“The Navy is an organization with an extremely complex division of labor, and sometimes it can’t be thought of just as an army.”

Bai Luo has seen a lot of corrupt navies in the original work, so he is not surprised by the actions of the city’s navy.

The contradictions of the social problems in the pirate world are more prominent and relatively simple, and do not involve complex consciousness, culture, religion and other influences.

These questions do not require the complex theories in books such as “Mao Summary”, which can only be studied in universities, and can be discussed with only a little understanding of modern history and revolutionary history.

“In the absence of village and town organizations, the navy, in addition to acting as a defense force, also assumes part of the government responsibilities, which are related to the livelihood of the people, and there are often many financial temptations hidden in them… The lack of an effective oversight body in the naval system has led to widespread corruption in the lower navies. ”

The naval style on the great shipping route is still convergent, and the navy of the four seas is anyone, even the most stable and rich East China Sea, there is no shortage of chickens and dogs in the navy.


When the tyrant bear heard Bai Luo’s description, his heart suddenly became heavy, and he saw all the leopards, and he could imagine what kind of miserable life the people in other places were living.

He sighed and said.

“No wonder the leader of Larg wants to withdraw from the navy, such a rotten army, it is impossible to improve it from the inside.”

“Don’t rush to sigh, I haven’t gotten to the point yet. Naval regulation is only the most superficial layer, it can only deter the faint of heart, but it cannot threaten those who have no hope for life and seek freedom even at the risk of their lives. ”

Bai Luo shook his head and continued.

“Their real line of defense is not the warships of the Navy, but the exploitation of young people like Monet by chips, so that even if they earn 10 million Baileys a day, they still can’t touch a penny.”

Bailey needs to be exchanged for chips before entering the city, and all facilities throughout the city use chips as real currency, and the use of Bailey is not allowed.

For guests, it is just to exchange Bailey and chips before entering and leaving, and the impact is not great.

But for the staff, this measure is the real chain that holds their neck.

No matter how frugal they are, no matter how hard they try to save money, all they have left in their hands in the end is a bunch of chips that are useless except for this carnival city.

It’s hard to move without money.

Without a currency recognized by the outside world, even if they dared to flee the city, they would fall into the point where they could not afford to sit without a Bailey, and even the lowest bunk.

“What a terrible system…”

The tyrant bear hadn’t seen anything yet, but when he heard Bai Luo’s analysis, he suddenly felt creepy.

In all fairness, if he did not have the strength beyond ordinary people, as Bai Luo said, he was lured into this flesh and blood factory by the high salary of Carnival.

Under the threat of the Navy and the Bargaining Chips-Bailey, he could not imagine escaping here.

Thinking of this, he vaguely understood why Monet’s expression was so helpless when he said that the price of goods in this city was too expensive before.

– “No way, this is Carnival City.” ”

The deep meaning of this sentence was not understood by him until now.

It was despair like falling into hell!

Thinking that even if he fell into such a situation, even in such a completely hopeless place of escape, the girl named Monet could still show such a gentle smile, and the tyrant bear couldn’t help but feel a little admiration.

“Being able to keep a smile under such hardships, Miss Monet is really a strong person.”

“Strong?” Bai Luo stood still, thought for a while, and then said: “I think the word gentle is more appropriate.” ”

Bai Luo later proposed to have dinner with Monet, not to soak her, but simply felt that such a gentle girl should not trap her whole life in this bad city, so he reached out to help her.

Carnival City does set up a lot of controls to prevent staff from escaping, but after all, it is a for-profit organization that puts the needs of guests first, so those staff still have the possibility of escaping.

As long as the guests are willing to hide them in the passenger ship and have enough power or power to ensure that their rooms are not searched, then they can follow the passenger ship away and regain their freedom.

Although this type is only a minority, there are still people who can escape in this way.

Bai Luo originally wanted to use this method to help Monet, and Monet’s sister, escape from this black hole-like city.

Unfortunately, the darkness of the city is a little heavier than Bai Luo imagined, and Monet refused Bai Luo’s invitation to dinner, not because she did not want to leave with Bai Luo.

On the contrary, she dreamed of leaving.

However, her sister seems to be under the control of Carnival City, and the sisters cannot go out of the city at the same time.

If Monet fled with Bai Luo, she herself would indeed be able to gain freedom and escape from that miserable life, but her sister could only be trapped in that criminal city forever and sink forever!

Between freedom and his sister, Monet chose his sister.

This choice is easy to say, but it is far more difficult than imagined, which is equivalent to cutting off what may be the only way to live and throwing yourself into purgatory.

“A woman is weak, but a sister is strong.”

Bai Luo let out a final sigh, but there was no particularly sentimental emotion in his eyes.

“Mr. Bai Luo, what should we do?”

Tyrant Bear couldn’t help but ask.

If Monet’s strong will to show such a smile in such a desperate situation made him admire, then Monet still chose his sister in the face of freedom within reach, and such noble behavior was enough to make the tyrant bear pay respect to this person.

This is a respectable sister.

The tyrant bear felt that he should do something, otherwise the world would be too bad.

“Comrade Big Bear, have you forgotten what was said in the Revolutionary Manifesto – revolution is the act of violent action to get rid of the old inherent class and create a new order?”

Bai Luo’s eyes are as calm as water, but there is a great wind and thunder hidden in the water.

“We never hide that we need violence to achieve our goals, and we will continue to do so.”

“You mean?”

Tyrant Bear remembers the deeds of Bai Luo – fire into the city!

“This kind of rotten and boring city, there is nothing to say, just burn it to ashes.” Bai Luo looked up, and there was a red flame burning in his eyes, and the bright flame was like the morning light of dawn, about to remove the darkness of the world.

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