The pet king of the city

976 chapter surprise ancient deacon

"No need to guess."

Chen Lie honestly admitted: "I have been promoted to the 8th level of the godners, is it not very reasonable?"

"Haha ..."

"I am developed! A professional creator is my friend!"

The ancient discipline finally wake up.

I always feel that Chen Lie is talking about the runes, with ordinary engraving teachers, godés, but the specific difference, he can't see it.

Now he finally wake up.

Chen Lie is the prior founder of the past.

Because there is no 8-level engraptist in the system, and the only 8-level necklace is in their business alliance.

"Don't waste time."

Chen Lie asked very seriously: "Can you eat all?"


Ancient deacons excited: "We will acquire at a higher price than the market price, please don't doubt our respect for you."

"Then I will not be well."

The fool will refuse this kind of money to send.

Chen Lie then asked: "I have to prepare it before,?"

The ancient law replied: "In addition to the individual materials, there is no need to have a short clue, and others are ready."

Chen Lie was very happy. "Then our transaction is as a shopping bill."

"Yes it is."

The ancient dealtices remembered the value of the rune before his eyes, asked: "But Mr. Chen's value is huge, far exceeds the materials we prepared for you, I don't know if you have other arrangements?"

"Do you have a lot of 6,7 weapons?"

"You will send it to you according to the market price, I will sell it again."

Chen Lie had a relaxed reply: "I haven't contacted this technology, it is estimated that many times have to meet my requirements many times."

This attitude.

It is completely like a big bleeding.

The ancient law is not mind, and I have a noddler.

The current market is to improve the powerful spot being madly stirred, and those who need a long time, big energy investment is large.

The runes of Chen Lie are all price increases, and the things he ordered are of the kind of price reduction, which is best to be extremely helpful for the current sales.

Such a transaction.

Even if it is closed, you can make money.

The transaction is finalized.

Chen Lie has obtained a batch of various places, nature, with lava, but all of the 8-stage refining materials.

These include materials in the fields of runes, jewelry, alchemy and so on.

There are also a few weapons and equipment materials.

"Sunday, things will be handed over."

"Yes, BOSS."

Chen Lie waved, lifting the virtual world, and returned to reality.

"Call a promise."

"Recently, for this tossing, there is a lot of time, the bones are old."

"No, I refined a red and blood, there is a red blood in the body, but now I haven't verified the power now! I have to find a practicing hand!"

Chen Yi is very simply.

After viewing there, after the 8th level can accept the challenge, the result is not shocked.

He ate a red and bloody day after the past few days ago, I feel that my body has strong and I have long, I want to get the doctor.

"A group of slag!"

Chen Lie found that the ordinary energy of the 8-level area did not accept his challenge, and the heart was not cool.

But he has a new goal now.

And the goal is clear.



"ladies and gentlemen!"

"All distinguished trialors."

"Today will be staged for everyone is the qualifying of Level 7 second trials."

"And our first place, the big name Ding Ding's Legion is directly undertaking the bet of thousands of fans, which can be called a shocking."

"At level 5, 6, such a scene may also occasionally appear. But at level 7, this event is almost a size of ten years, extremely rare, please don't cherish it."

In the face of the introduction of the host's bitterness, more unknown spectators have played interest, and they have admitted.

Because it is the first and second disputes, the fare is not low.

However, in view of the premium of many price reduction promotions, the entry price of this field is much lower than usual, causing more and more audience admission.

The host also seized the opportunity to ask: "The big solution said, don't know if you think is the strength of this field?"

"Not disparity."

"They all defeated the Darling Dragon, all are the top level in the 7-level trial."

"Wrong, the Paradise Legion is a 6-level trial."

"Anyway, they are all Tianziji, and the magnitude 8 is a must-have. We are fortunate to witness their discretions, absolutely a luck."

"I personally feel that [chaotic dance] is relatively powerful, the super organization is born, the son of the 9-level giant, born to now no loss, is it the most perfect trial."

The entrepreneurs have made their own views.

However, in their eyes, more trust in real information, more believe in the 9-level giant aura.

Even if Chen Lie has been imagined with a tropic background by many people, but that is just imagined, no conclusive evidence.

Anti-view dance, an indeed 9-level giant father, this identity is not.

The time the game is getting closer.

And both sides are already present.

"You are the Lord of the Paradise Legion?"

Looking at Chen Lie in proudly.

He didn't move, but a must-describe the power of the past:


As the 9th giant son, chaotic dance from the small or high position, raise a power.

And under the eyes of the eyes, I also understand a mental oppression skill.

Moreover, he is absolutely not allowed to "fail". Insult words appear in his own body, even if Chen Lie is the same as the same level.

But there is only one level to justice in the same level.

This is the power of overweight.

Only my spirit is crushing in my heart.


Feel the spiritual pressure of the chaotic dance, Chen Lie's mouth is slightly tight.

Now Chen Lie has been with the chaos.

Pure spiritual spirit.

No solution.

The energetic of the horses of the chaotic dance is also useful for the spirit of Level 8.

Due to Chen Lie.

Can only be held by Chen Lie.

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