The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 140 Chapter 140

It is him, the master of the future golden city, the golden emperor Gild Tezolo!

Dawn followed the group of guests silently, successfully came to a sparsely crowded building, and after a while came to an unknown winding corridor, which seemed to be a dead end.

Gilder Tezolo in front of him was calm, wearing a light red vest, walking slowly towards the depths, and after a while he suddenly stopped: "You still found it."

Gilder Tezolo gave a stern smile and stared at dawn.

"Gilder Tezolo!" Dawn began, and his left hand gripped the handle of the knife to prevent this guy from suddenly attacking. After all, although this person has not fully grown up, he is considered a very vicious domineering element.

Gilder Tezolo naturally noticed the movement in his left hand, so he stretched out his hand and slammed a three-meter-long golden steel ring. At dawn, it slashed with a knife. With a bang, the golden steel ring was knocked out. .

"How do you know the name of labor and capital!" Gilder Tezolo was very surprised, his expression on his face was extremely gloomy, and he didn't expect this guy to recognize himself directly.

Xiao Xiao held Jialuo Chi Zun with her left hand and smiled: "I am the omniscient Reinhardt."


After hearing these words, Gilder Tezolo was shocked for a while, then he was shocked and blurted out.

Why is this guy on Chijin Island?

He couldn't believe it. He had naturally heard of this name. During this time, Reinhardt, who was famous in the North Sea, captured the young people of the Polkaya regime.

The golden steel ring suddenly turned into a golden sword in the air and returned to Gild Tezolo.

It was a golden sword made of gold. From this point of view, he ate the golden fruit immediately after snatching it.

"It seems you know me."

Gilder Tezolo was silent for a long time: "You and Doflamingo are not in the same group. Why do you want to stop me?"

"How do you know that I am not in the same group with him?" Xiaoxiao laughed in a low voice, and said coldly in Gild Tezolo's surprised eyes: "You know, since yesterday, I have been with Dover Lang Mingo reached an agreement to form an alliance."

"Since it's a group, then go to death!" Gilder Tezolo roared over with the golden sword, and the sword was chopped from the furnace at dawn.

At dawn, the blade of the counter-holding blade raised slightly, hitting the golden sword, and with a clang, Gild Tezolo was shaken out.

"Your swordsmanship is really influential. Even if I stand here to chop you, you won't have any chance." Xiao Xiao sneered and looked at Gild Tezolo, who was lying on the ground and panting. His current strength is too weak. , Far less than the golden emperor ten years later.

"Asshole!" Gild Tezolo roared, his arrogant face was full of anger, but Gild Tezolo had already discovered through contact just now that the opponent is really powerful.

"You are just allies." Gild Tezolo watched the dawn breathlessly, "Let me go, you will get the friendship of Gild Tezolo in the future."

"Why should I believe you?" Xiao Xiao said coldly.

Gilder Tezolo's fingers flicked in the air for a few times, and the golden sword immediately changed its shape: "If I am a person with the ability of golden fruits and become my ally, I will get countless wealth in the future."

"How can I trust you?"

Gilder Tezolo was silent for a long time, then took the only golden ring from his finger and threw it to Dawn: "This is my most precious ring. Give it to you."

Dawn held the golden ring and looked for a long time.

"Even if I let you go, you won't be able to run away. Doflamingo has blocked Chijin Island."

"You don't need to worry about this." Gilder Tezolo snorted.

"Then I will bet on the future and see if you will bring me countless wealth."

"I will help you escape smoothly."

Dawn thought for a while, the current Gilder Tezolo really has no value in killing, and in the future, he will become the master of the Golden City. If there is such an ally, it will be a powerful help anyway.

Moreover, this could be regarded as an accidental receipt. He didn't expect that Tezolo would come to grab the golden fruit at this time, and he happened to be hit by himself. It was a coincidence.

Hearing this, Gild Tezolo was a little surprised, and then he was very pleased. He nodded: "Gilder Tezolo is a natural gambler, but every bet will win. I will prove your choice is correct. "

"If this is the case, then I will send the Buddha to the west and take you directly out of Doflamingo's eyelids." Dawn was silent for a while, thinking for a moment in his heart, just dressing Tezolo a little, Pretending to be your own subordinate, you should not find any clues.

Just as Dawn thought, Doflamingo and his men had never seen Tezolo's appearance, so they had the opportunity to take him out of Chijin Island.

The two talked for a while, and Dawn put on simple makeup for Gilder Tezolo, and led him around the crowd.

"Reinhardt, did you find a thief?" Diamanti said as he looked at Dawn, and then was a little surprised at Gilder Tezolo who suddenly appeared next to him, so he asked in amazement: "Is he?"

"My man." Xiao Xiao said calmly.

Diamanti nodded with a puzzled look, and then heard the phone bug ring.

Dawn brought Gilder Tezolo to the port, and after passing the blockade of Guradius, he was the first to board the sailboat.

Dawn left the harbor again, walked towards the island, and soon arrived at Doflamingo's family gathering hall.

There was only Doflamingo in the hall, and everyone else was obviously searching for the whereabouts of the thief.

"Reinhardt." Doflamingo's face was a little gloomy, obviously because the golden fruit auctioned by the underground auction house was stolen, and he was extremely angry.

"You should carry out a carpet search. The thief must still be on the island." These words gave Doflamingo a moment. The port was ordered to be blocked at the moment the fruit was stolen. He was still hiding somewhere on the island, so he quickly ordered to go down.

After doing this, Doflamingo's face improved a lot.

"You come here more than just for this, right?"

Dawn nodded: "Of course, I just forgot to tell you one thing."

"What's the matter?" Doflamingo asked suspiciously.

"In order to avoid some misunderstandings in the future, I'd better tell you this first." Xiaoxiao said, "I plan to eradicate the reef next."

One of the three well-known gangs in Beihai, Doflamingo naturally knows.

"Don't worry, the Don Quixote family has no business relationship with the reef." Doflamingo smiled.

"That's good." Dawn nodded.

"Then don't let it go, and hope that each of our cooperation plans can be promoted as soon as possible."

"Leave now?" Doflamingo was obviously taken aback, but he didn't expect him to leave in such a hurry.

Xiaoxiao smiled and said: "Of course, I have to race against time to be able to accumulate enough strength before the waves of the times come."

Is a resolute man.Doflamingo thought to himself, so he didn't have too much doubt, and then picked up the phone worm and told Guradius to let him go at the port.

Dawn took Mosel away. After arriving at the port, Guradius glanced at Dawn and then ordered the soldiers to let go.

Ten minutes later, the sailboat set sail and returned in the night.

The sudden departure is a temporary decision, but it is reasonable. After all, the cooperation plan has been reached. It is only necessary to wait for the next step to promote. In fact, he didn't need to leave in such a hurry. It was nothing to leave Tezolo in the sailing cabin overnight , But in order to avoid long nights and dreams, it is better to leave early.

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