The pet king of the city

954 chapter 9 giants also shot

No matter that the plane is hierarchical, it is still too strong, and all the ambition is the reasons for the group.

Chen Lienoted himself.

Super Gaowu's world is not no longer touched.

There have been a few 9-level attack an ultra-high martial art, and the result is falling.

It is said that it is still dispatched to a secret force, and finally attacked the super high-power world.

Sunday continued: "The third may be the rules of the world. The trials will not be adapted at all. In the end, the soil and soil refused to die. The fourth is very simple, that is this time The face is a trap from the head to the end. "

"It is a trap from the head to the end."

Chen Lie heard here, his eyes were cold.

Listening, take an unknown high-end face to do a trap, it is simply a deretest.

After all, the interests hidden by a high-end face are enough to be crazy.


The more impossible things, the more possible.

Just at this time.

Ancient subjective requests for the Three Realms Alliance.

Chen Lie just wants to ask more information, and immediately sure it.

The ancient martial arts appears.

Chen Lie opened the door to see the mountain: "Do not know how to teach big deaciaons?"

The ancient deacon also said directly: "Mr. Chen has just bought our information. If Mr. Chen also knows what happened, then I am not hypocritical, I don't know if Mr. Chen is interested in participating in the internal development of our Three Commercial Union? "

"Internal development?"

Chen Lian asked: "What you mean is, your three-border business alliance is intended to come to find a team to explore. So that martial arts?"

"Yes, and not intended, but already planned."

The ancient subject is open to the bottom card: "This time, we will send 4 8-level big energy, a 9-level giant will even fall into the team, which is very powerful."

"Then I wish you a victory."

Chen Lie is only congratulating, there is no meaning of participation.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen's congratulations."

The ancient law continues to open the topic: "I don't know if Mr. Chen can accept ordered?"



Chen Lie thought.

This is the ultimate goal of ancient deacons.

The ancient law represented: "Yes, we are the danger of life, so we need the best rune. Mr. Chen is in the store, although it is excellent, but still does not reach our request."


Chen Lie can only take advantage of 8 level runes with high failure.

These runes can fully strengthen the physical quality, and some condensed the origin of the heavens and the earth, and some can instantly swallow the aura of hundreds of miles.

All can play a positive role in the battlefield.

"nice one."

The ancient mobility is exclaimed: "All is 8th, this is afraid of our exploration. The team is suppressed, or you can resist these means."

"You're welcome."

"These have not met my ideals."

Chen Lie said: "Now I can only condense the origin of the heavens and the earth, and it is just a trace. If I have a more advanced material and the world of the world, I will try to condense."

The variant of the heaven and earth origin is condensed, and it has an instant to restore internal energy and repair the magical effects of the damaged body.

The ordinary rune is just a large number of substantized aura, and Chen Lie is open, directly forcing the heaven and earth.

The result was successful.

However, because the material limitations of variant Zizhu, it breaks through the 8 level but is half a step.

"More advanced materials, we have!"

The ancient police laughed: "In this regard, sincerely can't ignore our hard work."

Chen Lie patient and other ancient deacons unveiled the answer.


The ancient police showed several 8-level materials and introduced one by one:

"Kunlun Wen Yu, a 8-level recuperating holy jade, ordinary people get the nails to be used as the treasure. But as long as it is destroying the aura balance inside, it is the most terrible weapon, and the refinerst uses it to refine the ratio 7 Level Tianled more powerful explosive rune. "

"Lava wood, a magnitude 8 wood that grows in lava hell, contains horrible traffic power; at the same time it is strong. It can be used to refine weapons. But because it is too strong. Hard, very It is difficult to engrave, even if the 8-level gods are not allowed, they can only rely on the 9th weapon, so the market is relatively small, the price is naturally low. "


Chen Lie is complete, not shocked by it.

The more I heard it, the more fantastic fans is not used.

Because of these 8-level materials, it is 2.3 million fans.

Chen Lie is so good, how to experience the consumption.


He remembered the power of Tiantong knife and decided to test lava wood.

After spent millions of fans, I bought 10 lava wood that can be used to refine the sword, Chen Lie resally went to the ancient author.

Why is you buying 10 copies?

Because such a copy is used to refine the sword, but if it is used to refine runes, at least 10 runes; frugality can even refine 15 copies.

of course.

The premise is that all succeeds.

Chen Lie's thinking is simple, since the lava is with horrible fire power, then it utilizes it.

Chen Lie intends to refine two kinds, the first one is to first test the bursting character, the second is to refine the heaven and earth native into the lava wood.

These work is not a handful.

It requires repeated experiments and arguments, as well as taste many failures to master.


Chen Lie's refining work has not stopped.

Because the Order Action team has a fun thing.

An Asian mankind who owns the identity of the trial is awarded the order action team.

After the paradise army is famous, not only the people invited, not only the balance of war pets and individuals, which do not send the masters before the play power list.

Unfortunately, these are Chen Lien rejected.

Because Chen Lie does not want his own legion to have other voices.

He wants to be pure.


But this time is really different. The people who apply for joining are not only talented, but also very famous, the most important thing is the acquaintance of super high glamor.

"I didn't expect it to be you ..."

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