“Well, it’s a pity that it can only go so far, and if you go in again, you will have to fight, right?”

Bai Luo sat on the open-air bar, looking at the casino not far away, with a regretful expression.

Those casinos are willing to bleed and let Bai Luo go, but it does not mean that they really have no temper, and they will make people bloodleze indefinitely.

After visiting the casinos here, if Bai Luo wants to enter again, he has to forcibly break through by force, and on the list of unpopular casinos in the city, Bai Luo is estimated to be at the top.

“I heard that these casinos have a lot of thugs, many of them are famous sea pirates in the past.” Monet reminded seriously.

“Pirates don’t care, today’s harvest is quite satisfactory, just wait for tomorrow.”

Bai Luo expressed considerable doubts about whether the “sea thief” in Monet’s mouth really had the strength of the sea thief, but he did not say much, but nodded some chips, pulled out a pile worth 10 million Bailey, and handed it to Monet.

“Thank you for leading the way today, this is your salary.”

“So many?!”

Monet couldn’t believe his eyes, although he made as much as 700 million a day, but that money had nothing to do with her, she just led a way and didn’t make any special contributions.

“The real salary is one million, the remaining nine million is today’s tip, tomorrow there will not be so much, don’t expect extra about this.” Bai Luo explained.

“Even if that’s the case, it’s a lot!”

Monet shook her head, she had also heard the guests introduce the prices outside, ten million can already buy a shipwrecked princess as a slave.

Even in this city, the income obtained by a busy day is only a hundred thousand Baileys worth of chips.

Only the blue-haired girl who also does the skin and meat business by the way can earn a million Bailey a day.

Thinking of this, Monet’s face couldn’t help but blush, and she asked softly with some embarrassment: “Mr. Bai wouldn’t want to do that kind of thing, would he… Sorry, I’m not that type of tour guide. ”

“Poof~” The tyrant bear almost didn’t hold back, secretly smiling.

“You think too much, I don’t have the habit of spending the night with women casually.” Bai Luo waved his hand calmly.


Monet was stunned for a moment, and his face became even more rosy: “It’s not casual… Hard, are you serious? It’s a bit tricky, but to be honest you’re my type… Personally, I’m not very demanding, and I don’t expect to be famous, but my sister is still young, and I can’t set a bad example for her. Underground lover or something, it’s still too easy to bring bad children… At least an open mistress…”

There is no marriage law in the pirate world, and polygamy or polygamy is a common occurrence for the strong, so Monet never had the concept of monogamy in his heart.

However, even mistresses are differentiated, underground mistresses are not visible, and public mistresses are actually socially recognized relationships like ancient concubines.

“The more you say it, the more outrageous it gets.”

Bai Luo looked at the expression on the face of the girl Monet, which was half shy, half nervous and worried, knowing that what the other party just said was just a disguise used to protect himself, and in his heart he actually had doubts about the 10 million Baileys obtained for no reason, so he spoke:

“Don’t have any psychological burden, it’s just a kind act of kindness such as meeting a stray cat on the road and feeding a fish if you think it’s cute, it’s not a big deal.” What’s more, 10 million is not a lot of money for you, right? ”

Bai Luo’s last sentence was quite meaningful, which surprised Monet.

Realizing that Bai Luo understood the situation of the city, Monet completely dispelled his doubts, felt Bai Luo’s kindness, and suddenly the whole person’s eyes were red, her weak body trembled slightly, and she bowed gratefully and thanked her: “Thank you for your gentleness and generosity!” ”

“It’s okay, do you want to have dinner with me?”

Bai Luo took the opportunity to invite: “You can also pull your sister along, the chef on my ship is good.” ”

“Thank you, but probably not, my sister is not in good health.”

The girl Monet bowed gratefully again, but helplessly declined.


Under the setting sun, Bai Luo and Monet separated, left Carnival City, and walked towards the passenger ship.

“It’s really a sinful city.”

On the way, Bai Luo shook his head.

“Sin City?”

Tyrant Bear didn’t know why, so he asked suspiciously: “Isn’t this city just an ordinary entertainment city?” ”

“Comrade Big Bear, you should usually observe and think more.”

Bai Luo looked at the tyrant bear with an incomplete eye, so that this rough man of six or seven meters couldn’t help but feel that he had done something wrong and failed Bai Luo’s expectations.

“Reading more is a good thing, but reading only books without thinking is better than not reading.”

Bai Luo sighed and asked, “Didn’t you notice that in this Carnival City, their food prices are a bit ridiculously expensive?” ”

“This kind of place is very expensive!” Tyrant Bear doesn’t understand the problem yet.

“It’s normal for scenic spots or casinos to be expensive, but there are affordable areas a little further around them. But this carnival city occupies an entire island, which means that the uniform price of food here is dozens of times more expensive than the outside world. ”

Bai Luo pointed out the core problem: “It doesn’t matter to tourists like us, it’s a big deal that we eat on passenger ships, but it’s different for the staff who have always lived here.” ”

“You mean they buy food for their own in-house staff and we are at a price?” The tyrant bear understood a little, and couldn’t believe it: “This is also outrageous.” ”

Don’t look at Bai Luo’s generosity today, but for ordinary tourists, a hundred thousand Bailey a day is enough.

One hundred thousand Baileys a day, it is difficult to find a job in any position in the world, which is the main reason why this city can recruit so many young and beautiful girls to work.

But in fact, it was just a false scam, and 100,000 Baileys could only barely guarantee food and clothing in this city a day, and even worse.

“If that’s the case, then why didn’t Miss Monet leave?” Tyrant Bear raised questions.

Making 100,000 Baileys a day is a scam, and the quality of life of those staff here is even worse than that of the coolies who earn a thousand a day outside, and if this were the case, those staff would have fled a long time ago.

“Run away? Where to run? Bai Luo sneered: “There is only one port on this island, and the navy is next to the port, do you think this is a coincidence?” ”

“You mean, these navies are watching those crews and preventing them from escaping?” The tyrant bear gasped.

The navy that maintains the stability of the sea and protects justice is actually rotten?

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