The pet king of the city

975 chapter is too much

Chen Lie has systematic, technical issues are completely unbalanced.

After all, technology beyond the realm is too much.

Therefore, Chen Lie has turned the energy into the available electricity on Sunday, and is responsible for all of the trivial.

These days have accumulated, and they must be a terrorist number.

Sunday replied: "At present, our reserve energy has sufficient supply of Pengcheng's total 8 years."

"I rub."

Chen Lie knows the horror of these energy, but he did not expect to be horrible to so.

The electricity consumed by Pengcheng has been exaggerated than half of the world.

Chen Lie helplessly asked: "Sundays, what is the use of these energy? Single alone using us, I am afraid it will always be used."

"There are several plans, the first is the basis for building power consumption."

"The second is to sell it to the system or trial, but this is not recommended, because whether the system is still not a lack of energy, the recovery price is very low."

"The third recommendation is to sell it to the organs, this huge benefit income, but it is easy to provoke."

Chen Lie couldn't hear his head.

He analyzed: "This is a good cleaning energy, selling it to the organs to win. Just follow-up trouble makes people a headache, this is ready to stand."

"Buy a system or tryler, even you don't recommend it, don't say me."

"Then only the first one, but I really can't think of what the foundation for the park will be so powerful."

Chen Lie analyzed to the end, could not shook his head.


"BOSS can open a special cultivation area in the depths of the paradise underground, which typically requires huge energy. For example, there is less than 100 flat plants, the energy consumed per day is more normal than 10,000 normal people. Total consumption is still large. "

"In addition, BOSS can also establish a simple transfer array, which is not low for electricity consumption of each time, not more power consumption than Pengcheng."

Chen Lie was heard.

The bottom has been calculated for a long time, and finally smirked: "According to you, we have this energy, but how many months are still in full."

Sunday replied: "If a perfect cultural tank system is established, plus the foundation of the basis, with our current energy accumulating, I persist for half a year."

"Sure, it's too young."

Chen Lie couldn't hear his head.

How can I have a complete different energy level consumption?

Perhaps in the future, the top of the earth is currently the highest end of nuclear fusion energy in the future, is only daily in the future.

"The transfer array is not available."

"I have bags and floating cars, and the transfer array is completely disseminated unless you can get a transfer array across time and space."

Chen Lie put his hand, negates a proposal, continue to say: "But the graft room is indeed necessary. After all, it is related to more super plant cultivation."

Sunday asked: "I don't know how much BOSS is planning to cultivate more, what type?"

"The current environment in the park is basically cold, extremely hot, and has three major categories: other types of other types of essentials can grow in the paradise."

"In this case, then establish a three-layer structure underground, each set of independent layers, and divide the internal area with temperature. As for the area, you help me think about it, we have magical dreams, Xianling gel and These big kills can be made to save a lot of area. "

Chen Lie said that he chose a relatively robust plan.

After all, the problem of energy can save a little saving, there is no need to waste.

Chen Lie passed the dialogue and made a sufficient rest.

He asked: "Sunday, these days have nothing to do?"


Sunday decisive answer.

Chen Lie asked: "What about their training?"

"He Tiger has recently played a lot of hard battle in the virtual world, and the strength is steadily improved."

"Ghosts seem to have also created new combat skills, self-confidence."

On Sunday, I thought of a message, focusing on: "But BOSS, the nearest competition in qualifying is extremely fierce. In order to compete for the name, it is ulterior. At present, the earth's dragon has been defeated, the rank fell to the third place. "

"Is there such a thing?"

Chen Lie not only didn't be jealous, some were just a happy.

Because this means he has a nice opponent to challenge and hone skill.

Why don't he challenge 8?

Not he doesn't want, but the magnitude 8 of the big can be high, disdain and Chen Lie battle.

of course.

The official statement is: those 8-level ordinary energy that Chen Lie challenged, because he is afraid to lose his face, so he is not willing to fight against Chen Lie.

After all, Chen Lie is what is just a level 6 trialist.

Level 7 is lost to Level 6, but it is also possible to say that the other party has a background.

But the 8th level lost to Level 6, so I can't say it.

On Sunday, I saw Chen Lie to hesitially explained: "The recent level 7 qualifying fare is reduced, but the number of audiences presents an explosive growth. Basically, as long as the ranking is, even if it is just entertaining Direct, there will be a large number of audience visits, and each ticket income and broadcast income are a huge interest. "

"I know not that simple."

"But there is no relationship, this is what I need."

Chen Lie laughed: "I have sufficient motivation now, and I will go back to challenge these people."

Sunday is no longer talking.

Chen Lie decisively continued to refine before.

The pain of pain, and Chen Lie, who learned lessons began to engrave.

Also don't say a good change in mood.

Chen Lie's first burst rune carved is very smooth, and all the whole process, there is no hysteresis, and the result will receive a successful prompt of the system.

But Chen Lie has not paused and continues to engrave.


A few days later.

The ancient dealtics looked at the 8th rune traded over Chen Lie. "My God, more than the number of we agree! Is it ...

The ancient police swallowed the water and looked at Chen Lie.

"No need to guess."

Chen Lie honestly admitted: "I am promoted to the 8th level."

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