The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 216 216. Changes Brought by the New Deal

The end of November in Beihai has just entered winter. As the temperature drops, the whole world is covered with plain white, which is snow that has fallen for three days and three nights.

After the winter, the weather in the North Sea suddenly became cold, the white sky filled with snow, the leaves in the distance withered, and the flowers withered.

This winter is no different from previous years. It is also extremely cold, but the common people are not as difficult as in previous years, because the overall life has been completely improved.

A village in the territory of Polkalia.

The icy snow covered the whole village, and the villagers were burning at home.

"Mom, you don't have to go hungry or cold again this winter." The fire light reflected the little boy's smiling cheeks red.

"Yes, since the Lord Duke entered the court, the days have improved every day." The middle-aged woman smiled and looked at the little boy beside her dotingly.

In the past half a year, the villagers’ lives have improved at a speed visible to the naked eye, especially since they are no longer oppressed by the nobles. In those farms that have been reclaimed, every farmer and worker’s face has a smile from the heart. .

"If my sister was still alive, that would be great."

Hearing this, the middle-aged woman's eyes dimmed, and she couldn't help but think of last year's season. Because of the exceptionally cold winter last year, her little daughter finally died without going through the winter due to the extreme coldness of the winter.

Her husband was a servant of the noble manor in her early years. He was killed because she accidentally angered the noble man. From then on, she took her two children to live hard by herself. The youngest daughter was frail and sick. It was an unprecedented heavy snowfall and died.

Thinking of this, the middle-aged woman felt endless sadness in her eyes, and then she sighed and said to the little boy: "The past is over. You must work hard to pass the three-month assessment period of the military school in the future."

"Mom, I will." The little man looked very firm.


"Here." Upon hearing the knock on the door, the middle-aged woman hurried over to watch the door, and then saw a carriage and a dozen soldiers outside the door.

"This is?" She couldn't help but wonder, and then saw the soldiers carrying three bags of grain and winter cotton clothes into the house from the carriage.

"Sign a word." The soldier put a paper full of the list in front of the woman. The woman is illiterate, but his son knows it.

That is the new policy of Lord Duke, the food aid list for single-parent families and the elderly.

"Thank you Lord Duke." The middle-aged woman knelt down to the soldier with tears in her eyes, and the soldier immediately touched the middle-aged woman.

Seeing the soldier walking towards another house with the carriage, the middle-aged woman slowly closed the door.

The little boy secretly vowed in his heart that he must work hard to pass the three-month examination of the Polkaria Military School.


"It's winter..." Dawn stood in the king's hall, looking into the distance, eyes full of snow fluttering.

"Brother rest assured, I have asked the soldiers to arrange winter quilts, fodder, and food. This winter, the life of Polkaria civilians will be easier than before." Blatter said with a smile beside him, although he did not understand Dawn. Part of the plan, let alone understand what Dawn’s planning and ruling ideas for Polkaria’s future are, but he understands Dawn’s emphasis on civilians.

So when he first entered the winter, he immediately arranged all of this. He could not forget that the dawn of the day told him with an extremely serious expression that Polkaria is based on the people!

"Okay, as long as we can survive this winter, by 1510, it will be time for our rapid development." Xiao Xiao said with some relief. Fortunately, he had the foresight to not only transform Wild Cave Town into a large farm, but also promulgated a new policy. , Confiscated most of the land in the hands of the nobles and handed them over to civilians to cultivate, so before this winter came, a large amount of food and livestock were harvested.

This not only solves the problem of raw materials in the brewing factory, but also solves the problem of survival of civilians in winter.

After a while, a young guard rushed from outside the hall. His head was covered with snow, and he walked to Dawn and said separately: "Master Duke, Master Blatter."

"Have things been arranged?" Blatter looked at the young guard, and the young guard nodded respectfully: "It's all ready, Lord Duke can leave at any time."

"Okay, let's go now." Xiao Xiao held the Sabre on his left waist and looked at the sky for a while. It was close to sunset, and the dim sky was getting deeper and deeper.

The guard nodded and stepped back

"Brother, why don't you take Anubi, I always have a bad feeling that Anubi is there, and there is always a caregiver." Blatt frowned, then said.

Dawn shook his head: "Our transaction with the Revolutionary Army is still going on. We must accumulate a large amount of arms before the beginning of the spring next year. Anubis needs to keep an eye on it all the time."

His trade with Mai Lin has been going on, and Anubi can only be relieved by staring at him personally.Mai Lin is a gang organization and has a pivotal position in the underground world of the North Sea.

"Now there seems to be an undercurrent surging inside the nobles of Polkaria, you should pay more attention." Dawn once again urged that the nobles have been more honest after being killed by him with bloody means, but it seems that there is something going on recently. movement.

Blair nodded his head: "We have arranged for people to watch, and they dare not make too much noise."

"If the nobles are changed, you can use bloody means to frighten them. Those people are used to being aloof. If you want them to be afraid from the bottom of their hearts, let them see blood and see their own blood."

"If necessary, drag the nobles with suspicious identities directly on the platform and cut them down."

I don't know how many civilians' blood has flowed on that high platform. Now it is the nobles' turn to stay there for weeks and weeks.

"Understood." A sharp light flashed in Blatter's eyes.

"That's right." At this time, Xiao Xiao suddenly thought of something, so he ordered: "The situation in the Maple Leaf Country should be paid more attention."

"The Maple Leaf Country seems to be a little messy recently, and the contradiction between the civilians and the nobles is constantly expanding." Blatter replied.

Dawn nodded, and then pondered for a moment: "Let the soldiers on the border occasionally let in a few civilians from the Maple Leaf Kingdom, but the number must be controlled."

"Big brother, why is this?" Blatter was puzzled. Since soldiers were sent to completely block the border, why should civilians be allowed in.

"I want to let the common people of Maple Leaf Country and even Utan know that as long as they become a member of the Kingdom of Polkaria, everyone will have a happy life. At that time, I used newspapers to promote it and keep the public opinions of those two countries. Great changes will occur, which will deepen the contradiction between common people and nobles."

"When there is chaos, we have a greater chance to take down those two countries without blood."

Blatter understood, so he nodded deeply in response.

After a while, dawn left the king's hall.

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