Chen Lie frowned asked: "Although the chaos is an ectopic face, but if you want to make such a tragic thing, is there too exaggerated?"

You must know that you can cultivate a magnitude 8-level debris, which is definitely a vibrant plane. Even if it is small, but at least tens of millions, or even a few billion people survive inside?

For the world's source, the entire fragmentation is refining, is it equal to killing all the souls in this debris?

This is definitely a sin of the sky.

The ancient deacon nodded: "The trials are suppressed here, and they go to the ectopic surface. They often break all backups and dissatisfaction, often make a lot of unaccompanied stupid things. Like today this kind of refining Things of the entire fragmentation, there have been countless times in the system history. "

"It's awesome."

Chen Lie wants to be willing to shoot.

This is simply whiteling the barrel.

The ancient mandate sigh: "Mr. Chen, don't know the value of refining the entire fragmentation. Even the small debris can also refine the world of the world."

The post-old deacon looked at the invader with complex eyes, "said:" Can cultivate the magnificent fragmentation of the magnitude 8, then there is at least a large Australian mainland. Adding other, I am afraid I can refine the power of the world. Such a wealth, I believe that more than half of the giants refused. "

"It's crazy."

Chen Lie had a sigh.

He was too lazy to look down, shouting about the and ghost: "You will come back, don't intervene here!"

Oblifting tigers and ghosts are confused, but they are faithful to obey.

"Don't want to go!"

I don't want to see the poor insects of the chaos to see Chen Lie to enter the banquet. I want to take away and ghosts, I immediately shouted: "Don't go back here! Remember, kill you called Adam! "

I will hit Chen Lie after the words.

While the attack has not killed Chen Lie, it was removed by the eight-door lock.

"You m, it is really giving face!"

Chen Lie was angry.

"Adam, dare to attack me and my pet, die!"

Chen Lie is from all camouflage, and the creation of gold is outbreak, and the power is iv.

He held a shocking knife in his hand, and a knife, like hundreds of millions of glory, the great land, and a knife flew out.

"Who are you?"

Adam exposed an incredible color.

He felt that the people in front of him were not much better than him, but they didn't expect the other party to let themselves can't get it.

"I will take you!"

Chen Lie did not answer, and the empty air was a knife.

This knife is very strange, there is no hollow voice, and there is no power, there is no power to cut the power to cut the void, just a simple one knife.


"Who are you?"

The breath of Adam is hysterested, and the face is exposed on the face.

He is afraid.

I immediately went out countless gods, the body is like a god, but the next moment is a tremble, the soul in the midst of the sea is silent.

The Surface of Adam did not hurt, but the soul suffered heavy.

"You can directly attack the soul !?"

Although Adam is a large-capacity of magnitude 8, it has been the same as ordinary people at the moment.

His mind has not been able to support too much fluctuations, and the face is even more embarrassing.

"The soul attack!"

"There are many people here, I am just evolving."

Chen Lie was cold and looked at the soul being hit by Adam, and it was a knife.


Unfortunately, it can't stop!

Adam a big mouth blood Meng Peng.

However, Chen Lie is another knife.


Adam's face madness, he toned Holy Wen, while the hands were imprisoned, and hundreds of millions of God appeared.

The power of this billion god gathered together, condensed in him, hard to resist Chen Lie, and then pointed out:

Holy Guide!

One pointing out, the aura cavity, and the law is broken.

It is unfortunately just let the eight-door locks suddenly ripple.

"Good, the top of the top attack."

Chen Lie looked at Adam: "You are very attacked, but the price is not small?"


Adam a blood spray.

He looked at unbearable Chen Lie in hate, and he went out.


"Do you think that the chaotic this source is not asked?"

Chen Lie smiled coldly, a knife went:

Life and death!

The space suddenly cracks, and Adam who is ready to escape directly.

"You can't kill me!"

"I have not revenge for everyone!"

Adam was angry and angry, but he helpless.

"I know your resentment."

Chen Lie's voice rang again: "But your resentment is not the reason I forgive you!"

"This trick is not used by anyone."

"It's optimistic."

Chen Lie's voice seems to come from ancient times, not existed, nor the future, as if there is a dimension, and the mysterious cannot be detected.

A knife with a great gorgeous knife is broken, with a burning will of the body of Adam.

No blood, there is no hobby.

Adam is floating in the air.


Heads and ghosts were surprised.

They feel very strong, and they may not be the enemy of the opponent, which is actually reversed by Chen Lie.

It is more unacceptable to the survivors of the law enforcement team.

They can say that they can't accept this extremely ironic reality.

But there is no one to pay attention to it.

Chen Lie slowly came out and looked calmly in Adam.

As Asian: "What is this method? I seem to hear a voice representing the world will."

"This knife has no name."

"But it contains the mystery of burning life, sacrifice the native origin."

"There is also a kind of sword named."

"I don't know how to describe this, I can only do this."

Chen Lie said that he smirked.

And Adam also closed his eyes.

"Don't feel the swords! Thank you! You let me die!"

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