The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 218 Chapter 218

Familiar voices are like magic sounds, with exaggerated smiles, and crab strides that look like six relatives don’t recognize them, as well as short golden hair on the head, sun glasses, pink feathers on the shoulders, nine-point pants and pointed shoes, except for Dovran Apart from Brother Ming, there is no other person in this world.

Such a maverick, exaggerated and terrible temperament, are all impressive.

With a bang, everyone stood up immediately after seeing Doflamingo.

"Master Joker!"

Doflamingo spread his hands and motioned everyone to sit down.

"Everyone, welcome to the gathering hall of the Don Quixote family on Chijin Island. This time we have one purpose." Doflamingo walked to the front of the round table. He was followed by a slug, the tallest one. Cadre Torrepol.

He glanced at everyone, then glanced at Dawn, and seemed to have an unpredictable smile: "The Don Quixote family will soon leave Beihai for the new world."

When these words came out, everyone in the court was surprised, except for Dawn and Elonkova.

After they were surprised, they couldn't help showing excitement, because once the Don Quixote family leaves Beihai, the order of the underground world will inevitably be reshuffled. The dark world of Beihai will undergo major changes, thus ushering in a group of newcomers or newcomers. Organization.

Those old blood will surely be eliminated. For newcomers to be in position, old people who don't know how to adapt and change must be nailed to a chair. So this is a perfect opportunity. The underground forces in the North Sea will definitely change.

"Master Joker, you...really want to leave Beihai?" The fat and tall loan shark didn't seem to believe it, so he asked nervously.

"Why, don't you believe it?" Doflamingo glanced at him.

The king of loan sharks is full of cold sweat: "No, I just hope Master Joker will continue to stay in the North Sea to preside over the overall situation of the dark world."

"Really?" Doflamingo laughed, and then looked at the loan shark: "I am leaving, you should be very excited, right? There is a chance to unify the dark world of the North Sea..."

Having said this, Doflamingo glanced over everyone one by one: "Should all of you not be willing to give up this kind of opportunity?"

These are all well-known figures in the Dark World of the North Sea, as well as the well-known pirate forces in the North Sea. Doflamingo knows how great the benefits of the Dark World are, so he knows the minds of these guys very well.

Everyone was flickered by Doflamingo's gaze, and everyone's mind at this time was how to seize the opportunity as soon as possible after the Don Quixote family left.

"This is the last time the Don Quixote family will host the meeting. I hope you can continue to abide by the Don Quixote family's regulations."

"Master Joker, of course, you will always be the king of the dark world of the North Sea." The sea king on the other side said with a smile.

"You don't need to compliment me." Doflamingo smiled calmly, "After I leave, I won't care about your life and death in Beihai, but no matter who sits on this dark throne in the end, or you share Share this benefit, but the one that belongs to me in the end cannot be less."

"Are there any objections?" Seeing that everyone was silent, Doflamingo asked, lying on the chair, his voice seemed to have a trace of pressure.

Dashi Xiao had been sitting quietly in his chair without making a sound. He wanted to see what the big brothers of the North Sea Dark World gathered today are like, but after seeing this, he was a little disappointed.

Although these people were all gangsters or powerful pirate leaders, none of them made him admire.

He was a little disappointed in his heart, but then he thought about it, the worse these people are, the better his chances of dominating the dark world of the North Sea in the future. However, the most urgent thing is to clarify the specific identities of these people, so that he can prescribe the right medicine and solve the problem in the future. .

"What percentage do you want...?" The Ocean King asked.

"Twenty percent of all transactions." Doflamingo told him directly without talking nonsense.


The shipping king was very hesitant, calculating the various costs of the shipping industry in his mind. If he took 20% of the profit for no reason, then he would not make so much.

In this way, the Don Quixote family was inexplicably robbed of 20% of the profit, if the Ocean King agreed, he would be a fool.

But he promised to be a fool, but not to promise is indeed a fool.

At the moment when the Ocean King was extremely hesitant, he suddenly felt as if his body was out of control, and then he drew the knife and slashed towards Doflamingo.

"What's wrong with me? I can't control myself..." The Ocean King was shocked, feeling like his body was manipulated, and then his heart was occupied by fear. He just wanted to exclaim, but it was too late, a transparent The thin line was drawn directly from the neck of Ocean King.

The head of the Ocean King was directly cut off and dropped on the huge round table with blood.

The crowd was terrified, and Torrepol, who had been standing next to Doflamingo, also called out Dover.

Dawn also watched this scene, and his emotions did not change. He saw everything in his eyes just now, but it was Doflamingo who used the parasitic line to control the Ocean King, and then killed it in good name. This is to shock the dark world. Big guys.

If you have a dragon face, don’t wave around, especially if you wave in front of the ferocious Doflamingo, isn’t it looking for death...

Dawn couldn't help thinking in his heart.

Everyone calmed down after seeing this scene, because this kind of thing is happening every day. The big guys in the North Sea dark world often change people. There is only one reason for the change, that is, they are killed. .

"It seems that you are used to shipping business, and you have forgotten who gave you the right and name for shipping by sea." Doflamingo gave you a cold look at the head of the person on the table, and then glanced at everyone. I was shocked by this oppressive look. This oppression was accompanied by a domineering aura, which was obviously domineering and domineering.

"The shipping king tried to assassinate me, but I solved it personally. Now who will take over the shipping business?" Doflamingo continued.

"Let me come, we have the ability to eat marine transportation in decibels." It was the loan shark who spoke.

"We Mailin also intends to expand the scope of business, and we have the strength to take advantage of the ocean transportation business." Elonkova confronted him tit-for-tat.

"We are doing aquatic products, and there is no difference between doing ocean shipping. It is just right to take over ocean shipping." This is a pocky-faced aquatic king.

Subsequently, others including the three captains of the pirate group and Gallack, the ruler of the entertainment district, were vying for the shipping business. The profit margin of this business was very large, but the leader of the reef, Ellen Shevfeng, remained indifferent.

"Reinhardt, leave it to you." Doflamingo said suddenly, everyone was taken aback, and then all stared at dawn.

Dawn smiled cheerfully: "No problem, my wine business and shipping business can be combined."

And Polkalia's shipping manufacturing plant is also under construction, and some merchant ships will be used for transportation in the future.

"Twenty percent profit." Doflamingo continued.


The shipping business was decided in this way. Although everyone was dissatisfied, they did not dare to disobey Doflamingo. They only sighed that Reinhardt was so lucky. The first time he participated in the Dark World Conference, he was able to accept North Sea Shipping. business.

In this way, Dawn was formally entered into the dark world of the North Sea.

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