosty eyes said: "Do you have an old eye? Can you feel the abnormality here?"

"The aura recovery saying in the information?"

German is old to see the noun before it, the eyes are bright.

"I am coming."

The ghosty eyes continue to ask: "But the face is not gentle, know what this is representative?"

Germany, I will breathe.

The grade is big, although it is not to walk, but it will be very tired for a little longer.

This feels that young people are not sad.

Now there is a place to change this weak physical condition, which is simply a biggest temptation to the elderly.

"Hey, you are all."

Professor Wang of the Safety Wildlife Medical Group, with ancient professor of proficiency in the ancient Egyptian text, the Gu Lao, a professional professor and Liu Lao, a professor and Liu Lao, a professor of Mount Taishan.

This way.

The paradise became a nursing home.

"The air here is good!"

"Sitting here, I feel young, I feel young."

Professor Wang just came in and had endless embarrassment.

Li Lao smiled: "Do you know the benefits living here now?"

Deloda board: "I am in the nearby land."

"Don't think."

The ghost eyes said: "They are smashed from the small purple grass nearby, so it will become so good here. But you want to smash the aura in Xiao Min, not in the place, and talk to me in a little bit. It is okay to be a neighbor. "

"That's a must."

Germany began planning it here.

Li Yao said: "You don't want too much land. After the aura recovery, the land has been sealed. You want to buy a big one to build a little bit, because here will become a tourist area that is developed."

Ghosts sigh: "If you don't have a foresight, you can't buy the land, otherwise you can't buy it."

"Not a problem that I don't buy it."

"It's here because I am not doing, it is still a rolling field."

Chen Lie dragged a plate of fruit.

"This is the fruit of the park, it is very good."

"Everyone tastes."

Chen Lie puts the fruit down.

"good to eat."

I won't eat a strawberries with the ghost eyes of Chen Lie, and the eyes are bright.

Other old predecessors are also sampled, and then I can't help but praise fruit.

This is definitely what they have eaten the best fruit.

As for the previous topic, everyone is very smart.

Li Qi: "Xiao Yu, is there a seed now?"

German is bossless: "Does those grass can't breed? I heard that the vitality of those grass is very strong!"

Li Laoqi said: "It is very strong, but after we breed two generations, those grass lost magic effect."

"Before, please have a massively promotion, and you will have no results that you will open for 3 or 4 months."

Chen Lie asked: "I want to come now, I want to think about it too cheap."

Li Laizheng: "There is no way, the top-level people have passed the effect, the effect of absolute aura recovery is too unknown, it is likely to generate turmoil, so deliberately delay."

"It's purely worried."

"They delay, but we don't delay!"

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