The pet king of the city

Chapter 004 Gregs

What is wrong with the chaotic plane is a high-level 9-level plane, and it has been opened to the space channel. Is it only allowed to enter the system trial? Is it not allowed to make a counterattack?

This world has this cheap thing.

So some variables have happen soon.

", System announcement: Discover the smuggling channel coordinates of the chaos, the system mall is suspected of being invasive from the perspective, please do all the defense work in the commercial city."

Important is three times.

The system announcement that constantly echo, Chen Lie can't be quiet.

"Is the confusion plane invaded?"

"Maybe I can play."

Chen Lie laughed: "There is a system there, there will be no major events."

The gods curiously asked: "The owner, since the system is so powerful, why will it be inverseed, even in the eyes of the eye, is it?"

"The powerful country is also weak, and it is not said that the system is just the system."

Chen Lie further explained: "The situation, people are chaotic, the natural confusion. Using the chaos of the chaos, I don't think it is difficult?"

"Confirmed this source?"

"I seem to be a bit unknown."

Wine god nodded.

Abao care is not this, ask: "That owner, do we need to send more people to calm the store? After all, there is a lot of materials in the store, and there are very precious."

"Yeah, standing on a situation in a single Lochor, too weak."

The farmer is also attached to.

I am a judgment, and the ghosts will stand up and say: "The master, let me go. I seem to have a bottleneck in the past few times, I want to go out."

Chen Lie suited: "Who else wants to be dissatisfied?"

Heji Hu is leaping.

The devil stands out.

But only they have three war pets.

Chen Lie looked at the order team and asked: "Do you not go?"

Xiao Hui represented the order of the team represented: "Can't, we have nearervanned a combined attack, need to be a heart."

Chen Lie looked at other super pets.

The wine god said: "I will stay at home."

Chen Lie reminded: "The chaos is open, and now there is not so much business, you can do it as a play."


Abao thief replied: "There are many of the continental continents of the system. We like the original form of the original form. It is not as good as in the past. It is better to enjoy sunshine and cuisine here."


Chen Lie is also helpless.

The mainland of the system is basically the madness of the madness, Kung Fu Panda.

The animals inside are wearing clothes upright, except for appearance, other different from humans.

The opposite of.

If they like the original form, they will be excluded.

that's it.

Chen Lie held the intention of tourism, with a large number of supplies to the future world.



The development of the future, the moment is shocked, and the tiger and ghost are shocked.

They are all in contact with virtual form.

I feel very much now, I feel strong.

However, these are secondary.

Chen Lie came to give everyone freedom, and he returned to the store.

Store is still old.

But under the change of Loji, there are more ancient flavors, as well as a daughter.

No matter from the eyes, it is still very comfortable.

"Good here."

Chen Lie directly instantly moved to the store.

After being scared, Luoji was clear, and after the coming, Da Hao: "Boss, you are finally coming."

Chen Lie got the amount of Lochor, surprised: "You seem to have selected the route."


"I chose."

Luo Ji is not to avoid, showing 7 tail, and then condenses a frost, said: "There is an ancient ice fox in my blood, so there is a huge blessing in the ice-based spell. And I don't want to give up the martial arts The road, so it can only be combined into a Xianwu route. "

"Xianwu, it is also good."

Chen Lie's choice of Loji did not resist, even some support.

He used to always feel that Luo Ji is too waste of the blood of the Qingqi family, which is like a person with magical talents to go to the Knight route.

Now there is such a result, it is very successful.

Luo Ji further explained: "The blood is the foundation, and the fairy is combined. Although the road I chose is more complicated, the chasing roots are also for 8th."

Chen Lie attached and said: "With your green veins, Jinzheng 8 is just a matter of time."

Luo Ji laughed back: "Yes, just time problems, but I can't wait for the 30 years."

According to the formal cultivation, Luo Ji is at least 30 years to break through the accumulation to level 8.

How is she is willing?

Although she was hit by Chen Lie, the battlefield of the Paradise Legion was very miserable, but her heart is still not extinguished, but I want to become the core force of the Paradise Legion, and even challenge the first battle of .

"As long as you are good, the dragon is not a problem."

Along with the Breakthrough, the dragon fruit of the 8th dragon crowd has been able to work on the 7th grade blood.

This is undoubtedly the best news for the warfare of Lu Ji, ghost, blue crown, etc.

"not enough."

"I am now unfair to the dragon fruit that can be assigned every day."

Luo Ji asked: "Boss, tell me what to do, can you harvest a lot of dragonfare?"

Chen Lie explained: "First, the dragon is needed to be irrigated by hegemonic blood, and the hegele resumption is exaggerated, but it is impossible to supply a lot."

To be here, Chen Lie deliberately, because he sent a Siri Lu Ji as something to say.

"Boss, I may have a solution."

Luoji is weakly inserted.

Chen Lie said: "If you refer to something to restore blood, we have prepared a lot, but because all the food, Dan medicine, the effect is not very good."

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