The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 139 139. Di Weng Fist Training Skills

The next day, Dawn came to a huge garden 800 meters away from the Don Quijote family gathering hall in accordance with the agreement with Rao G. This is the training place of the Don Quijote family, which has all the training facilities.

After talking about things that night at dawn, Rao G told him about the agreement to exchange physical training skills.

In the garden, the cadre members of the Don Quixote family are practicing, including the three highest cadres and members of their respective subordinates. After seeing the dawn, the members of the cadre's subordinate are all a little wary and seem to be very afraid of the dawn.

"Don't be nervous, this guy is here to discuss with Rao G." Diamanti said after seeing it in the distance, and the members relaxed, so they started to repair each.

"Reinhardt, what you promised should be fulfilled." Rao G asked with a cold face when he saw the dawn coming to the garden.

"OK, I'll tell you now." Xiaoxiao said with a smile. This little old man is really an idiot. It seems that he won't stop without his physical training skills. So Xiaoxiao walked in front of Rao G and suddenly reached out. He punched. Although Rao G did not react, he subconsciously raised his fists to resist.

The strength of this guy has improved a lot.Rao G secretly thought that it was only a few months since the last match, but Reinhardt's strength has improved by leaps and bounds. Even knowing that he defeated Aubrey, he did not expect that his strength would improve so quickly.

A faint vibration in the air, a shock wave like a sea current appeared, directly hitting Rao G's fists, Rao G was knocked back by two steps, staring at the palm of dawn with some surprise.

There were several cadres of Don Quijote's family standing around, and they were a little surprised at their actions.Everyone saw the ripple-like shock.

Rao G felt the trembling power in his palm spread, so he straightened his fighting posture and rushed towards Dawn, smashed with a punch, and with a bang, Dawn was also knocked back a long way.

"Now you can exchange their fighting secrets with each other." Looking at Rao G's solemn expression, Xiao Xiao smiled and walked directly to him.

Rao G nodded.

Di Weng Fist!

What Dawn cares most about this set of physical skills is not his fighting ability, but the method of power storage, the older the stronger the skills.

"You tell me the skills of Diwengquan first, and I will tell you how to cultivate this power."

So Rao G has explained the core skills of Diweng Boxing with Dawn for a long time. The core point is how to accumulate strength for long-term storage and stimulate it at a certain point and moment. This lecture is a whole day.

After he finished speaking, it was already dark, and it was only at dawn that he gradually understood that Diwengquan also borrows the characteristics of the human body and relies on the practice of internal organs and joints to store power, but it requires a long and special practice. It is possible to reach it.

"Now you can say it?" Rao G finally explained the mystery of Di Wengquan.

Dawn nodded, and stretched out his palm to exert a slight force in the air, and a wave of wave-like force oscillated in the air: "This is the source of this force, which is like an ocean current."

It is an attack like a shock wave, but it is far more powerful than a shock wave, because the shock wave is an instantaneous explosion force, and in addition to the instantaneous explosive force, this force has a continuous ocean current force.

"I started practicing in ocean currents six years ago. I practice basic exercises in ocean currents every day. Because the resistance of sea water is 800 times stronger than the resistance in air, the strength I have cultivated in ocean currents for many years is extremely powerful. "After finishing talking, Dawn raised an elbow and hit it directly, and a rumbling ocean current ripples directly passed through.

Rao G saw it clearly, and was shocked in his heart. He had never thought that such a powerful force could be cultivated in ocean currents, but he was a little puzzled as to why this kind of cultivation method had never been seen before.

"Cultivating in the sea..." Rao G was stunned for a long time, seeing Dawn's serious expression, so he no longer doubted.

He couldn't wait to drag Dawn to the port, and immediately jumped into the ocean current before Dawn had not reacted.

It took about half an hour before Rao G swam up breathlessly, and said weakly: "Cultivation in the ocean current really takes too much energy."

Every fist thrown consumes too much physical strength. With his current physical strength, he will not be tired after practicing on the ground for three days and three nights, but he has been completely consumed in less than thirty minutes in the ocean current.

Rao G gradually believed what Dawn had said. If the strength cultivated over the years in the ocean currents is shown in the air, it must be extremely powerful.

Rao G did not pay attention to the dawn, and directly began to practice.

Dawn shook his head. This old guy is really a lunatic, so keen on physical training, but the mystery skills of Diwengquan have already been obtained, and the harvest has been enough.

So he was going back to pack up his things and leave Chijin Island tomorrow.

But suddenly, there was a rumbling explosion in the night sky. Dawn turned his head and looked into the distance. A huge fire light shone the entire island, and then the siren on the island came.


At this time, Rao G suddenly sprang out of the sea. He looked at the burning building in the distance and said in surprise: "That's...the underground auction house!"

After speaking, Rao G immediately rushed towards the direction of the fire.

Hey old guy... before dawn yelled out, Rao G disappeared.

Underground auction house...could it be...

At dawn, my mind turned, and I immediately reacted. I didn’t expect that it was really that guy. Although a series of clues and plots in the original work were analyzed to get a general idea, when it happened, I realized that the guy’s courage was so great. Even Tianyasha Doflamingo's devil fruit dared to snatch it directly.

Soon, dawn rushed to the building where the fire broke out. The surrounding crowd was full of smoke and dust, and the guests were running frantically.

"Hey Reinhardt." Diamanti shouted aloud when he saw dawn in the distance.

"What can I do for you?" Dawn saw Diamanti with a solemn expression, and immediately walked over, the turbulent crowd around him was chaotic.

Diamanti pondered for a moment, but finally did not hide: "A thief snatched the superhuman devil fruit from the underground auction house."

That guy rushed to this devil fruit, Xiaoxiao smiled in his heart, and then said: "I will ask my people to help you search for thieves."

Before Diamanti could react, Dawn ran towards the depths of the building.

The underground auction house is a complex and winding building complex. While running at dawn, he looked around and suddenly saw a tall man with gray-green hair hiding in the crowd, following the guests to the exit.

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