The pet king of the city

968 chapter of the war pets

There are at least three places, 3 game cabins, even if the promotional price will also have a fans worth, this number is level 7 trials to buy 3,4 strong skills.

It's a bit good, and you can even make the top warfare challenge 8 levels.

However, Chen Lie is very cool.

No nonsense, purchased 6 sets directly, two of whom were special models.

Place all in the foundation space.

With future robots, many things are very convenient, such as opening up underground bases.

Previous farmers In order to store more and more fairy condensation, please open a storage basement with an area of ​​more than 300 flat in the edge of the paradise on the edge of the paradise.

Later, in order to store enough Purple Bodhi roots, there have been two layers.

Now the purple Bodhi root seeds are promoted to a large number of spaces.

"Let's stay in the seed storage room for a while."

"Sunday, open a safe underground base underground."

"Remember, I want the underground base."

Chen Lie's order, the fan value is pour in the tide.

However, many resources are ready-made, and the efficiency is very high.

In the game cabin, Chen Lie has taught enough campaign, saying: "Heaven and earth, your own extraction, directly put the creation of the creation of the game, will you."


"This group of war pets ..."

Chen Lie didn't know what I thought, sighed out.


He quietly took out a ball.

This is the super smart chip ball that he just bought when he just purchased the game cabin, specifically applied to the super smart chip ball in the battle.

Don't look at it, it is said that it has exceeded the computer's category, and the computing power can touch the overtime and space.

"From now, you are [Zero]."

Chen Lie decisively issued a command: "Zero, establish a level 8 skill file, which is the current ability."

"Zero is loyal to BOSS service."

However, the zero number will then give the bad news: "BOSS, Zero" only level 7 skill category, to deduce level 8 skills, must have enough reference information, I don't know if BOSS can provide, or give privileges. "

"I will let you have Sunday."

Chen Lie didn't want to give too many permissions.

What's more, Sunday has permissions, give a combat intelligence, it will cause duplication, but there is nothing benefit to Chen Lie.

"And I will put your own feelings, and I will instill the 8th skill I have."

Chen Lie can make a trick on the wall of Wu Dao.

And he created a few tricks of 8th power through his own skills.

These are the most practical information, which can be used to learn from.

As for the battle of the big land dragon, although there is sufficient detailed information, it is meaningful to make a much better information than that of Chen Lie.

The days seem to be simply.

But is it really simple?



A lot of lunch breaks after several days.

At this time, Chen Lie is basically in the tea known, and it is not to study variant plants with farmers.

But this time is different.

Chen Lie seems to have a feeling.

Active stroll in the purple bamboo forest.

At this time, the ghost is just chatting with the three giants following.

Wisdom squirrels asked: "Boss, are you a little strange today?"

The strength of the straight brains smiled: "The boss refines the world of heaven and earth in the game cabin all day, if this is a strange thing, what is it normal?"


The wisdom squirrel said: "It is because of this, today did not enter the boss of the game to play BOSS, suddenly practice the body of the body here, I feel puzzled."

"I am not practicing the legal law, but I am practicing one heart."

In the ghost, continue to jump over between the purple bamboo leaves.

With the ability to have a ghost, don't say that it is bamboo leaves, even if it is hair, it can also borrow it.

"One heart use?"

Wisdom squirrels are boring asked: "Is the boss not early?"

"Different properties."

The ghost is only driving: "I used to use it for two purposes. It is the heart of my heart. Now I use it, I am also used in the body. For example, I am now running with blood power, while mobilizing the world. Aura. "

Wisdom squirrels are questioning: "Even the body is also used? What is going on?"

"Integration skills!"

"Only the real one is used to make me perfectly integrate skills and create new strongest skills."

Perhaps because of speaking, perhaps because of walking, the ghost suddenly stepped on the bamboo leaves, almost dropped.

"I am curious about the boss of integration skills."

Speed ​​squirrel .

Don't say something really.

Jumping between the leaves is a very high skill, and the speed squirrel is very difficult, but knows if you master this skill, you will be further controlled to the body.

After listening to this, Chen Lie did not speak, just like this.

"The ghost seems to have some feelings."

"However, the power between the blood and the heavens and the earth should be integrated, this road is a bit difficult."

Chen Lie was walking.

He won a lot of tips from some level 8 skills, and he designed a very exaggerated trick for the ghost.

But now it has a feeling, then go.

There is also a great tiger as a ghost.

Although the is the first-class level of 7, but there is still a small gap with the top, not to mention that there is a magnitude 8 secondary super metamorphosis.

It's just that the Tiger is not imagined.

It is in a fascinating.

"Log, or lose!"

"This is already the 73rd challenge failed."


It turns out that the Tiger is recently in the virtual world, challenges the virtual earth dragon.

However, it is a bit bad.

"The road of martial arts will never end."

"There is an end of your martial arts."

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