The pet king of the city

Chapter 003 Dream Dragon

"What kind of dragon is this?"

: "In the trial field, I can't encounter a lot of dragons, but I still see this variety for the first time."

"This is obviously the Oriental Dragon."

Wine god shook his head: "I don't know which one of the dragons, if it is the ancient dragon, then NB."

Abao said: "If it is a river, it is more interesting."

"Don't speculate."

"It is a dragon, but also dream dragon."

Chen Lie has mastered the information of the little guy and said: "Even if it is a river, there is no rare. According to the blood, it is a 9-level blood, and it is time to grow.

Pets look at each other.

The original blood is enough NB, now there is a more NB, call them can't get in time.

Chen Lie said: "You don't think too much, the little dream dragon will take at least 10,000 years to count the adult, and now it is early."

The drunkard laughed: "Ten thousand years, my bones are afraid that I will become gray early?"

Heji Tiger smiled: "It is a level 9 descent, the development time is exaggerated!"

"What a pity."

"Yeah, if the battle is a 9th grade beast, it will definitely be more hurt."

The ghosts are all awkward.

Such an exaggerated growth time, it is destined to fight with everyone.

"Don't be disappointed."

Chen Lie laughed: "Xiaomun Dragon is the wilderness of the ruins, as long as there is sufficient resources, it is not a problem in 1 year."

"What resources?"

"We can help."

"If there is it help, I will fully support the owner to go to the chaotic plane."

Many of the super pets headed by Liquor I am actively open.

A good magic weapon, good weapon, can't catch a real giant strength shelter.

If Chen Lie has a 9th grade of the capital to go to chaos, safety is absolutely no problem, even if you encounter giants, you can easily face it.

"Dream Dragon's food is very limited."

"Although they can also refine the aura, the heavens and the earth have grown, but their most important food is still dreams."

Chen Lie said: "They are stronger than those who swallowed other souls. If the dreams are stronger, the strength they get is more powerful, it is a very magical species."

Wine gods heard his eyes and said: "Ordinary people may also have a weird dream, there are many deaths, or super heroic feelings, these are powerful dreams."

The pets nodded.


"You understand the wrong, the gods."

Chen Lie demanded: "The so-called strong dream refers to true, including many laws. For example, a magnitude 8 can, because of the strength and experience, the dreams will be put in. Naturally, Such a dream is very powerful, and it is 8th, it is definitely the most advanced food. "

"I understand."

"Still do strength."

Wine god is very speechless.

Abao laughed: "Then there is something that is nothing to swallowing Jiaojiao, the ghosts are good."

Heavenly Tigers drive coldly: "Sorry, I have a little dream."

Ghost replies: "Yes, now this point is now, it is replaced with sleep."

Abao and others are speechless.

Chen Lie said: "It doesn't matter, Pengcheng is so big, so many people can make Xiaomun Long grow up quickly. What's more, we have a dream that often sleeps often sleep."

Everyone will look at the rice bucket that is sleeping in the distance.

I don't know what the rice bucket is dreaming, and I have a spirit, then turn it back, continue to sleep.

The farmer laughed: "The rice bucket has been robbed by the robot, and it is not eligible to eat the excuse to work as before, so it is often hungry recently."


Chen Lie laughed: "It's new to work now."

Chen Lie fed a stupid little Menglong after a small mouth of Xianling, pointing to the rice.

Xiaomantong immediately glowed his eyes, then the body was in vain.

The rice bucket originally turned down quickly calm down, and the breathing was still a lot.

It is estimated that it is a nightmare, after the nightmare is eaten, sleep quality is better.

"There is still this effect!"

Wine god was surprised: "The little dream dragon is simply the god of life."


Xiaomang Lu returned to Chen Lie's hand and appeared very much.

But this is also easy to understand.

Although the rice bucket is bad, however, how to say is a 6-level battle pet.

Its nightmare is not a lottery, and the little dream dragon has not been eaten.

"Little Menglong, take a rest after eating."

"There are dreams here."

Chen Lie put Xiaomun Long in his own side, and he took him with him.

Things temporarily told a paragraph.

This is a question on Sunday to grasp the gap: "BOSS, many people come to ask you."

Chen Qi: "Is it going to the chaos?"

"Yes it is."

Solved people in Sunday.

Some of the opponents who were defeated by Chen Lie, some were Chen Lie's hidden guest.

All want to cooperate with Chen Lie.

Chen Lie said: "Tell them, I have nothing to think. Instead of adventure with the chaos, I am not as good as I have to go to the three-border business all the unknown, the unknown place, the unknown place, the unknown place."

"Yes it is."

"I know how to answer Sunday."

Walk on Sunday go back.

This kind of trivial thing, Chen Lie has never been a concert, so throws it to the daytime concentration.

Unknown plane. "

"My interest is more bigger, after all, there is no giant competition here, and the chance of robbing the treasure is higher."

Chen Lie laughed, not very much.

Just he doesn't care.

Some things have to be he careless.

Because of the things of the chaos, there are many variables.

For example, inverse invasion.

What is wrong with the chaotic plane is a high level 9.

The system has opened the space channel, is it only allowed to enter the system?

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