The pet king of the city

953 chapter full army

"It's purely worried."

Chen Lie laughed.

His aura recovery plan was delayed, and there was no temper.

German is excited: "The fools can't see the practical benefits want to delay, but we will not delay! I believe in us, we will do better than anyone!"


Chen Lie naturally replied: "If you want, I will send you a good seed that can be breed normally."

I said that I have said it is good, the country is promoted, so that the aura recovery.

The result is that there is no news in the matter, and Chen Lie will give a good seed.

He shot all those who can't breed, or breed, can not produce aura.

But now there are so many old elders for the old elders, and Chen Lie is no longer awkward, the most authentic, the vitality, such as the violent bodhi, will be available unlimited.


This world has a little aura, Chen Lie can collect more.

after all.

This world only has one of him to let the aura transform into a spiritual water.

"Then we are not congratulations."

Germany took Xiong Guarantee: "Other I don't dare to say, I only dare to say that there will be a shadow of purple grass in my jurisdiction and ability."

Others also have a statement.

Atmosphere, it is incomparable.

Their own people, obviously have to cross the organs, they have been.

Things are finalized like this.

"Since you have a neighbor in the nearby home, then I have to say it."

Chen Lie made a referring.

Wine gods have long ready to gain alcohol.

Ghosts are all smiling.

They do so much, the purpose is not to live longer?


The atmosphere is more harmonious, and it is better than relatives.



Calculate the Purple Bodhi root to the surrounding?

This is not intended, but actual actions.

A vast huge pacific action is carried out under the support of countless people.

Because people of the whole Pengcheng know that this purple weed can distribute the legendary aura, although this topic is very inexpeak, but the official use of science propagates:

The Purple Bodhi roots can exude weak gantry vitality, and ordinary people absorb better and healthier.

In exchange for a way.

The results play a wide range of effects.

Especially the changes around the park are a lot of people.

Just three days.

Chen Lie was delayed for a long time, and Chen Lie had always been a huge gap in this funny way.

"My God, how many aura is it."

Drinking god looked at the cream that has been paved, swallowed. Water.

It is not surprised by it.

It is such a thin layer, which at least represents the level of 3 droplets.

Chen Lie is very calm, saying: "Now the whole Pengcheng is planting Zi Bodhi roots, the area is 10,000 times, even 99% of the gains to absorb, but the remaining 1% is also a hundred times more than the park."


"The creation bottle is in the world, the world is free, and there are fewer accumulation."

Wine gods came over.

Chen Lie said: "Wait, now there are still a lot of places in Pengcheng, there is still a plant, and this number can be thrown three times more."

The gods laughed: "At that time, it was useless to constructed the decline."


Chen Lie looked at the farmers, and he said: "There is no use restriction of the crackdown, the spiritual scene here will be more powerful."

The god is very understandable to Chen Lie, saying: "The most important thing is the mutual change of the illusion, with enough campaign, the mutation experiment can be launched."


"Everything is because of the creation."

Chen Lie thinks too much.

If there is not a big benefit, how can he take the initiative to ask?

The aura recovery, it is not a joke.

"BOSS, emergency news."

The permissions of the Sunday will open the virtual system directly, and the things that need to be explained: "Three business alliance programs. The team that is unknown is back, the whole staff is killed, no sound."


Chen Lie stayed.

After a little awake, he urgently asked: "Even people who have found unknown are finished?"

Sunday replied: "Yes, even the discovers are also falling in the unknown face."

Chen Lie asked: "Is this a probe. Sorker, have you gone?"


Sunday replied: "But you need to pay."

Chen Liefu pays reading:

Martial arts!

Don't surprise, the content is these two words.

There is very little content, so the price is not expensive.

Chen Lie looked at it, and it was in line with the style of the Three Commercial Union.

Chen Lie said: "It seems that it is a martial arts, but the general martial arts must never cause a threat to the 7-level trial, even if there is 8th levels of the past."

No calls on Sunday.

It is still calculating the possibility of it.

Chen Lien looked at the wine god around him and asked: "Drinking God, what level of martial arts you want to go, can you kill you?"

I thought about it: "At least Gao Wu, but I'm so high, I don't know. After all, this time is too small, we can only guess."


Chen Lie is.

He remembered the style of the three-border business alliance, said: "The three-border business alliance is excellent, this time there is no so many trials, you must have a doctor's family and friends, how do they have to give a statement."

Sunday replied: "Yes, it is already in trouble, the three-border business alliance should be given soon."

Chen Qian asked: "The words come back, Sunday, you also collected the information on the battlefield, you analyze the possibility of this unknown."

"In the chat, Sunday, I have learned about many of the possibilities, and countless possibilities."

"Currently summarizing 4 possible."

Sunday hot speed: "The first possibility is that this plane may be a super high-level martial art in the 9th level. The second is that the will of this place is super powerful, and the trial is fully suppressed. "

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