Chen Lie found that his breath was unlocked. The body was very heavy, as if there was a legendary "earth prisoner", but this super-order ban is obviously more horrible than the legend, because even Chen Lie's soul Also spread, the body and the soul are completely imprisoned.

At this time, Chen Lie has not had a thoughts and death, he just wants to end early.


However, the earth's dragon did not give Chen Lie at all, and once again exploded once again.

As a companion, Chen Lie's body has been heavy, and it is simply that Chen Lie can't feel the trend of the body.

Helpless struggle, crazy, unfortunately, unfortunately everything is in vain.

This is the case, the more powerful and exhausted feelings, the soul is getting more and more heavy.

Unprecedented fear began to erode Chen Lie's heart.

At the time of Chen Lie to taste what is called "desperation", a huge black shadow is covered with Chen Lie in the area of ​​dozens miles.

Waiting for Chen Lie to look up, a floating mountain is tall, with an unhappy slow speed to press him.

The mountain is getting bigger and bigger, getting bigger and bigger ...


The mountain is suppressed.

Everything is settling.

"You are super off, sacrificing all potential."

"In this case, why is I impossible?"

When the earth's dragon felt that everything was a dust, when he wanted to go, a voice that made it palpitated from the mountain.

This sound is like a set of soul curse, and the heart of the earth's dragon is all settled. It can only express his emotions with an incredible manner.


A bright, red and deep knife, directly destroyed the mountains, and wear the head from the big demon dragon.

At this time, the earth's dragon even felts any pain. The huge eyeballs also squeezed into their own eyebrows, but the consciousness has disappeared, and finally let the earth Dragon know everything is late.


The body of Chen Lie wolf is slowly coming out of the cracks of the mountain.

Broken clothes, full of blood, forehead, even a vibrant spread, unable to spread.

Even so, Chen Lie is still the final winner.

He finally revealed a victory smile.



"M, it's too horrible!"

"The two of the war are non-human!"

"That magic dragon absolutely magnitude 8 strength, at least three streams! It is also killed, this paradise army is too horrible."

"Just, the magical dragon person has become a magic dragon for the final power. So great sacrifices, but still lost the title of the first trial, they are really a monster!"

There are countless people's scorpion and horror, which is the best praise of Chen Lie.

But he didn't think about this praise.

When he returned to the paradise, he closed his eyes, and he was aware of Bodhi, summed up the gap.

"I first encountered this kind of magic power to reach the world's monsters."

"And the body's strength of the earth dragon is also 8 levels."

"If it is in the real battlefield, the passive of me started to be a few times."

What is angry, Chen Lie, opened his eyes and said, "No, I still need more tempering. The 8th level of the district cannot be my obstacle, I have to have the strength of the Dragon Dragon. I have the qualification to go to the face. "

The earth dragon is 8th streams, so crushed him to be the top of the 8th, or even half a step 9.

Chen Lie pursues 9th, or even higher.

How can I stop because of small setbacks in front of you.

As for the .

They are naturally watching the whole process and feel very deep.

Especially the and ghosts, they all encounter this pure magic press.

This type of devastating magic is afraid that they are useless.

Not to mention the terrorist physical strength of the earth.

It took a long time to think about it for a long time, I can't think of any cracked possibilities.


They can only become a helpless sigh.


They have begun to do more difficult virtual training, and even the qualifying is not thinking.

If the day will be like this.



Heji Hui hit again.

It actually crashed a group of 6-class purge.

This time the farmer is angry, and the god god is also an angry, because one of them brews bamboo tires.

But they can only find Chen Lie complaints.

"Well, I know how to do it."

Chen Lie directly deprived the power of the dramatic game, let them get from virtual games.

"Do not talk!"

The ,,,


The they found the surrounding wolf.

Chen Lie shook his head: "The opponent of the Diki Dragon, a magic, easy to cover the entire paradise, you have more than the scale in order to fight, in order to avoid it, it has exceeded the scale."

Hey, they see the angry eyes of the farmers, not from being low.

"Use the game cabin."

"I will buy you the most advanced game cabin."

I will open the virtual world.

He remember that the system mall has a new game cabin.

But because the price is expensive, it is currently promoted.

Level 7 game cabin, like a space escape cabin.

Entering the virtual world in the inside, the degree of simulation is more than 99.5%, only some of the ban. Avoid the field has not been grounded.

Moreover, the game compartment can not only inject the nutrient solution, but also inject the spirit, or even the heaven and earth.

As long as you have money, you can inject anything.

This allows you to enhance the various resources while you enter the game.

But because of this convenient function, each price is super expensive, and the promotional price must be 3 million, and there is no promotion, and it is more than 5 million fan values, and it is really scared.

After all, a small actions must be 3 places, 3 game compartment, enough to buy 3,4 strong skills at level 7 trials.

(I finally came back!)

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