The pet king of the city

Chapter 008 Thank you for letting me die.

" ??"

"Burning and sacrifice, there is also a doctor, integrated into a knife."

"Very good, under this knife, there is no murder of my name."

"Thank you! You let me die!"

"Everyone, I will accompany you! Sorry, I have not helped you to revenge!"

Adam's body fell straight.

Chen Lie's eyes have a slap.

The atmosphere of the scene is also very heavy, all did not speak.

"Let's go!"

Chen Lie looked at the and ghosts, shouted, directly transferred.

"The owner is still so powerful."

"After all, it is our master."

He is full of and ghosts.

They have thought about it.

If you just enhance the fight, it is, it is estimated that it is still a little longer, and it will eventually be defeated.



Back to the store.

Chen Lie just sat down, Luo Ji and the teacher looked at Chen Lie with worship.

They have lived in this continent in many years, or the first time I saw such a level 6 trialist.

Although the later permissions of the system mall continent are slow, they can operate through many additional channels, and even some forces specialize in helping people's credibility.

Because these are real operations.

Real pet, real pet belonging.

So even if the system is investigated, it cannot be punished.

But these costs are a bit big.

It is several times the cost of your own operation, and generally the trial is not going.


For those high-level trialists, the fans value is not very significant.

So in order to get better privileges, in order to save your own time, most of the high-level trials will spend on the side of the brush reputation.

Even if it is a relatively stubborn old head, for level 8 level permissions, there are also many fan values ​​to brush their reputation values.

So there have been a number of 7, magnified permissions, but its strength does not match special existence.

Under such a big atmosphere, Chen Lie is a freak in a weird tire.

"Today's Adam should not be an unique."

Chen Lie did not so much bad mind, reminded: "I need you seriously prepare, after all, this enemy comes from chaos, you can cover the system to detect."

In the past, the system mall continent did not have a situation in which heterogeneous face invasion.

But it is basically in space cracks, and it is blocked near the smuggling channel, and there is very little like now.

The teacher also returned to normal, worried about: "That master, what should we do? We can don't have such excellent ability."

Luo Ji also worried: "We have a lot of precious materials here, which is so famous, and there is no right defense means, I am afraid it will become a raven goal."

"I am very sure of that."

Chen Lie nodded, asked: "But after today, how many fools do you say to focus on us?"

Persimmon is soft, this truth is universal.

Those super organizations, even if the giants are running, there is a large number of magnitude 8 greatly sitting.

Even if it is a small organization, at least one level 8 can be taken in town, or form a colleague alliance with other small organizations.

This is a comparison, Chen Lie can be said to be the best hunting target.

of course.

This is the previous thing.

With Chen Lie to kill, it is as good as the top of the top, all people wake up like a dream.

The Paradise Legion does not require the virtual giant as a background.

Chen Lie itself is half a giant.

There is a person who is in the town, and there is no strength, it will go cool, it has strength, and it is necessary to come to you.


"Broadcasting, it is estimated that there is not so much fool."

Luo Ji and Teachers can be said to be concerned, and they will completely forget Chen Lie's strength.

The ghost reminded: "But we can't prevent it."


Chen Lie took out something like heaven and earth, said: "This is the chaotic this source I extracted in Adam."

The teacher falls unable to induce chaos, but it is very familiar with this source.

Luoji said: "There is such a little, it is nothing to use."


"It is huge."

Chen Lie's soul shouted, and the magical spirit broke out.

"take it."

Chen Lie handed over the chaos of this source to the magic spirit.

It was also a bit confused magic spirit. After listening to this, I understood it, showing evil smiles.

There is always a subtle connection between homologous.

Even if I haven't contacted, I can also use the characteristics between the origins to compare.

"Don't understand."

"I don't understand."

Loji and others feel inexplicably.

The magical explanation said: "Simply said that this is the chaotic this source can be used to detect. If there is a chaotic home source close to our store, I can use the ability of zero to induce. At that time, we won't be like that unlucky So super organization, can't be killed. "

"It can also be used like this."

"The owner is the master."

He is , looked at Chen Lie's eyes and worship.

Chen Lie said: "And the magical spirit now has 8 strengths, plus the means I reserved, enough to suppress the scene."

The magic spirit replied firmly: "The owner left the eight-door chair, this is our greatest protection. Unless the 9-level giant, other big can, even the half-step giants like wine Jocuts, I also have Support the qualifications of several tricks. It is estimated that the owner also receives the news and transfer it directly. "

"not necessarily."

: "Half step 9, like wine Jianxian, can also kill us, and can break the eight-door lock in the sky within a breathing."

Magical A: "But we are not wood, there is such a wire buffer, enough."

Everyone heard here, the big stone fell in the heart also disappeared.

"So be it."

Chen Lie has not thought of continuing to stay, the body turned, directly into the void.

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