The pet king of the city

977 chapter of the battle giant

The martial arts of the messy dance is no problem, but Chen Lie is joke.

And this makes Chen Lie are impatient: "Okay, I have nothing to do here with you to play big eyes and small game."


Chen Lie fell out of the knife, it took a very standard to pull the knife.

This knife suddenly suddenly, suddenly the most of the people in the scene could not see Chen Lie's out of the knife, just saw the knife of the knife and was broken.


With the fast, Chen Lie's knife paired the sword of the dove.

The impact of the golden machine is intensive as rain and iron skin, the harsh is very.

At the same time, the positions of the two do not know how many times they exchange, how many distances are moved, even the host and unintended the skills like spiritual lock, but still can't keep up with their rhythm.

They only know that two strong and condensate is crazy about crazy in a narrow range, fight.


Suddenly, a sudden and crisp sound was blown up.

This sound is small, but it can be directly into the soul.

Even if the audience outside the bureau, the soul is also shocked, and the collective is stunned.

Chen Lie's magic flavor, the tiger, who broke out with spiritual power:


I don't know what Chen Lie is going.

But the fact is the fact.

His eyes only see Chen Lie's knife is getting more and more ethereal, and it is getting more and more unsolved.

The spirit of chaotic dance has a slice of flaws.

When Chen Lie is working out, he will not miss it.

" !"

A bloody knife rain suddenly killed. At the next moment, Chen Lie's knife has broken the 8-level war armor, as long as it is a moment, even the fairy will can't save.

But in this moment, Chen Lie had to face a brutal reality:

Do you want to be with a mess?


Chen Lie suddenly found that he fell into a mysterious power, as if the mysterious rigback of swearing.

That is, this mysterious power juncture, let Chen Lie's knife stops a moment.

That is, this moment of gap, Chen Lie's knife is slow.


The knife smash, and Chen Lie flew out.

The mountain and buryed by the mountain.

The dust is born.

a long time.

Smoke in the past.

The figure of the mess is stood proud, just the blood of the mouth.

The overall situation has been fixed.

Doodle dance is not imagined, or the past is tall, it seems to be high, it seems to be afraid of being there.

"Chen Lie is still dead!"

The system has not yet been announced. "

The moderator suddenly remembered a key point.

I will remind you to open it, but everyone's reaction is still late.


The top of the chaotic dance suddenly comes with a rune full of mysterious colors.

Rune is directly from the center of chaos.

It's like a knife-cut glass, the harsh sound is pressed, and then exploded in the moment of chaotic dance.

8 burst runes.

In the case of this sudden explosion, the heart of the heart of the heart, I saw a black deep, black and suffocating the knife.

The chaotic dance also knows that when it is a life and death, it is ignored that he was hitting the heart of the heart, forcibly sacrifice the bottom card, and the scope of the killing of the knife laterally.


I can't have a dodge of the knife to have a throat of the throat.

Although there is no substantial touch, the neck of the mess has been cut out of a thorn blood.

very dangerous.

The chaotic dance looks at the broken shelter necklace, and the heart is cold.

He is all 8-level treasure guardians.

These are naturally a 9-level giant old man.

The battle has not ended yet.

The full form of shocking knife saw the full shape.

The shocking knife was ten feet, and it was deeply like a black knife to kill.

At this time, Chen Lie's eyes, there is no focus, but the blood red eyes make everyone suffocated.

Chen Lie is very strange.

Because he is no longer seen by the kind of burning blood seen, it is a deep red, a few black strange halos.

Under this halo, you can only see the form of Chen Lie, as well as the eyes.

"My God, this seems to be the legendary entry!"

"There is no such thing as the knife!"

An eye-catching nephew shouked.

Obviously, many people can't understand what this realm is representative, collective.

"I am chaotic. The cross is six years in the horizontal trial area. I didn't expect it to be suppressed as a dog. I was also broken two pieces!"

Dance and dance.

Without asylum, there is no previous overweight posture, plus serious injury, the chaotic dance in this state is no longer. Peak period.

But he is a mess.

From small, the super genius of the 9th giant father hell training.

Even if he is now in the state, but it is still more coming than those who are in the top 30.

Moreover, all things have no absolute, thin camels are bigger than the horse.

"I can not be reconciled!"

"I have such a good resource, how can I lose!"

"Just let me know why I called [chaotic dance]!"

The roaring roaring actually affects the world.

The night falls in the moment, the earth is slightly vibrus. Shake, constantly reminding the present:

What kind of person is it?

"This is a bit mean."

Chen Lie's eyes showed a surprise expression.

He wanted to dance this madman, it would be so powerful after playing, before I saw him.

The final skills of the chaotic dance.

The earth-shattering gods hit the ghosts and cried.

God dance!

Brakeing, as if there are ten gods in trouble.

Countless colored, enough to cut the power of the mountains and the power of Chen Dynasty.

Instantly outbreaks, and instantly end.


Doodle and dance fall.

Fall down under the incredible eyes of everyone.

At the same time, the judgment of the system is also available:

Chen Lie is victory.

"How is this going?"

"Is this chaotic dance?"

"Slow lens, hurry to play slow lens!"

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