"Natural elementalization is really a powerful ability, especially when cleaning up minions." Looking at the performance of the pirates of the Vidal Pirate Group around, Roentgen couldn't help thinking.

Then he thought of the dying calls of the Navy from time to time in his ears, and his mood became more and more depressed. It seems that more than half of the casualties today are unavoidable. If a few more navies can be saved, it will be all for him. It is a relief.

The shouts and struggles of the sailors in the distance were all in sight.

Roentgen saw that all the pirates were escaping to the pirate ship, so he immediately elementized the position below the abdomen of his body, and rushed towards the pirates under the impetus of the steam fruit ability.

A large white mist appeared behind him at this time, and his body was pushed by the continuously expanding and pouring gas. In the path the body passed through, the hot white gas directly covered all the pirates.

with full force!There was a rustle of neighing noise, and then there was a rumbling, and surging waves of air rose into the sky.

Steam and burning!!!

The breath swelled, the rumbling sound slapped like waves, all the pirates were howling fiercely, the surrounding air seemed to be burning frantically, and then Roentgen speeded up in vain, and the whole body seemed to be equipped with firepower propelling equipment. , Blinked and flew from the deck to the sky, from the sky to the deck, and then shuttled back and forth around the group of pirates.

The white gas behind him is constantly jetting like rocket exhaust. It is precisely because of this continuous propulsion that he can fly to the sky, and the speed of the whole person is extremely fast under this propelling force.

An unprecedented sense of strength rose in Roentgen's heart. The original feeling of controlling a powerful force was so exciting. Roentgen couldn't help thinking while looking at the half-elemental white gas in his palm.

The pirates kept exclaiming. In a short time, all the pirates felt a fierce heat wave that seemed to burn in the air, and when it was passed on to the body, they felt like their whole body was burning.

"Deputy Captain Dothan."

The pirates began to cry out in pain. Roentgen continued to spray among the group of pirates. After a while, under the burning steam and gas produced by Roentgen, most of the pirates jumped into the sea. Those who did not come jumped into the sea. Those who avoided, died directly.

Seeing dozens of pirates who had not yet died on the sea, Roentgen flew directly, and after a cold glance, he clenched his fist directly and slammed his fist towards the sea. The air column was like a dragon, hissing and roaring. The surface of the sea swelled up and down under this huge pressure, and dozens of pirates on the surface also made a stern cry at this time. After a while, the sound disappeared, and this piece of sea seemed to rise over time. White gas.

It's boiling!

It looked empty...no, there was Ward Dothan alone on the deck, Roentgen couldn't help showing a sneer after violently breathing. He left Dothan on purpose.

From the overload/steam cannon used at the beginning to the steam/burning just now, only two moves made his stamina close to the bottom.

Roentgen’s physical strength is not known to others, but he himself knows that although he is not as strong as Dawn and Blatter, he is also a super physique that he has cultivated in the sea for several years following Dawn, although he is not as strong as Dawn’s as strong as ocean currents The strength, but the physical strength is not much weaker than Blatter.

But after using these two tricks, I immediately felt that my physical strength had bottomed out.

"Lieutenant Drake, do you need my help?" He raised his head and asked Drake who was not far away. Drake saw that he was a little panting at this time, so he shook his head: "No, you can kill. A captain with a bounty of 23 million, I will not be able to kill a deputy captain who is several million lower than the bounty."

"Little devil, look for death!" Dothan seemed to be completely irritated by this sentence, so he roared, his saber in his hand was slashed towards Drake, Drake drew sideways, but the western sword in his right hand was lifted and directly A huge wound was drawn on Dothan's chest.

"You can't even be calm in battle, how to be a swordsman?" Drake snorted coldly. In his opinion, Dothan in front of him is no longer a concern, because as a swordsman, he has completely lost With the loss of reason, especially Dothan's breath, it has gradually become confused, and the swordsmanship in his hand has no longer a trace, and it has become confused.


Drake's Western sword swung out again and hit Doson's shoulder. Doson was injured in many places. As the blood flowed, his physical strength became less and less.

"You are left with a polished commander. Don't you surrender?" Drake looked at him coldly. "It's better to take it in a naval prison than death, Pirate."

"Stove Rat Dothan will never surrender to the navy imp." Dothan shouted, the black spots and potholes on his face became more and more obvious, the blood stains mixed together very hideous and ugly, "Go to death Navy."

Seeing this scene, Drake shook his head: "The pirates really do not hesitate to exist."

He instantly squeezed the Western sword in his hand, and a sword pierced out, as if flashing light.

Hit with one hand!!!

Power poured in, and the Western sword in Drake's hand seemed to be a sharp spearhead, and it pierced Dothan's chest with a chuckle, and a large amount of blood flowed from the double edges of the Western sword.

Dothan looked at the Western sword in his chest in disbelief, then snorted and couldn't help vomiting blood anymore, then fell directly to the ground and died.

"Count the casualties." Seeing that all the pirates had been resolved, the Navy lieutenant colonel shouted immediately.

On the other side, Roentgen is also helping medics to treat the wounded.

"Courty, hold back." Roentgen said while looking at Curty who was lying on the ground. The medic next to him took out the medicine kit and was about to start treatment. At this moment, there was a sharp sword in Curty's abdomen. Some are delirious.

"Roentgen, am I going to die?" After hearing Roentgen's voice, Curty looked at him pale.

Roentgen shook his head and pressed his hand on the wound on Curty's abdomen: "No, you are going to sea for the first time, and I will not let you die."

Due to the rise of the killing just now, I even forgot the existence of Curty for a while. When I thought of it, Curty had been stabbed in the abdomen, but this sword could not save his life for the time being, but the excessive blood loss must be treated as soon as possible. .

After a while, under the treatment of the medical soldiers, Curty's condition gradually stabilized. As for the sword injury in the abdomen, he had to return to the navigation operation to be cured.

Roentgen stood up and looked at the busy marines around him. This time he fought with the pirates, and at least half of the marines died, most of them were naval recruits. This is a painful lesson for the North Sea Katan Naval Branch. In other words, so many recruits died when they first went to sea. As a navy lieutenant colonel, it is hard to blame.

The navy warship began to return. After this battle, the name of the North Sea Kadan branch navy double star was completely started.

Killing the captain and captain of the Vidal Pirates with a bounty of up to 23,019 million Baileys is a great contribution in the North Sea, and promotion is inevitable.

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